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Everything posted by wwest5829

  1. I wore glasses since 5th grade for nearsightedness. 2017 I went to Rutnin Eye Hospital in Bangkok (Asoke area - all they do is eye related). Had both lense replaced with corrective lens. No need for glasses except for reading/computer (less than an arm's length). Unfortunately, at age 76 I am now dealing with "floaters". 2017 price for variable lens was $1800.00 USD for each eye. My insurance covered the cost.
  2. We both are very well aware that heads of organizations all use the expertise of the best advisors they can attract. Some chose to ignore the expertise and some time the expertise is faulty ... sadly.
  3. Just curious, which is a simple task? N. Korea? Ukraine? Domestic economy? The Peoples Republic of China? (Related to that, keeping the international South China Sea lanes open under international law, trade, spy balloons, Taiwan ...). I am told that there are those who see the world around them as just simple yes/no, right/wrong answers. Guess I am not one of them, my reality is complex and filled with the need, at the Presidential level for many subtleties that are above my pay grade (Ha! given that I am retired).
  4. Quite correct and I apologize for replying to the post regarding Germany. I fear my feelings reacted from my background rather than recognizing the post was off topic.
  5. I am all in favor of an agreement wherein Russia acknowledges that Crimea is sovereign Ukraine territory, in exchange for a 100 year lease (Lease payments as reparations), in exchange for Russian energy supplies for the Ukraine.
  6. Recently ordered tickets for the end of March as I am timing to coordinate with a Bangkok international flight. As Thai Rail will not allow booking more than a month in advance, I thought it best to use a business to order the tickets. Wish me luck that the reasoning pays off in getting the tickets.
  7. It has been awhile since I recall this being addressed. What does the annual road tax required insurance cover? would the bike, being insured not come into play?
  8. Knew someone "investing" in the Chiang Mai Forex scheme. When they told me that the return was !0% a month ... run Forrest run! I'm fine with my investment dollars returning about $5 K a year in dividends (plus stock value growth).
  9. My US cards inform me immediately when any charges are made. I would know if any false charge is made.
  10. Hmm, raise the contribution on income caps to match the rise in inflation since Social Security and Medicare came into being. No, not all at once but demonstrate raising the cap is long overdue and the reason is the wealthier citizens influence with politicians dependent on campaign contributions. A groundswell of support is needed from the American working class upon which any hope of continuing a participatory democracy depends. Loose their belief in the country and the USA is lost.
  11. As opposed to the Republican Party which always pays for the spending? Reality is that both parties are responsible for spending and being unwilling to tax to cover the spending. Yes, there is a difference as glaringly shown in the 2017 spending when the Republicans additionally cut taxation, primarily for the corporations and wealthy.
  12. I have been in Chiang Mai for over a decade and on the motorbike most days. I usually get waved through. They don't want to practice their English skills and/or bother with this old American.
  13. I’m thinking you are correct. Otherwise the official Republican response by Gov. Sara is not the subject either.
  14. So, OK got it … you did not listen to it and so you do not know …
  15. This may only be of interest to Americans or others wanting to schedule being allowed to do a public tour of the White House. It appears that the only way to request being allowed on a tour is to make the request through the American's elected representative's office. OK, did that and was given the White House Visitors Office website link in order to enter the required background information for confirmation on the day of the tour (name, county of birth, Passport #, etc.). But the website will not allow me to enter my Thai Wife and Thai Stepdaughter's information. Anyone else run into this issue? It appears foreign nationals have to make the request through their Embassy and that is self defeating as some Embassies refuse to do this and it would not allow for us to participate as a family. Advice of cutting through this issue?
  16. Learned the lesson in 7th grade. repeated something I was told by a mutual acquaintance, ... I ended up without a gf. ah, well ... we live and learn.
  17. Well, not until 90 Day Report ad then request for extension. After 12 years retired, I am aware the potential twists and turns ...Also qualify for "O" based on marriage and have 400,000 baht in the bank.
  18. No problem, open to discussion. I think what you say would be true if one entered Thailand on, say a Visa Exempt and then applied for the "O Visa" for retirement in CM. However, I'll let you ASEAN know if it works out for me getting an "O Visa" for retirement while outside Thailand, giving me a year before an Extension request while being able to show a year's worth of the required monthly deposits coming from outside Thailand.
  19. "Knock on wood", check points here in Chiang Mai I am usually waved through. Figure they do not want to deal with English ... or maybe it is my aura ... or maybe they note my Thai wife. Ha! I usually get a smile and wave through, after 12 years and on the motorbike every other day perhaps the face is familiar.
  20. I have been retired in Chiang Mai for 12 years now on an O-A Visa (USA) for reason of retirement. I have always used the monthly transfer of 65,000+ baht reasoning that, my retirement funds are invested and earning me dividends (about 5K in 2022) helping support my retirement. I will be allowing my O-A Visa to expire (yep insurance issue) and change to an O Visa this year. I plan on continuing my monthly transfers. $1526.00 USD of my monthly $2400.00 USD budget comes from US Social Security with the remainder from my retirement/invested funds. Works for me.
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