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Posts posted by briley

  1. Was in immigration last week, if you are leaving tonight or tomorrow, ie you urgently need your exit visa, they are asking you to wait until 3pm or so and then processing them.

    Same if you need an extension because your visa expires today.

  2. Mail order from RS Components - that is for people who know what they want.

    Real men go into the shop and have a look until they find the wigit they wanted.

    Thanks for the information on Kitti, I'll be there now the water has stopped.

  3. Amorn when it first opened was an excellent source of those little electrical and electronic bits. But no more. They seem more keen on selling plastic flowers and biscuits.

    Is there an alternative store?

    I only want a few spade connectors and a length of wire! Oh yes, and a small FM transmitter. All items that they used to sell.

  4. I look at using Amsterdam a few years ago, but found the cost of getting to Amsterdam outweighed the saving in the tax and subsequent airfare. Unless you are near London and use Eurostar to Brussels and then local trains to Schipol.

    Also found that the Amsterdam fare higher than the Manchester fare despite the lower tax, my suspicion is that was due to the fewer people flying out of Amsterdam and hence lower loading on their flights.

  5. I've got an old Acer 640BT scanner that scans both ways, either from the bottom up (the normal way) or, for negatives and slides, from the top down.

    Last time I used it it worked fine but I haven't needed it for a few years. But there have been a few comments on Thai Visa about people wanting to scan negatives or slides.

    If anyone wants the scanner and can collect from near CMU give us a PM.

  6. Just a comment about using XP

    If a file transfer starts on the WiFi it will not be taken over when a LAN connection is made.

    If you have WiFi and Lan connection and the transfer is on the WiFi and you turn it off the transfer fails. And vice-versa.

    Darned annoying as I often start a big transfer on WiFi and see the time it will take, plug in the LAN cable but then have to restart the transfer.

    • Like 1
  7. Vietnam is well off my flight path!

    But I have found out that Thai children's shoes are wider than their UK equivalents - a pair off the shelf in Tesco's fitted the little lad, 300 baht and everyone is happy.

  8. Hate to say this but it is the owners of the condos are responsibility for the water supply. If they don't look after it the owners should do something about it. If the owners are not prepared to run their condo in a suitable manner then nobody else is terribly worried.

    However you might like to check the building report (done annually) to see if the engineer made any recommendation about the water. If they did then the government will follow it up after 6 months.

    Assuming there is a building report?

  9. Yes cheeryble, the regulations have the force of law so owners are legally bound by them.


    I"m aware that's true but it seems competely out of context to demand someone's presence somewhere under Condo Law.

    I thought to myself "how do you enforce that"?

    Well, actually maybe you could.

    Could you impose a modest fine under condo regs for non attendance or no proxy at a general meeting?

    Not reaching 50 or 33% would no longer be a problem.

    Problem may be getting the vote for the regs change in the first place.

    Except those who would vote against are the ones who tend not to show up!

    Having the force of law is one thing, enforcing them is a totally different kettle of fish.

    Putting a non-enforcable clause in the regulation is a bit on the silly side - one of our owners has been dead for about 5 yearssad.png. Encouraging enough owners to participate is well worth the effort.

    IF there is any need for a change.

    It could be that the majority of the owners are happy with the situation and that is why they do not attend the meeting or do not support increase in common area fees and the like.

    If an owner wants a change then it is up to them to get the 50% support needed - if it can not be obtained then things have to continue as they are.

    Some people want to live in a luxury Condo, others are happy in a slum - or maybe that is all they can afford.

  10. Yes cheeryble, the regulations have the force of law so owners are legally bound by them.

    But keeping on topic,

    The condo fee is in the regulations, so it does need a change in regulations to change the condo fee. With some degree of effort it is posible to get the 50% or 33.3% of owners to aprove the change - I have been around long enough to remember having to get 75% of owners voting to agree an increase and that was possible.

    (PS, in the past I tried to get the regulations to say the condo fee was what was set by the AGM - but the Land Office rejected this saying the regulations must explicitly state the condo fee)

    I've always had the feeling that a special assessment that is for essential matters, eg to pay the electricity bill or stop the building falling down, can be made without any discussion since, by the condo act number 4, owners must pay the running costs of the Condo.

    But a special assessment to put in a 250,000 Baht fountain in the lobby would need the owners permission.

    Somewhere between these two examples is a cross over point. And is the reason why management must work with the owners to ensure things run smoothly.

    It always has to be remembered that the condo act contradicts itself in a number of places and has sections that almost makes a condo un-managable - so again the management must work with the owners within the framework of the act.

  11. Looked to me as though the international gateway was down, could get tot, babgkok bank, thai post office but nothing outside Thailand.

    Working at the moment but a bit dot and carry one.

    Near CMU, Chaing Mai

  12. Hey FolkGuitar my tool box is already full,

    I have WD40 and gaffer (duct) tape.

    If it is meant to move I spray it with WD40

    If it is not meant to move I use gaffer tape.

    Nothing else is needed (except maybe the hammer).

    Are you telling me I now need to add this shoe goo????

  13. It must be incrediably difficult to make shoes - my grandson has his shoes made in the UK. They take 6 weeks to make and so far not a single pair have actually fitted properly.

    Hence my hope to find someone in Chiang Mai.

    Anyway a couple of ideas to follow up, Nimman and Number 1 bar - many thanks.

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