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Everything posted by wwest5829

  1. That is where my thought went ... build large forearms? Squeeze open spinach cans like Popeye!
  2. Certainly one of the main reasons of retiring to Thailand was my not being able to afford retirement in the USA. Many "developed economies" see working middle class folks in the same boat. Yes, I am an economic refugee fleeing the USA economy.
  3. Really? I thought I was rather backward at a lifetime count of 24. Half of that number here in Thailand. As to the annual count? When I first arrived and had a steady Thai gf it was 3 times a day (making up for a dry spell). Now at 76 I have slowed down cosiderably but if the numbers given are correct I am at least 20-30 years younger!
  4. For those interested, Trump currently faces 78 felony charges with more expected coming from Georgia. All in it will mean over 100 citizens sitting on three Grand Juries and four Trial Juries will have weighed the evidence presented, deliberated on the Prosecution and Defense presentations and make their decision. Any accusation that the result will be due to politics, I seriously reject.
  5. Well, perhaps when I first came and the previous exploratory trips. Now/ ha! All is relative, Wife 26 years younger and enjoying ourselves in my retirement. Not having to punch a time clock or deal with job stress and the sustainable income is there (knock on wood).
  6. Although we have noted that sometimes the lady giving instructions likes to take us on "adventures". The Wife thinks the direction lady is jealous of my following the Wife's instructions (Thai).
  7. Agree with her statement and reasoning.
  8. You might ask Jimmy at J&N Auto on the 2nd ring road near Global House. I suggest because he regularly restores old cars. He takes care on my 2002 Honda CR-V. Worked 15 years in the states so English is not a problem. 053140323 = shop number jnautoservice@gmail.com
  9. How did I miss it? Conservatives, not liberals founded the USA.
  10. Yes, yes … Republicans nominate Trump or DeSantis. Pleeeze. Best chance to see another Biden term. No? In that case, I no longer have a country that I could support, defend nor care about. Loose the support of the majority of the working middle class and you have lost the country already. If that is what the American voters want as the leader of ideals … so be it. I am already an economic refugee unable to afford to live in my own country in retirement.
  11. “However, the rising instances of unsuccessful Thai-Chinese marriages have particularly rattled the consulate office. Bhavivarn attributed this trend to Thai brides embarking on their marital life with unrealistic expectations and without a comprehensive study about life in China. The subsequent disappointment leads to several women seeking acquaintance with the consulate in a bid to return home”. Wondering if Thais are applying this to broader international relations with the Peoples Republic of China? Wise to recognize there is a wider application of reality here.
  12. History is replete with failed reformers who moved too quickly on too many fronts all at once. This brings dsparate interests to gather in opposition. Better to move to reform one issue at a time separating a minority which is interested in preserving the status quo on that one issue from others looking to preserve their interests in other matters.
  13. Ha! Yes, well here is the thing ... up until I reached the age of 26 ... Michael Douglas and I could have said the same thing.
  14. Wide variety in personal outlook. For some, including myself when I first arrived ... rent all from now on. Housing? Transport? Ha! Even the food we are just "renting ... so to speak). Female company? So much for the grand plan. I found after experiencing with different scenarios, that I wanted to have a female to share my life. While you might observe that at age 64 1/2 and after having 5 by-passes that it would be a good move for health reasons ... that was not my primary concern. The girl I was with was still with me when I had a heart attack in 2015. Still, conditions were such that I chose to no longer share my life with her. By 2017 my Wife and I found each other and could not be happier (not entirely true if anyone want to "Will" me about 400K USD, you could say you personally created a millionaire!).
  15. Agree if within the same culture. Da and I grew up in different cultures quite literally half a world apart. The same goes for education background. Still there is a happy convergence, I find. I a Thai girl is raised traditionally, she both looks to the male to provide economic security and knows it is in the family's interest to take care of him. For me, it was stepping back into the time period in which I was raised and so a comfortable fit. Agree, hard to find this in too young females (I had nothing but positive experiences when I first arrived at age 64 1/2). All that said, we count ourselves fortunate to have found each other by chance. Da is 26 years younger (do remember I am in my 70s now, so she is not a young girl ... except to me!).
  16. There in lies 'the rub". Smacks of earlier USA "literacy tests" purposely designed to restrict voting of blacks after a time of, by law, forbidding blacks to be taught how to read or write. Now? Allowing that an uneducated citizenry should direct the election of representatives, and their influencing the electorate through paid lobbied "propaganda" on how they should vote. I am thinking, this society is sadly doomed to failure. The ideal of the critical need for a basic minimum public provided education is essential but that education must be effectual. Again, sadly, far too many of my fellow citizens are woefully lacking in knowledge or critical thinking skills
  17. Addressing the last paragraph. I have and continue to wrestle with this. Yes, I feel I firmly support the idea of democracy. I want all citizens to have an equal vote. Then as an American, I am faced with an uneducated electorate ... not what the democratic ideal calls for ... an educated, engaged citizenry.
  18. Tongue in cheek ... get the numbers of Russians in Phuket up, Putin can declare he needs to send in military forces to protect the Russian speakers. After all, part of the rationale he used for invading Ukraine (and Hitler used to get the Sudetenland from the Western Powers ... peace in our times, indeed).
  19. Rarely do I use the “cool” setting on the air conditioner. But I regularly use the “dry” setting to reduce the humidity, especially now with the rain.
  20. Sorry, cannot give advice on this matter as I cannot identify … although I recognize it is very real for some folks. We are all different so, my spending a good part of the day reading is not for everyone. Being a student of history, I am also immersed in seeking out my genealogy both through the written documents (Ancestry) and through having taken the DNA tests. Currently reading, “Texas” by Michener while researching my Mother’s lineage in Texas while it was still part of Mexico. But that is just me … no doubt others would find the seeking out of more knowledge boring. As is oft said in Thailand, “up to you”. Not enough hours in the day for me.
  21. It is sad as I think the Thai National Parks could be developed into great tourist attractions.
  22. I need folks to allow for some slack with me. My relatives hauled the Philadelphia bound tea and set fire to it in Greenwich, NJ. It was only a small tea tax …
  23. Agreed. Took my Thai Wife and Daughter for a month tourist trip to the USA. Each of our 4 day Disney tickets equal cost. When I showed my Senior’s Pass at US Nat’l Parks … no separate or foreigner price for my guests. The girls were overwhelmed by the costs in the US, we all agreed we are better off financially living in Thailand. We loved our visit but … couldn’t afford to live there.
  24. I would just observe that I show my 5year Thai Driver’s License stating in Thai that I have lived in Chiang Mai for 12 years. I suppose the girl has some leeway As my Thai Wife and myself usually pay the same Thai price.
  25. I turn to the Wife and Daughter and say, sorry but I am a resident and will not pay this. Turn the car around and go …
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