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Posts posted by briley

  1. I have a young grandson with awkward feet, no shop bought shoe ever fits him.

    Is there anywhere in Chiang Mai where I can take his foot measurements and get him a pair of shoes made?

    I probably need something a bit better than the street cobblers - but I might be wrong, some of them are very good.

  2. Yes you can have joint names on the ownership.

    You will have to 'sell' the condo from yourself (singular) to yourselves (plural) and pay the relevant tax. Since you have owned over 5 years that is the lower amount. The tax is based on the land office valuation of the condo not what is actually paid - especially as I assume you will be paying nothing!

    At least that is my belief and what I was told when I was going to do the same thing.

  3. The only person I could find was on Superhighway. Near Wat Jed Yot. There is a 3 way set of traffic lights there, if you are heading away from Rincome junction and waiting at the lights there is a set of shops on the left, the first one, a hardware shop, does fridge repairs. They will come around and look and he brings his daughter to translate.

  4. There is a problem with Hotmail that MS sorted out today, but it enable others to get into your account and change your password. That means you can no longer access Hotmail.

    If that is your problem I'm not sure of the solution but I am sure the hotmail page will tell you.

  5. Just got an e-mail from Ethiad offering me the chance to bid for an upgrade.

    Since my original ticket cost around £500 and they want a minimum bid of £750 to upgrade - and then said at that figure I was highly unlikely to get an upgrade I olitely told them where to get off.

    Does anyone actually take up the airlines on this sort of offer?

    At the same time, has anyone plugged a pen drive into the socket on the back of the Ethiad seats? Can it play any type of video/music or is it more complex than that?

  6. Corel is a pain using non-western fonts.

    AFAIK, Assuming windows you have to set Thai as the non-unicode option under regional and language options -- advanced tab (now assuming using XP!)

    Probably have to set japanese or whatever if you want that to work.

    Incidentally wordperfect can not ever do non-western fonts so you can never do Thai in WordPerfect, much to my absolute anoyance as I found it to be an excellent word processor.

  7. I did change my plan from the 490 per month to 390 for 3 months then it will go back to 490 a month.

    Actually not worth it, since I realized I could make the change only because I was out of contract, having last changed over 12 months ago. Because I had had the connection for over 12 months I got a 5% discount so only 465 per month. But I lost the discount when I changed the plan.

    Do the maths and you realize it was a waste of my time changing.

  8. I think BKK is one of the better places to spend time if you are in the terminal and not airside.

    Some nice food and drinks in the food hall on the ground floor.

    Can get tins of beer at reasonable prises on the - is it 3rd or 4th floor convinience store.

    Opportunity to wander outside on almost all floors.

    6 hours isn't long by the time you clear immigration, check in, have to go through security an hour before the flight.

    (PS, where has the spell checker gone?)

  9. It would be recomended that an RCBO be installed. However installing 3 pin socket outlets and bonding the earth to a steel water pipe would provide additional protection. You should also earth your HWS if you have not already done so.

    I would not rely on connecting to steel water pipes. Most pipework these days are plastic. We have changed all our main pipework to plastic, but inside the unit they are normally metal since that is the owners responsibility to change. Of course that makes then a useless earth connection.

  10. Using a Thai license in the UK is OK and I believe that you do not require an international permit just the English/Thai version of the Thai licence.

    But if you get booked you can not pay the fixed penalty, you have to go to court. This can be time consuming and will cost more as you have to pay the £15 victim surcharge.

    I've rented on my Thai license even when it was totally in Thai (I'd forgotten my UK licence).

  11. I'd say do check the Condo wiring first.

    I stopped one owner who was running a thick copper wire down 9 floors to install his own earth at some expense to himself. I pointed out that the building did have an earth wired to a star whatever that went through all the electric rooms. But few owners had their unit connected to the earth.

    For the cost of a good Choc block and a few metres of wiring we now have another happy camper.

  12. Delight,

    In some buildings a Thai buys the unit then the foreigner and the Thai sign a 'userfract' (whatever that is) that gives the foreigner full control over the unit and register the 'userfract' at the Land Office. There is often a feeling that the money has come from the foreigner.

    I would agree that only the name on the Chanote can vote or their proxy. I am not very fond of technical methods used to overcome Thai law, it makes me feel very uncomfortable.

  13. No, I do not want everyone and their dog to know my details.

    But by the time I have flown the country I leave, the country I go to and the airline all have my details. If the airline could pass ONLY to the two countries concerned (and not the USA) it can have advantages to me.

    Firstly the airline will not try to stop me flying because I might not be allowed entry - this has happened to me on a number of occassions.

    Secondly if I am pre-cleared there can be a faster immigration / emmigration process.

    Not that there is much information in a passport if you only pass on names, sex, Date of Birth and nationality. Height, occupation and identifying marks have all dissappeared over the years. Much more worrying is the passing of credit card details, address, religion, meal preference etc etc required by some countries.

    Yes I do know the taxes on my tickets, 700 Baht out of Thailand, about £100 out of the UK. Plus taxes in the Middle East. Often taxes are around 50% of my ticket price.

    You lose the bet, please PM me my Chang! drunk.gif

  14. Reading this it makes a lot of sense.

    Why queue to check in then queue for immigration. Both times the passport is checked.

    The report talks of passport number, family name and nationality passed from the check in counter to immigration, maybe date of birth. If it meant just one check instead of two then I would fully support it.

    Have to agree that we should not pay more, after all the system should save staff and money for immigration?

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