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Everything posted by gamb00ler

  1. Hopefully his attempts will wake up the MAGA minions to the threats posed by Trump/Musk.
  2. Poor Joe R. He's oblivious the fact that his popularity/influence is regressing to its true value.
  3. Lots of socialistic practices/policies exist in the USA. In fact some of them are so popular that any political party that attempts to restrict them would go down in flames. Do your homework and report back.
  4. My experience diverges from your description. I use only WiFi calling and texting on my UM sim and get 100 minutes and 100 SMS free every month. I am not charged .10 for the first 100 SMSs. Perhaps I would be charged for any SMS after the free ones. I have disabled UM autopay for my monthly fee. UM still attempts to collect by autopay but that fails and then UM withdraws the $3 fee from my UM wallet every month. Periodically, I add a lump sum to my UM wallet from my US credit card. I pay only the $3 monthly which actually cost me about $3.18 due to taxes added during topping up of my UM wallet. I moved my local Thai mobile service to an e-sim on my phone. I don't know if UM could be set up as an e-sim. I have never used UM in the US except when my US based friend did the UM initial setup for me.
  5. I'm just down the street from you... LOL.... I'm not in USA either but my UltaMobile PayGo sim gives me a legitimate US mobile number with plenty of free minutes/sms every month for my needs. It costs $3.18/month. I have an e-sim for local service from True.
  6. The Canadian consulate in CM lists the "letter of income" as a separate category from statutory declarations which do have the caveat that they're for use in Canada.
  7. In my case they would not provide the letter unless I showed them letters from Service Canada showing my Canada Pension Plan benefit and my Old Age Supplement benefits. The letter to Thai Immigration simply showed those same numbers and asked that Immigration consider me for my annual extension. Of course, the Consulate took those letters at face value. AFAIK they don't have any way to check if the letters were 100% legitimate.
  8. You're definitely mistaken as to the reason for the 15 ฿ debit from your account. To determine what triggered the debit, request a statement covering the day where a 15 ฿ fee was deducted. On your statement the date and time of each transaction is given including the minute. Find the entry for the fee deduction. Then find another transaction that occurred at the same time as the fee debit. This transaction is the one that triggered the fee. You can request a statement using your bank's phone app.
  9. I just hope that those Canadians only want to get out ahead of April Fools.
  10. It doesn't seem like you followed the conversation between @Patong2021 and myself. Your comment doesn't make sense in the context of that conversation. You're correct that my solution would not work for Thai Immigration.... but that is not what Patong and I were talking about.
  11. I used the Canadian consulate's letter earlier this month. I took in copies of letters from Service Canada showing both my monthly pension amounts. I also get a US SS pension and they also provide a letter showing my benefits. My solution for the Canadian Consulate to verify the pension amounts is for Service Canada to provide verification of the letter contents to the consulate. Both organizations are part of the same government after all.
  12. My post never mention anything about taxation of income. Your post only referenced wages... .not other income. You appear confused.
  13. BKK bank didn't stop the counter "cash advances" at all branches. My local stand alone branch will do them, but the local Big C mall branch won't. I tried an advance about a week ago. The bank ran my US debit card through the machine but my US bank declined it. There had been zero activity on my debit card for 2 years and the bank's fraud protection blocked the transaction. I verified that the blocked transaction was for the amount I requested. I've since sorted that out and I will be back to redo it in the next couple of days.
  14. As your very first post, it's a great harbinger. It clearly illustrates that your understanding of the world does not extend past your fingertips and is unaided by the voices of reason and experience. You'll fit right in with the recent crop of new AN posters.
  15. The key to clear communication is knowing your intended audience. Kudos to @cdemundo
  16. LOL... ranting about diets when you haven't bothered to learn the correct definition of "diet". sad sadder and saddest.
  17. LOL - most of the wealthy have 0 in wages and your rant above completely ignores that fact. The wealthy own businesses >> no wages, or live off investment income >> no wages. Only ill informed small business owners with simple ownership structures are considered self-employed and earn "wages". The taxation of wage earners in USA is not well thought out.
  18. We choose to not end up sounding like you... so we read.
  19. According to the 2024 Human Freedom Index, Switzerland was the freest country at that time. That sounds reasonable to me. I know little about the country and not a clue who leads it. https://www.cato.org/human-freedom-index/2024
  20. The End Of The World As We Know It
  21. At least from the US, if you're transferring more than about $23,000 (775K ฿) SWIFT transfers yield more ฿ than WISE transfers. The best Krungsri rate is 1.5% with a limit of 2 free withdrawals/month. SCB pays the same rate in their EZ Savings account with never any charge for withdrawals. For 200 ฿ each, SCB also gives the bank letter and 12 month statement from any branch in about 15 minutes at the teller. There is no bank book for that SCB account but Immigration has been OK with that for my last two extensions.
  22. except when 2/3 of both houses insist. The veto proof majority overrules the President. That by definition means the president does not have final authority. When the President refuses to sign a bill passed by >50% the bill goes back to the originating house for further consideration. That house then decides if they want to override the Presidential veto. As usual you have again been promulgating at best half truths.
  23. CM didn't do my 90 day report that was due on Feb. 10 when I did my extension on Feb. 6. I forgot to ask them to do it. I returned to the drive through window the next day. Thankfully, it's only a 15 minute drive.
  24. There is a Cotto specific tile shop not too far from Central Airport. I don't think Boonthavorn carries every Cotto tile. https://maps.app.goo.gl/J8Am8vUd5vPNPKGo6
  25. The best advice I've heard that came to mind when I read your comment is: when you know so little about an issue it is better to listen than shout. Many, many nations contributed to winning WWII and/or the cold war. All but one of them did not have a political system like the US had/has.
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