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Everything posted by wwest5829

  1. Had two things confiscated over the years. Both I had forgotten had been in my roll-on in a misc. bag with a bit of emergency things. Folding lock blade knife immediately replaced after return home. The latest my "Leatherman Tool" which I had flown with in the roll-on many times. This time out going from BKK on the way to the USA this year.
  2. Keeping in touch with folks who have touched my life on six continents, reading, genealogy, going out every other day for coffee in a new location around the city of Chiang Mai.
  3. Or Putin's palace. Quite understandable. I am reminded of a thought from the movie. "Enemy of the State". Along the line of ... the first thing they do is to discredit you ... If Putin did not go after him it gives possible credence to top Russian military corruption/incompetence. I'm thinking it would be difficult to find anyone with clean hands among Russia's most powerful.
  4. Sad comment. Left = The election decided Joe Biden is elected. no factual evidence of widespread corruption (fact certified by dozens of court cases). Right = The election was stolen, there were severe breaches of in voting. Equal ... BS. One is fact, one is a lie. My vote will go for the facts every time. So ... color me a leftist.
  5. What I am more interested in seeing is a competitive social media clone to Facebook. I am getting notices of being, "restricted" for breaching "community standards" but am not shown/told what the exact post or comment fell afoul of the algorithm ...
  6. Philosophically I agree but ... not in accord with those who support the Peoples Republic of China government model.
  7. Oh, pleeeze Republican Party, nominate Trump or DeSantis ... pleeeze.
  8. My Thai Wife and Thai Stepdaughter traveled together with me to the USA at the end of march, returning at the end of April. Leaving Thailand (Suvarnabhumi), entering the USA (Atlanta), leaving the USA (Dulles) and returning to Thailand (Suvarnabhumi) we were processed together as a family.
  9. Thanks, I was not aware that you do not have to insert card or use phone app to conduct any business with our accounts.
  10. For over a decade, I have used my Bangkok Bank Account for daily living and transferring in my monthly 65K+ from the USA via Wise. I then transfer some funds to my separate Kasikorn Account which is kept in excess of 400K baht to use in emergency, as backup for Visa Extension and to go to Wife when I croke.
  11. I agree that the sour stories outweigh the successful but ... I do recall over the last decade of reading positive stories so I have to disagree that on the Forum we hear "only Thai/Farang marriages that break down and turn volatile".
  12. And cut off receiving any foreign aid from all countries. Right ... that is not going to happen. Does this aid equate with meddling in elections? I am thinking it does not rise to that level. The conservative accusations, in this case, are simply their refusal to face the reality of their rejection by Thai voters.
  13. As a Professor Emeritus of History, I am very aware of US involvement in other countries internal politics ... the history is well documented but ... "always", nope. The Thai conservatives attack is due to the fact that they were rejected by the Thai voters and are looking to blame an outside source for their loss rather than facing that it was their policies that were rejected.
  14. We took Train #10 Chiang Mai to Bangkok at the end of March (I think it is #9 that runs BKK to CM). 1st class joined two compartments. Comfortable space, toilet and shower available on the hallway. Plenty of luggage space under the lower seat. Only issue for us was the air conditioning was set on high and evidently not adjusted ... froze! Overnight train arriving early morning and then we flew out of Thailand the next evening (rented a lower cost room during the day to freshen up and the hotel provided transport to the airport).
  15. Possibly the debt she owes, as well. Begs the question as source of the debt ...
  16. And if it happens this way … for all the world to witness. Talk about discrediting the nation …
  17. Agree that rates are influenced by many factors but a country's national politics is certainly one factor. The market does not favor instability.
  18. Thanks. I agree after having introductory study in 7 languages, I would have used different terminology. As you point out, the French, Spanish, Italian translation lean more toward "my love" than "I love you". Ha! One of the first phases I learned in other languages ... that and how to order a glass of red wine!
  19. I focus on the totality as it signals to opposers to start to rally political power in opposition. As the Zen Master said, “we’ll see” ( stolen from the movie “Charlie Wilson’s War).
  20. You might “google” this article headline, “Move Forward Party to Submit 45 Bills for Amendments and New Laws”. Well, any discussion on speed is currently moot as there is no formed government as yet. Currently building the coalition on who, what, when and where.
  21. Yes, either the home owner or the government. I have been pleasantly pleased to see the increased number of curbs at street crossings being made wheelchair accommodating.
  22. First, I hope you are not misreading me. I certainly am not discouraging reform. I only caution dumping too many promises to reform too many things too quickly. Agreed there is pent up frustration/anger. I have witnessed this in the U.S., as well. Yes, as a retired Professor of History, I could go back to the books a cite specific reformed minded Popes and national political leaders who failed as a result of moving to do too much, too quickly and causing various interest groups to join together to bring down the reformer but then you are capable of researching this by asking the question on the internet. Much quicker to get references than my going back to the books … being long retired the specific names no longer pop readily into my head. Currently, I am occupied with reading Michener’s book, “Caribbean”. Great historical novel of the area and the social reforms, much of them racial, that were to come about. Drag your feet and resist change and you face the distinct possibility of revolt. Move too quickly and the greater the chance for major push back from those facing a loss of power/money from the current conditions slowing or stopping the reforms.
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