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Everything posted by gamb00ler

  1. Guessing seems to be your greatest strength. You can keep it sharp by buying lottery tickets.
  2. Everyone needs to look over their shoulder when idiots are given the reins of power and influence. RFK jr should go to jail for the Samoan children that died because of the lies he spread to influence their parents to avoid the measles vaccines
  3. Your claim to have some sense.... is unfounded.
  4. You don't understand any science.. you fill your head with someone else's opinion of science
  5. you're just scared because you have not made the effort to learn... all too common unfortunately.
  6. Why don't you do a compare and contrast between the old vaccine technology and the new MRNA methods? Perhaps then we'll know you understand. Until then we remain naturally skeptical that you understand why MRNA is much easier than the old technology.
  7. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 188 seconds  
  8. My "children" have fur and 4 legs and they have been scared rather than entertained by the low flying jets.
  9. It seems more likely you chose to ignore the history you don't like.
  10. Hmmmm... a history "buff".... LOL Is this episode part of the history you've studied? https://www.voanews.com/a/republicans-voted-to-impeach-trump-after-capitol-riot-but-only-2-will-remain-in-congress-/6705694.html
  11. In previous searches years ago I found articles that supported your statement. In recent searches I couldn't find a good source for what your post states. I did find the information I posted earlier about having two choices regarding taxation of interest. Do you have a link to recent information on taxation of interest?
  12. I wonder why you are so certain of your ability to discern the motives of many thousands of people you've never met. You unnecessarily assail those who hold your twisted notions about science in low esteem.
  13. In an earlier post is this thread I stated that the first 20,000฿ of interest earned was exempt from taxation. That is not correct. Perhaps it was in previous years. Currently you have a choice of two options regarding taxation of interest. Option A is let the banks take 15% withholding and then you don't include your interest in your taxable income. This option is only available if the total interest you received is 20,000฿ or less. Option B is you include the total interest you earned in your annual income, calculate the tax owed, then reduce the calculated amount by the amount (if any) that the banks withheld from your interest payments. Option A is better if your annual income puts you in a Thai tax bracket where the rate is greater than 15% ( >> 750K฿) .
  14. SCB does have the EZ Savings account that pays 1.5% on daily balance up to 2M. The interest is paid every month on the 25th. There is no bank book for that account. CM Immigration did accept it when I used it to hold the funds required for my annual extensions.
  15. There are some banks that restrict certain accounts to Thais only. Sometimes those pay more interest but often they only have some other non-monetary benefits.
  16. If your bank cooperates when you have a Thai tax ID, they will not withhold the 15%. None of my banks (SCB, Kasikorn, Bangkok and Krungsri) take any withholding from my interest payments. The first 20,000 of interest income is exempt from tax. Amounts above that exemption are taxed at the tax rate applicable according to your annual income. Bangkok bank will always withhold the 15% from fixed deposit accounts even if you have a Thai tax ID on file with them.
  17. Since you love useless statistics I'll give you one about GOP states. All the states that have more cows than voters voted for #47.
  18. You've pointed out a fact that is totally irrelevant to the US election process. Please proceed directly to the bottom of the logic class.
  19. In you own best interest you should learn more about statistics and simple mathematics before posting on the topic. But, if on the other hand you don't mind being the butt of posts pointing out your obvious weakness.... then carry on as you were.
  20. The US Constitution provides that the House of Representatives “shall have the sole Power of Impeachment”. In other words, the Senate has NO role in the impeachment. The Senate conducts the trial and issues the verdict. Impeachment is equivalent to the grand jury process where evidence is presented by those seeking to remove/punish the misdeeds of a president. There is no opportunity for the target of the impeachment to provide a defense... which mirrors the grand jury process. An impeachment is complete when a simple majority in House of Representatives approve the Articles of Impeachment.
  21. The voice of authority with none. You need to refresh/reread what impeachment means in the US.
  22. Perhaps you didn't ask the bank service center the questions that will clarify your situation. The bank may have accounts that pay no interest. Call the bank service center and verify what type of account you have and ask them if you are eligible for a savings account that pays interest and what documents will they require to open an interest bearing account. I am currently earning interest on savings accounts at Krungsri, Kasikorn, SCB (1.5%) and Bangkok banks.
  23. You don't believe anything said by anyone who disagrees with you, so why bother asking?
  24. don't know the answer but I do know it's a real pain if you let your license lapser for more than a year. The DLT said if my license was expired less than a year the renewal process is the same as not expired.
  25. my experience was 1 original and 1 copy of each.. in Sep 2024 when switching to 5 year from 2 year licenses
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