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Everything posted by gamb00ler

  1. It seems you've forgotten some of Trumps worst actions that he has himself described as perfect.... your faculties are more suspect than Sleepy's
  2. As always, a successful con man knows his "customers" and the very, very best get glowing reviews from them.
  3. Even later in life it's good to have aspirations.
  4. That sucks. Ballot was mailed from US on Oct. 11, received on Oct. 15, completed and deposited at CM consulate Oct. 17. Here's hoping that as Election day draws nearer the Consular staff put in some extra effort/time.
  5. Probably an accurate statement but to have meaning you should give a little more context.... as in the numbers were previously in single digits.
  6. I thought it almost certain that you would not see the relevance of my post.... since it shows how wrong your original post is. As the J6 insurrectionists were yelling..... "Hang Mike Pence".... so I agree... "They tried to kill him"
  7. And for those who fancy a little history of the Trump family as a comparison to Harris's: https://www.thedailybeast.com/meet-freidrichpimp-profiteer-and-patriarch-of-the-trump-line/
  8. Jimmy should have gone to ask the same questions of attendees at a Harris rally.
  9. seems like the J6 House committee had a lot of questions that Navarro, Meadows, Bannon, et all were not interested in answering.
  10. 🤮
  11. He doesn't. Otherwise he'd have known that his statement was incorrect.
  12. Don't judge America by the Americans on this forum. They are not very representative of the general US population.
  13. What's left of the real Republican party are voting against Trump
  14. Trump would have succeeded in killing the ACA in 2017 (with no replacement) if he hadn't been such a dick and completely pissed off John McCain. It was Trump's own belligerence that caused his failure.
  15. It was the small office in Hang Dong where I asked. They're English was limited and my Thai nonexistant so clarity probably suffered. I did tell them that we had solar installed and a digital meter.
  16. They have to drape themselves with religion to seem legitimate. LOL https://www.propublica.org/article/church-no-affiliation-catholic-tribune-metric-media
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  17. There is an exemption of customs duties on household goods if you're moving to Thailand. There are a couple of issues that may prevent you from taking advantage of it. There is a limit of time after you move here that your later shipped goods would be eligible for the exemption. When my Thai wife and I moved here the company handling the Thai customs paperwork said the goods should be shipped under my wife's name as it was easier. We had no problem with customs as our goods followed us with only about 3 weeks delay. We had to pay duty on only a few things that were not considered household goods.... a step ladder and a box of basic automotive tools. All our clothes, bedding, furniture, kitchen ware, lamps, computers, TV, stereo, pictures, rugs, etc. were duty free. You probably should check with a customs brokerage firm for more reliable advice. We used Boonma. I only have a number for them in Chiang Mai, ‭0924856279‬. PS. I remembered emailing them so try this: inbound[at]boonma.com
  18. We have a substantial solar installation so our daytime load is covered by that. I went to a PEA office to ask about converting our 3 phase supply to TOU rates. I was at the Hang Dong PEA office but was told that I had to go the Chiang Mai office. I was also told that there would be a charge of 5714฿ for the rate switch. We already have a digital smart meter so I'm wondering why such a high charge.
  19. Since even the customers were fake, they probably only had Monopoly money in the till.
  20. LOL.... only the total of your earnings for each year appears on your statement from Social Security. It will include your earnings from any job where you gave the correct SSA #. There is only one income figure given for each year. It is not broken down to individual jobs you held. Do you ever check your posts for veracity?
  21. LOL.... ergo.... he's unelectable. Would you vote for the spiritual leader of the Church of the FSM? What if he believes in it?
  22. Most people don't understand that the US SSA is not funded by income tax. The other expenses you mention in your post are funded from US government general revenue. All SSA expenditures (retirement, disability, medicare benefits and administration expenses) are funded from employment and medicare taxes that are split between the employer and the employee. No other governmental programs take money from that source of SSA funding. However the US government does borrow from the trust funds that are accumulated from those employment taxes. As of Sep. 2023 the US government owes those trust funds $2.9 trillion. The US congress has occasionally temporarily adjusted the funding described above during recovery from a recession.
  23. I assume by "all digital" you just mean your financial institution doesn't send you any paper records. I have that arrangement with my primary brokerage. If I want a statement I can download a PDF that when printed is indistinguishable from what they would send via post.
  24. Thai-SS = social security provided by Thai government, I'm not clear on what is offered PITA= pain in the ass COR = certificate of residency (a letter issued by Thai Imm. to prove your home address)
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