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Everything posted by wwest5829

  1. “Nor should it …”. That does not state that the Thai people will not answer to humanitarian needs. As to her not having the money? I cannot determine that conclusion without additional knowledge of the facts that are yet to be made public. Maybe, maybe not …
  2. I am thinking, nor should it. But then, I like the rest do not know the facts of this case.
  3. I await Putin declaring he is moving troops into Phuket to protect the Russian speakers there. OK, just being a smart ares.
  4. So, Aussies already retired cannot get their pension paid if outside Australia?
  5. Might provide tracking information?
  6. Ah, no. We have traffic police, neighborhood police and immigration police. Different responsibilities for each.
  7. Hey! We have a 6-8the grade English reading level! Not sure about comprehension level.
  8. Local police responsible for immigration issues? I think not. Until a foreigner causes local issues, local patrol police are not involved. Or do I misunderstand?
  9. Only relatively recent ticket I got was making improper turn (didn’t see the sign). Ticket issued, officer said 400 baht and could pay at the close by Police Staion. Got there and the young officer said 500 baht … an older officer stepped up and said 400 baht.
  10. Google, “https://www.google.com/search?q=chiang+mai%2C+buddhist+training+in+english&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari”. It has been pre-Civid since I investigated.
  11. Hmm … my guess is rare. I am only aware of Buddhist programs in English that you can attend here in Chiang Mai.
  12. 555 ... well, I suppose neither male nor female but those of us who might have favored a mustache were those most targeted. Oh, and the male hair length, not over the collar.
  13. Shades of my beginning teaching daze in Western Kentucky. Hair length, no facial hair, females - no pantsuits. Seen going into or out of a bar and you were addressed in the Superintendents Office and … ready? Two teachers divorced, the Superintendent interviewed and fired one of them. Bit of “culture shock” for an East Coast metropolitan, multiethnic upbringing.
  14. Agreed! I, along with many working class retirees from other nations are outpriced in our home countries. A great steady source of annual income spending for Thailand. After a decade retired in Thailand, without having any problems, Thailand should grant Residency Cards, in lieu ov further Visa Extensions. File form with immigration only when residence address changes.
  15. I have never ceased to wonder … all those tangle of overhead wires, the coils of extra cord … I am amazed but it appears to work!
  16. Xi may have been well aware of the renewal of the Strategic Partnership Agreement with the USA and thus showed his disapproval by not shaking hands with the Thai Prime Minister.
  17. Do you use a USA address?
  18. Very funny but only due to my having come across accusations that Americans are being overly fastidious in washing hands and their body excessively destroying their natural immune system abilities. I am wondering how the SCOTUS will rule on those increasing number of robots being "citizens", after all, they have already ruled that corporations are "Citizens" (Citizens United Decision). "I Robot", "Surrogates", "Ex Machina" ... it is coming whether we agree with the wisdom of such or not.
  19. Not my experience in Japan, starting in 1983 when my stay there with the University of Washington included trips to the mountains and stays at Buddhist lodgings, and trips to the pearl farming coasts. Had I the money, I might well have retired in Japan although not in the larger cities as I favor the mountains.
  20. The subject has me reflecting on my earlier 5 trips to Japan and my observing cashless transactions everywhere. From store purchases, taxi payments to buying a cola from a vending machine. It will be some time before SE Asia catches up to that level.
  21. Brought hundreds of books with me upon retirement and donated near 300 on American History to the CMU Library. True, I do not read as much as during my college/university study years. Still, I usually have one of my books on European and Asian History close at hand. Most of my current reading centers on my family genealogy and that has been accessed electronically from scanned books in the USA on early colonial history. Most of my days consist of hours of reading.
  22. Indeed. It appears this happened for many US voters in the midterm elections.
  23. Well, unlessbthosebtheybwishnto condemn are affected … then it is god’s punishment.
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