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Everything posted by gamb00ler

  1. If you are sending to Bangkok bank you have two options. The original direct deposit method for SS to Thailand was through Bangkok bank's New York office and the receiving account had extra restrictions on accessing the funds on deposit. Withdrawals from this account could only be done in person by the account holder. A few years ago SS created another direct deposit method (IDD) that could utilize a regular savings account at most Thai banks. The funds in these accounts can normally be accessed the same as most savings accounts. The two methods use different exchange rates and fee structures. A member of AN compared the two methods and posted which one is best based on the amounts transferred. Read the posts by @Pib on the first page of this thread: https://aseannow.com/topic/1259608-us-social-security-deposit-in-bangkok-bank-new-york-questions/
  2. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 147 seconds  
  3. OP does require an IDP because his license is not in English so obviously not a UK license. IDP serves as a translated version for him.
  4. This statement indicates some fish are smarter than you. The fish know that they're safer sticking with the crowd.
  5. It looks to me like the Thai taxation of US Roth account distributions bears a strong resemblance to a viper pit. One could easily sustain several bites if not careful. My Roth accounts have been created from IRA conversions and as such have already been taxed. I assume since US has only secondary taxation rights (but at 0% rate) I should be able to claim a credit against future taxation by Thailand. On the surface that seems bass ackwards. I like @JimGant's approach that despite temporarily residing in IRA and then Roth accounts, the funds are (in my case, at least) comprised solely of pre 2024 income.
  6. I did have neutrals run to two locations each with 6 separate lighting circuits. The two locations I chose will likely be the only places requiring automation. My house has decent access to the wiring above the ceiling in most areas and the in-wall conduit had room for one more wire. The neutral line at the switches is just to supply power to the WiFi transceivers to control the lighting relays. The power draw will be extremely low.
  7. There's your projection cutting in again.... I think I've had 5 beers and maybe 4 glasses of wine since COVID. As for the gambling.... most people call it gambling whereas I call it mathematical advantage and a solid living for 25 years. A living with a lot of free time, no boss and awesome perquisites.
  8. It's never too late/out of season/a waste of time to point out your failures in logic.
  9. I believe all the mind readers are on vacation at the moment. Maybe you could give us non-readers a hint of exactly where and how you're trying to copy? Using a mouse? Or, using the keyboard to position the cursor and then select?
  10. A typical "but what about..." response when you can only spout nonsense about the discussion at hand.
  11. I made another trip to CM airport Imm. office. I took in a certified extract provided by the state in US where we married. The Thai worker at the Information window took it to an Immigration officer who stated that the document would be accepted as verification of our marriage (in '99!). To summarize CM Immigration want the KorRor 22 and further evidence of a marriage performed outside Thailand. In my case a certified copy of the US state's marriage record is acceptable.
  12. @khunphil I don't think you can do that renewal online, but I'm not an expert. You will need a health certificate.
  13. I dropped in to verify that my Kor Ror 22 was indeed correct. The CM Imm. info desk affirmed the KR 22 was good, but stated I also need more proof. I was given a printed copy of documents for a marriage extension. Item #3 on the list stated I need a Kor Ror 22 AND a "Letter from a government office, embassy, or consulate for certifying that the applicant belongs to the referred family. (Certifying by Ministry of Foreign Affairs)" The bolding is as it appears on the list. The fellow at the Info counter said it may be possible to satisfy them if I just bring a copy of my US marriage license. I am still able to get income letter from my consulate. I have previously been on retirement but the amount of my pensions has fallen due to the strength of the Thai ฿ so I may dip below the amount required by Imm. for retirement extension. I hope to switch to a marriage extension. ALSO: I went to get a Residence Certificate but needed a copy of the TM30 receipt so I went to get one in the office back by the copy shop. The two young ladies working there said I needed to renew/update/verify my residence about once a year. They said this is required even if I don't leave Thailand. I've been here for more than 4 years with the first 3 in a rental. I never have been told about this TM30 requirement before. Their English grammar in that TM30 office seemed lacking so it is very conceivable that I misunderstood. We are now living in our (in wife's name) house for 20 months and I won't ever be living anywhere else. Do I need to update TM30 despite not leaving Thailand?
  14. Depending upon which Thai bank, it may be as simple as doing the transfer from the phone app for your bank.
  15. We had to prove that my wife hadn't been back to Thailand in the preceding 12 months. We had to send her brand new passport and her previous passport to Bangkok to get her travel details checked.
  16. The customs regulations that I read stated that a foreigner moving to Thailand had the same exemptions as a Thai person who was repatriating after a long stay overseas. However, our customs broker said it was easier if every thing was done under my Thai wife's name as she was indeed repatriating after 48 years abroad. They also insisted that she must have not made a trip to Thailand in the preceding 12 months.
  17. We moved from US to CM in late 2020 and shipped a 20' container of household goods. We had two bedroom sets each with 4 pieces and there was absolutely no problem through customs. The custom regulations that I read did limit things like TV's and other electronics to one for a single person or two per family. We used International Sea & Air Shipping to organize the container packing, transport to closest sea port, container rental, container space on ship, customs clearance and final delivery to rental home in CM. We packed all our goods in moving boxes and furniture was wrapped in moving blankets secured with poly strapping. We did have several conversations with the Thai customs agent. I was somewhat skeptical after talking to them about some details. In the end we paid duty on only a few items that were not considered "household" goods. An aluminium ladder, 1 of 2 bicycles(?) and a tool box full of general tools like wrenches, hammers, screwdrivers, etc. I think our customs bill was 1200 ฿. Our inventory was not that detailed but was acceptable. The customs broker was Boonma with offices in CM and Bangkok and probably Lam Chabang as well. DM me if you need more details/advice.
  18. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 120 seconds  
  19. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 120 seconds  
  20. Thailand may decide to tax global income. It is very unlikely they will tax assets.
  21. I understand that using an ATM owned by a Thai bank you can choose to allow the Thai bank to do the conversion rather than taking the card processor's rate. Is that also possible when making a retail purchase?
  22. I think it's unlikely that you can pay in US$ with a credit or debit card in Thailand. Usually the hospital's agreements with the VISA/MasterCard processing companies would limit them to Thai ฿ transactions. In the US those companies insist all purchases are processed in the local currency (US$). I think paying with US currency would be easily accomplished.
  23. This is the guy with deluded claims that US citizens can withdraw tax free from their IRAs/401Ks if residing in Thailand. Stay away!
  24. I reduce my exposure even further. I only transfer to the daily account 4K at a time. If I do happen to have a need for more, it only takes me 30sec to initiate another transfer from the main savings account. My main savings is an EZ Savings at SCB paying 1.5% with unlimited free transfers in and out. Since I learned how to do cardless withdrawals I rarely use my ATM/debit card so the limit is set to 0 until its needed. My wife knows my PIN and how to move money so I told her to empty my account before I'm cold and stiff.
  25. Buy the new fashion rage, elephant pants, add a long sleeve T-shirt... all set for the winter indoors.
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