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Everything posted by wwest5829

  1. Thanks for that knowledge. I have only been effected by the FBAR requirement. I do not anticipate ever being effected by the higher limits by I was not clear on the amounts until you posted here.
  2. Perhaps of a more recent note for US Expats might be the decision this past week of SCOTUS to refuse review of the FBAR annual filing requirement. The lower court decision is upheld to take 1/2 of a woman's wealth as a penalty for not filing. With the Kingdom of Thailand requirement to keep 800K (retirement) or 400K (marriage) in a Thai bank, any US citizen who does, exceeds to $10,000.00 USD FBAR annual filing requirement. (Yes, I am aware of the alternative combo or monthly income method).
  3. Just an observation ... sounds like rural USA. Around the globe, I suppose. Causes problems if they push their ethnocentric thinking on others.
  4. Easiest is to ask the Embassy. They deal with this regularly.
  5. Ironic to see your comment as coming from Canada … irony? Because many in Canada and Eastern USA are wearing the masks due to forest fire pollution … You are correct, in Asia there is more of a prevalence of mask usage. True in Japan even before COVID and in China due to air pollution.
  6. Old enough to remember owning a Nokia Bag phone ...
  7. Blue Planet bag ... easily seen in the malls. Back pocket, iPad, paper for jotting things down. Inside this pocket is a zippered pocket where I keep my Passport, bank books. Outside back pocket holds my keys. Large inside pocket, wallet with credit cards, medical cards and cash, reading glasses, iPhone, small card holder for Makro, BigC, 1Card, etc., small flashlight, phone/iPad charger, earphones. In front of the main pocket is another, tissues, camping roll of TP, cloth kerchief, folding Japanese hand fan. Ha there is another zippered pocket on the front where I keep a couple of bandaids, toothpicks. What can I tell you ... Be Prepared was the Motto ... OK, OK but I am not in danger of leaving it and I do not frequent dicey places ... anymore. B9921 looks close.
  8. The phrase caught me also. I was not familiar … after a bit, it dawned on me … equals “caught sleeping”, not being aware of the sudden change. Then it made sense.
  9. Every right but why? Hmm, by extension I would think you might support international shipping respecting the unilateral claim by the PRC covering most of the South China Sea? Peace at any price, or all expected to conform to international agreements, in the case the Law of the Seas and the International Court declaring China as not conforming to international law? I count myself an old friend of China but I support all nations sailing freely in international waters ... China is not immune to overstepping.
  10. USA reaction to a... I assume you mean Chinese, Carrier Strike Group, off the coast of Washington, DC? First would be dismay that US intelligence did not pick up that China even had a Carrier Strike Group. 2nd reaction? International shipping along Bothe USA coasts takes place all the time conforming to the Law of the Seas agreement. You have an issue with free international waters navigation?
  11. I do hold some cash should I need immediate exit. Hopefully, it will remain untouched and will pass to my Thai Wife upon a peaceful passing ...
  12. I did not lift my foot high enough a couple of weeks ago going up the steps. Stuff happens ... no signs of dementia as yet.
  13. I confess to being a foot massage, "addict". Now over 12 years. For a Thai massage, I too would find most too much ... maybe an oil massage needing the muscles but not stressing them nor having sussed strong twists. Ha! Some truth there!
  14. Dear Kingdom of Thailand, You still consider me a "tourist". OK, min. 65K baht transferred in from the USA each month for over 12 years thus far (actually $316,800.00+ USD). And for the last 7 years supporting my Thai Wife and Stepdaughter. So, how does that compute for your sustainability? No more than two traffic fines (minor) in all that time. How about recognition as a Foreign Long Term Resident without the need for 90 day Reports (report only when changing residents)? No need for other foreigners to point out that I am dreaming or that it will never happen, like I said I have been here over 12 years ... but a guy can still hope ...
  15. Only interpreted as such due to the culture you are in or the observers outlook. My Thai Wife is 26 years younger but ... don't get excited at my 76 years of age, it means she is 50. Still, on a recent visit to the USA, there were a few observations interpreted by me as a bit envious.
  16. Just a consideration for the young. Yes, I understand getting a tattoo is more acceptable these days ... depending on the culture, of course. My youngest Son is greatly upset due to having tattoos and having that as a reason cited for not being acceptable for some law enforcement and military services. Whether one agrees or not, take a look at the higher social strata ... tattoos accepted. No I am not talking about entertainers (that includes sports figures). Again, you are not required to agree but you may be faced with dealing with social reality.
  17. Reason I do not get entangled. We saw in history what happens to Thai "neutrality" when push comes to shove. I do not fix blame on Thailand for wanting to preserve their nation ... and I recall how they were able to do that in the past, in all its aspects. I believe there are a number of retired US military personnel around Udon Thani who can tell many a story. Sorry, currently rewatching, "Air America'.
  18. Agree as an American. Also agree with not selling the latest US fighter aircraft to Thailand. Maintain your balance ... Thailand has its hands full in suppressing Chinese inroads into Thailand.
  19. Biden? The current holdup was very publicly initiated by a US Republican minority. Clean vote on debt ceiling (to pay for already Congress approved spending). Then, absolutely a knock down ... drag out budget debate. What spending do Americans want ... military, social programs benefitting the working middle class upon whom any hope of a participatory democracy depends. and how to tax ourselves to pay for what we want the government to support.
  20. Used up my lifetime beer allotment in college so I leave this to others. Now, if oenophilists become involved let me know.
  21. I would take the bivalente Pfizer or Moderna booster here in Chiang Mai on the same free basis as my previous 3 shots.
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