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Everything posted by wwest5829

  1. Wish you good luck but be prepared for frustration. A young, as yet unmarried Thai female, no longer having need to return to Thailand, education completed. Persevere or get married in Thailand and then go to settle in USA.
  2. Perhaps, I have not studied the data. If we want the best educators we need to look for both the dedication and be willing to provide the economic incentives. Always amazed me was the argument that in order to attract and retain the best in corporate leadership we must provide a high compensation package. Apply that to educators (not the education corporate administrators) and we are told it is just not affordable. I have no issue with professional responsibility but … right now, little or no balance of citizen responsibility in support of educators (nor, it seems others in public services).
  3. Very funny, seeing as you are ignorant of my background. Reality was while teaching history, I required my students to be able to locate the countries we studied and be able to spell the names of those countries correctly (I accepted the spelling in English or that country’s language). I was the guy you wanted to avoid in studying history, I actually wanted my students to study and learn. As part of the result, pay raises partly based on student evaluations, sees me retired in Thailand. I cannot afford to have a working middle class retirement in the USA on my $2400.00 usd per month.
  4. I would react after teaching for 41 years but … as I retired in 2011 … good luck, just glad to not have to be dealing with such attitudes today.
  5. Flying certainly has lost its luster from earlier times when I looked forward to the travel, the lounges during layovers. The short trip to Bangkok from Chiang my recently was tolerable as it was brief. On our Our monthlong trip to the states in Spring was the only way to make the trip. Within Thailand, I prefer driving.
  6. Thanks for cutting some slack for my 76 years. Just do not have the strength I once had. Some here seem to think I should just stay home.
  7. That is the weight for free. Last flight from CNX to Bangkok, I paid the extra amount in case My packed carry-on exceeded to free allowance. Having flown since 1965 to multiple countries on multiple airlines, I was surprised on this most recent flight not to have the young male FA in the aisle not offer to assist as I lifted the bag to place in the overhead compartment. Ha! Guess I really am getting younger looking than my 76 years.
  8. I have returned to a regime of Quaker Instant Oatmeal with honey, blueberries or banana every other day. The regular breakfast on other days is usually a boiled egg, slice of toast with cheese and 3 small cocktail sausages. Dropped my cholesterol reading from 94 to 74 on last checkup.
  9. OK, I hit the laughing face but really … so sad to read such comments. I would welcome Trump as a candidate. If the voting American citizens would not firmly, overwhelmingly reject him … so be it, I would no longer have a country to believe in and defend.
  10. Four independent citizen based Grand Juries heard the evidence and determined there was reason to charge the defendant and bring them to trial. Now, an additional four Trial Juries made up of independent American citizens will listen to the facts presented and determine if all or any or the 91 separate charges of illegality are valid. My bet is on this total of over 100 American citizens to make the determination.
  11. Is it an Atlanta jury? Don’t think so … a Fulton County Trial Jury. So I pulled up the map, a very large area and … no one should miss that both prosecutor and defense agree on the Trial Jury pool.
  12. There you go! Citing direct quote evidence.
  13. Rather diplomatic, Tug!
  14. You may assume I am not, “laughing with you” …
  15. I'm thinking, around the globe.
  16. Looking at history, I would observe that in order to bring change, it is most often that you have a society organization not taking care of the interests of at least a substantial number of the citizens. That is where first Mao and many others first gained their support. Agreeing with you, noting Thaksin's citizen support base in the Thai North. As to institutional support, his was in the RTP force rather than the Army (thus the current police hospital care).
  17. And you have examined the patient in question after receiving your medical degree from? Individuals vary. I too am 76 and a heart patient. Doing fine here in Chiang Mai but I use the air conditioner, thank you. My two satang worth ... I will leave this to the six Doctor team overseeing his care.
  18. Was going up Doi Suthep and certainly was pulled over, along with others. No issue for me, greeted the fellow and stated that I have lived in Chiang Mai for more than ten years already (while showing my Thai Driver’s License). Cop complimented me of having a Thai Wife and off we went. Just does not bother me. If the officer had seen me before, then I am often waved through.
  19. His statement can be taken as an accusation “Chalong Police want money from everyone”.
  20. My bet is on his not having to serve 8 years. Political deal pending or he would not have returned ... unless on death's door.
  21. Also the observed condition in participatory democracy … “counting heads, not is what is in those heads”. A dilemma.
  22. I am only mildly curious to learn if it was primarily Christian Missionary pressure, as is documented in so many other cultures, or if it was a Thai motivated change primarily to be seen as an advancing country.
  23. If I recall, the soul goes. The body has to wait for the resurrection (when the oceans will give up her dead … US Navy burial at sea?).
  24. Perhaps using the “imperial we”? Tongue in cheek …
  25. Agree. I suppose, having been raised on the East US Coast had something to do with my outlook. I saw two cemeteries, with some graves dating back to the founding of the country “moved” in order to use the space for businesses. That and the “ashes to ashes, dust to dust” thingy. Add in my inclination toward Buddhist teachings and that is the way I go. Not important … if later genealogy work by family? My life is well recorded in the records kept on us in our time period.
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