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Posts posted by briley

  1. Do view new content and look on the left hand side.

    At the bottom filter by forum.

    I think you can then select the forum's you want to see, just say no to the classifieds.

    I do not want to fiddle with my settings as currently it allw orks well for me.

  2. Briley,

    may I interpret your post as a possible answer to my initial question? In that case, do you suggest that there is a law firm called "Chiang Mai Properties"? Thanks for clarifying!

    Yes, maybe.

    I have heard of them but not very positive so wondered if they were suitable. They have a web site (http://chiangmaiproperties.co.th/PropertyManagement.aspx).

    I also hear that they are the only company doing such work and that nobody else will touch Condo work with a barge pole. Having a little experience of Condos I am not surprised.

    Did have a short dealing with a company in Bangkok who wanted 25,000 baht plus all expenses to look at a problem. Can't off hand recall their name and can not recomend them.

    Also had a dealing with one lawyer in Chaing Mai to get rid of a manager many years ago. Again I would not recomend him. At that time not speaking any Thai I could have done better than him in the court room, total waste of 40,000 Baht.

    To be honest it is not difficult to read the law and organise a meeting, if you have the vast majority of the owners on your side. If you do not have the majority of the owners on your side then don't bother trying to make changes. Sell up and leave if it worries you that much.

  3. I can not get Radio 4 and Radio 5 to stream live programmes, it works for a few minutes then fails. This has been happening since Sunday.

    I can listen to anything from the BBC using 'listen again' - but not 'live'.

    BBC web pages talks about being aware of a problem but do not date their message.

    I am wonder if it is my setup, Thailand or the BBC? Do others have the same problem?

  4. Used kayak and lastminute websites and look at the fares and the tax. There seems to be no relationship.

    I looked at Emirates from Amsterdam, Paris, Germany and London to BKK on the same date (almost)

    Amsterdam has lowest tax, Paris the highest, London 2nd highest.

    Total cost of the journey, London the cheapest, Amsterdam the most expensive.

    Figure that out.

  5. Place on Haey Koew (how do you spell it?) is fine but best to buy from a local dealer, then going backwards and forwards is easier.

    500 baht discount if you haggle hard. The profit for the dealer is in the credit deal (that you can not get not) rather than in the price of the bike.

    The price includes everything, insurance licence registering, number plates and fitting and a helmet. You pay extra if you want 1 or 2 years theft insurance.

  6. Talking of missing things:

    Why is the 'mark all as read' hidden in a pop up menu at the bottom - moved from the top of the page on the previous version.

    Didn't anyone else find having the exchange rates at the top of the page useful?

    The "View new contents" and 'Quick navigation" buttons comes up on top of (or behind?) other stuff, the link to android apps at the moment.

  7. I've live in a couple of places near the border and it is quite easy to cross a border illegally. I've done it many times both accidentally and deliberately.

    The normal recomendation is to go as soon as possible to the nearest immigration office, or police station, and report in.

    It is not an unusual occurrance but just going to the airport is probably a poor idea as it takes some time to sort out and you do not want to miss a flight. In addition the airport immigration do not understand how it can happen as well as the up country immigration office.

    Now whether this advice applies in Thailand? That I do not know.

  8. Don't forget if you have a UK sim card you can put it into an unlocked phone to get the code from Halifax, it is free to receive an SMS.

    I have put my Thai land line number into Halifax, put it as my work number so my UK land line. It shows up as my number but I haven't asked them to call me on it yet. And no, my address is not Thailand but the UK. Agreed the 7 day wait is a pain. But easier to cope with than trying to find nationwide gizmo and the card - I'm always forgetting where they both are hidden.

    Nationwide charge 2.5% plus £1 so £300 costs 2.8% to transfer or £8.50.

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