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Posts posted by briley

  1. OK, went out today and got the following information

    Fountain's Miracle of greentitude everyday 7pm-7.30 (in 5D??)

    Electric parade, everyday 7pm to 8.30pm

    Shows in the grand amphitheatre everyday, from different countries. Korea today. Don't know the time but things were happening at 5.30pm

    Celebrate below the Wat, 21-25 Dec, also 3-5 Feb and 25-26 Feb, 7pm to 8.30pm. Don't know if they are different shows or what.

    Special days at the big roundabout area, 1st Jan, 1th Jan and 14th Feb (valentine day) 3pm to (or and??) 7pm

    Exhibition Halls 2 and 3 have a series of events, flower competition until the 20th.

    Exhibition hall 1 seems to have a King's special at around 5pm and maybe other times for 20 minutes.

  2. The post office has many rates I can use for mail from Chiang Mai to the UK, eg for a 250gm package you can:

    1. Letter air mail B185 - can be sealed and contain a letter
    2. Small package air B136 - can not be sealed, string or staples only, no letter and must have customs form
    3. SAL (letter, small package or printed paper) B97 - goes surface to Bangkok, air to London and surface to Manchester, just the same as normally happens.

    I used to use letter rate but have now moved to small package rate. I've found that the delivery time is exactly the same as a letter.

    I'm now considering the SAL rate - has anyone tried the SAL rates? Is the delivery time similar to a letter?

    They have SAL letter, small package and printed paper and all SAL rates are the same, a good half the letter rate. If I use SAL letter can I include a letter and seal the package????

  3. I like the store near payap university on the middle ring road, S ... something Sukapan?

    Good selection of tiles.

    Find the pattern you like but go for the higher grade of that tile. Lower grades do scratch more easily and are not much cheaper.

    Big tiles in a reasonable sized room make it look more spacious, small tiles make it look 'bitty'.

    The tiles with the squared off edges mean the tiles are laid touching and do not have the grout line that gets dirty. But make sure your expert lays them correctly.

  4. The 17.55 from chiang mai does have a couple (2) of sockets above the lower bunk in the middle of the carriage, but you will have to fight with the mobile phones.

    But if you take one of those small, 3 way adaptors you can unplug someone else, plug yourself and them back in and still leave a space for another person.

  5. Just a few comments,

    If you present a Thai licence when speeding etc you can not get a fixed penalty nor points, instead you go to court and pay a bit more. But often the police can't be bothered with the hassle of prosecuting 'foreign' drivers.

    The old, one part licence is valid, but if you change anything, address, entitlement etc you have to get a 2 part licence and renew the photo bit every 10 years.

    If not resident you can use any address in the UK through which you can be contacted, c/o addresses are OK.

    Never had a problem hiring a car on a Thai licence, even when only in Thai! And no check was made with DVLA.

  6. Skype works fine to all free phone numbers (including UK and US number).

    No need for credit - they are still free.

    Works like a dream every time.

    I find it amusing to talk to India from Thailand about a phone in the UK, all for no charge.

  7. CNX to BKK is 1 hr 20 min flying time, but add on 45 min check in and 30 min to collect baggage etc then 40 minutes into central BKK and you get to 3 h 15 min.

    If you could compare that to a 4 hour train journey city centre to city centre then the train is as fast and less fiddly?

  8. Forgot to say thanks, got two sets of Liverpool shirts at CMFutsol, one absolutely genuine, all the bits a pieces at 400 Baht for a small adults shirt, one shirt and shorts for a child at 400 Baht but did not have the Adidas sticker but all the rest looked perfect.

    Far beats the price for the same stuff at Robinson's and Central.

  9. Delight - If a Condo is being run in a way that is definitely wrong, and not just in a way that you do not like, then you have only one option. Change the Juristic Manager.

    The committee has very little powers. They must meet twice a year, they must keep a check on the Juristic manager and (this is their big power) they must appoint a Juristic Manager if the existing one can not carry out their duties.

    If you have a genuine problem with the existing Juristic person and the majority of owners agree with you then you can change the Juristic person.

    Firstly find someone who is willing to do the job who you trust and the rest of the owners will trust.

    Secondly get 20% of the owners to request a General meeting. If it is not called then you can call the meeting yourself.

    At the general meeting sack the old Juristic person and appoint the new one.

    At the same time you might like to vote onto the committee new members if there are less than 9 existing members of the committee. As someone else said there is no provision for getting rid of committee members.

    Then you go to land registry and register the new Juristic person.

    But you must do everything correctly. You must have copies of ID cards of all owners who attend and vote and their proxy (if applicable). These must have original signatures, not faxed or e-mailed signatures. You must keep to the time limits given in the law. Ask Land registry what is needed before you call the meeting - in Chiang Mai they are very helpful with their advice.

    But to do all this you must have massive support of all owners, especially the Thai owners who make up at least 51% of the owners. Personally I would be looking at 75% of owners supporting you - at least half of them being Thai - and have Thai people fronting the action. It is very useful to get the Condo's bank accounts frozen if there is any possibility of fraud by the old Juristic person.

    I've been there, done that, and it took 3-4 months to sort it out. Then we had the difficult bit, managing the building and putting it back on track .................................

  10. I agree that land registry will do nothing about infringements of regulations etc as it is not their job, it is the job of the courts.

    But who brings the case?

    If the owners bring a case against the management - who is the representative of the owners - are the owners bringing a case against themselves?

    I am aware of one case where an owner wanted to take action against the committee for refusing his application. But since he was part of those that elected the committee surely his only real option is to get rid of the committee otherwise he is suing himself?

    In other words if the condo is not managed properly it is the owners who should/must take action. Vote the people out who are mismanaging the condo and install a new, reliable committee or juristic person.

  11. I very much doubt that the Land Office will do anything.

    It is up to the owners to take action if things are not being done correctly. Get 20% of the owners together and call for a General Meeting. Replace the Juristic Person and clean up the mess with a new committee to support the Juristic person.

    It is not difficult to do if you have the support of the majority of owners. The law is reasonably clear in this area.

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