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Everything posted by gamb00ler

  1. Typical BS about Trumps NY case made up by someone unwilling to invest any time/effort to uncover the details of the situation. You'd rather just accept crazy assumptions by other Trumpers who hope will convince the suckers. Here's the options open to the justice system to deal with Trump's convictions: https://apnews.com/article/trump-hush-money-conviction-what-happens-3cd52218c39ebc70a8514688ce33fcef
  2. Hunter Biden was not put forth to run for president so a felony conviction for him is not much of a stain on the reputation of the US government. It was the jury in the NY felony case that established Trump is a convicted felon with a unanimous verdict on all 34 counts. After sentencing, Trump will be able to submit an appeal.
  3. Are you a relative of Trump's.... you have the same characteristic of never admitting an error that he exhibits.
  4. Did you purposefully drop the word "complaint" from your quote? It's essential to include it because the reference is not to a 'felony' but to a 'felony complaint' which is a simplified document that charges a person with a felony crime. As you will see in a longer and earlier post by me, a more complete and accurate explanation about 'felony complaint' is given.... You need to make sure you don't make errors like your truncated quote to be taken seriously.
  5. I would love the opportunity to bet that Trumps grades at Wharton would at best be considered embarrassing. If they were are least average Trump would insist on them being published. Remember Trump is the guy who had fake covers of Time created and hung in five of his golf clubs.
  6. The felony charges in NY state vs Trump were from a grand jury indictment... not a felony complaint. In New York, felonies typically require a grand jury indictment to move forward with formal charges. The prosecutor presents evidence to a grand jury, a panel of citizens, and the grand jury decides whether there is enough evidence to formally charge the person with a felony. If the grand jury finds sufficient evidence, it issues an indictment. The defendant does not have a right to be present at the grand jury proceedings, but they may have a lawyer assist them in preparing for the process. Alternatively, in some cases, the defendant may waive the grand jury process, and the case can proceed via a felony complaint. Do not pass GO, and do not collect $200. Please up your games.... my interest in educating Trumpers is waning quickly
  7. Where does your link described the process where the "verdict to be entered"? That happens when the jury reaches a unanimous decision, returns to the court and jury foreman delivers it. The verdict is undoubtedly recorded and then the case proceeds to the sentencing phase. The Trump NY trial is in that sentencing phase. Did you read the first line of text on the page you quoted? Or rather I should ask did you understand the simple English statement I have copied below. That looks amazingly similar to the definition given in the glossary. Thanks for playing.... you still have 2 more tries before striking out completely. Please put forth a better effort... it's somewhat embarrassing having to explain this stuff to so many desperate Trumpers. "Conviction" means the entry of a plea of guilty to, or a verdict of guilty upon, an accusatory instrument other than a felony complaint, or to one or more counts of such instrument.
  8. Of course to the uneducated and inexperienced... nothing is obvious.. you've nicely confirmed you lack of knowledge. It seems you're so naive that you expect some simple, cheap and effective solution for a planet wide problem.
  9. I provide truth and clarity to debunk one of the fabrications used by Trump supporters to attempt to wash away his stench. I offered no comparison. Did you acquire the Trump obsession while living in US or did his insanity seep over the border and distort people's world view in Canada as well?
  10. You've succumbed to the misinformation typical of those on the right. In NY state, the jury determines guilt vs innocence. If guilty verdict or guilty plea a criminal defendant is convicted. The judge then sets the sentence. The final step is the judge ends the case. Appeals cannot be filed prior to the judge's closing of the case. Trump has been found guilty and according to NY state courts is now a convicted felon. See here for the definitions of legal terms published by the NY state courts: https://www.nycourts.gov/courthelp/goingtocourt/glossary.shtml Here's the pertinent text for those unwilling to read information that doesn't fit their personal viewpoint: conviction: In a criminal case. A finding of guilt either by plea or by trial. Don't you ever wonder why the extremely litigious Trump hasn't sued the media/opponents for incorrectly calling him convicted? Simply stated... he doesn't have any facts on his side and would once more suffer complete legal embarrassment.
  11. That's a pretty naive list of requirements. I suppose if you had a child with a congenital heart defect you'd be waiting for the same kind of affordable, acceptable and effective solution when in reality the only hope is a prohibitively expensive and painful heart transplant. Talk about an overly simplistic opinion which admirably serves to illustrate your lack of knowledge and concern.
  12. I know you can't see it in the mirror, but TRUMP is tattooed on your forehead in that signature scarlet. You don't need one of his Chinese made hats. It will take some serious effort on your part to make that mark disappear. Start with a few dozen posts with actual facts in them.
  13. Let me wipe the Trump spittle from your glasses so you can see this: https://www.cnbc.com/2019/11/06/cyclist-fired-for-flipping-off-presidents-motorcade-wins-local-office.html
  14. Many are saying you surely can find a better forum to post your information free twisted imaginations. Try this one: https://www.wireclub.com/topics/books,dark_fantasy
  15. You guys just keep offering up topics that are just too clownishly tempting.... not my fault, not my issues. What you see as difficulties .... we see as target practice.
  16. We hadn't yet figured out any methods to kill every human.
  17. brave.... or .... foolish..... the jury will be out and busy for some time yet
  18. I'm thinking there's a mysterious but consistent distortion that takes between the printed/rendered page and the MAGAn mind. We need to get some scientists working on this. Maybe something like a lobotomy would help. There's not much risk that it would make matters worse.
  19. I suggest you patch them up and then use them as an extra mattress pad which will help prevent sweat/body oils reaching the mattress.
  20. I've had great results with Tulip brand. My hot chocolate gets rave reviews. You'll need heat and pressure to make a paste to use in hot chocolate.
  21. Oh LOOK! The MAGA marionette team has a new topic. I love the Keystone Cops roles you guys have perfected. Do you have any accompanying video? Do these topics give you a woody as hard as your actual head? Weren't you guys just recently whining about so many posts demeaning #47 as a candidate and his followers?
  22. From the first line of the article you linked: House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) along with Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO) issued the following statement I don't think you could find a more partisan biased quote. LOL I can find a quote that says just the opposite: The tax legislation that President Donald Trump signed in December 2017 significantly reduced federal revenues, with the largest tax cuts going to the richest Americans. Following the enactment of these tax cuts, federal revenues fell dramatically—as the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) and Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projected would occur at the time the law passed1—and they remain below projections of federal revenues made prior to their enactment. from: https://www.americanprogress.org/article/the-trump-tax-cuts-led-to-record-low-not-high-revenues-outside-of-a-recession/ The recent history of federal revenues can be found here: https://www.thebalancemoney.com/current-u-s-federal-government-tax-revenue-3305762 Your use of 2022's revenues to show the power of 2017 tax cuts is hilarious. The COVID stimulus payments, inflation and the strong post COVID recovery boosted those numbers greatly . You really need to step up your analysis (if any) of the filtered information you soak up.
  23. ..... ahhhh.... you're one of those.. LOL did you look up the definition NY state uses for the word conviction? No? you must be afraid to look. Let me help you with your fear of Google: https://www.nycourts.gov/courthelp/goingtocourt/glossary.shtml
  24. is your Google broken? NY state, porn star ... start there. And then, NY state, definition, "convicted"
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