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Everything posted by wwest5829

  1. As renewed Passports are issued through the Embassy in Bangkok, I would think that the cards would also be issued only there. But I have not done so. I use my US Passport and Thai Driver's License as the two IDs if required.
  2. In over a decade I have heard a couple of those bounce off the helmet. A direct hit to the eye would be serious and, no doubt would result in going down on the bike.
  3. When first arriving, I was recommended to wear a hemet with a face shield to keep road dust out of the eyes. Good advice.
  4. I wanted to thank you for the personal insult for which you are unjustified. I'm retired, my Wife and I love the motorbike travel. We also always wear helmets. The car is used when needed for shopping, long trips, weather. Ha! Driving in Thailand is a sure test for "Old Timer's" (not to make light of the condition). Your brain must be firing on all synapsis or ... accident/death. Fair game to make your judgement only if I continue to drive after I detect deterioration of thinking/reflexes.
  5. Just happy my Thai Wife and I met in later life. With a 26 year age difference, that would have been a problem for many earlier years. Having seen her earlier photos, I have no doubt I would have been attracted to her. As a retired educator, having taught 6 years at the Junior high/middle school level and another 6 years at the high school level … automatic “danger Will Rodgers”. No question that their hormones were raging … males with testosterone poisoning want to challenge you … the girls practicing feminine flirting. Yikes! Some times … but YO! NO!!!
  6. Not medical doctor. But sometimes I have found this result of low blood sugar or low blood pressure. So far, corrects itself pretty quickly. If I think I need it (rarely) a Pepsi Cola answers the sugar boost. Do make sure the water intake is looked after in the heat/along with exercise. Just my two satang …
  7. Sexercise? Just kidding, please don’t take any offense.
  8. Recently stayed at FX Metro (part of Furama group). Right around the corner from underground, one stop to Skytrain. Cannot recommend for gym nor swimming pool. All else was fine, room, breakfast, location, service, etc.
  9. Booking.com and Agoda are the same company (but different) now if I recall correctly. Gotta watch these guys (actually all) as the prices stated can fluctuate quite a bit. I think I recall returning to a hotel and the price magically increased substantially.
  10. If I were in the market I would go here also.
  11. " ... insult to the Thai people"? As in having elected governments overthrown by military coup d'etat?
  12. Certainly is my case. Living pay day to pay day ... on my retirement budget of $2200.00 USD a month here in Thailand (family of three0.
  13. Responded with the “laugh” you would be correct to think I am laughing at you, not with you. Damn … I got sucked into the tolling, sorry.
  14. Same here in Chiang Mai. Tech guy if I need him. 400 baht a month. Movies, news, etc. More content than I would ever need. I use 3BB for my wifi home connection to the box.
  15. That was the question raised in my mind … wonder how many of us could read the sign posted if in Shanghai (in Chinese, of course). I have long forgotten most of what I learned studying there in 1986.
  16. Previous to my March/April visit to the USA for a month long stay, I went online and bought an eSIM from T-Mobile (iPhone). Just directed the phone to switch to the T-Mobile number upon landing in the USA.
  17. Agree with Novacova, if you have doubt just call to check. Unfortunately, the na redo wells out there trying to game the system opens is all up to immigration rechecking randomly.
  18. My memory at Malpensa Airport .... Our Spanish language study group was moving through security for our USA return flight. I collected hats and had a Guardia Civil patent leather hat in my bag (which the security guy held up to show the other security guys ... smiles all around). The professor was not so fortunate as she was wearing a pin of the Basque separatists. They questioned her at length!
  19. One of the considerations for those of us taking blood thinners is that laser use seals the skin whereas cyro use allows the bleeding.
  20. I have been retired in Chiang Mai for over a decade. I have maintained USA based credit cards. My "Venture" card charges the baht to USD without adding any additional fee. Plus, I earn "points" on the dollars spent. I use the card only for hospital, or other major charges (car repair, for example). As a result during our April trip to the USA, the total hotel bill for a weeklong stay in the Disneyworld area of over $1000.00 USD was paid by applying earned points ... $1K USD free!
  21. And after being vetted by both Prosecution and Defense attorneys.
  22. “Knock on wood” I have not had any problem using the Wise app. on my iPhone. Next monthly transfer will be ordered the first week in September.
  23. I was raised across the river from Philly, so, a mid-Atlantic accent. But then I went to college and my working life was spent in Western Kentucky for 46 years. So, I figure I am bilingual being able to use “you all” and “youse guys” interchangeably. A colleague, after hearing me on the phone teased me that as I was talking to a mechanic, I used a “Billy Bob” accent. There may be some truth to that. I am a bit of a parrot. The “Irish lilt” might be detected, after studying in seven countries, I feel akin to their history, language, and cultures.
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