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Posts posted by briley

  1. Got asked what the arabic on my T-shirt said, and I realized I didn't know.

    Anyone able to give a translation? It might be a place in the UAE, might be around Al Ain or Burami.


    (Forgot to attach the photo!)


  2. jpinx -

    Took a little while to be certain, no I can not see the tablet from my windows XP desktop.

    Nor can I get the tablet to open the folder I want from windows, it insists on opening, suppose it would be 'my computer' so I can then choose the drive, folder etc etc

    Not a big problem for me so I think I'll stop where I am.

  3. Thanks for the hints and ideas.

    I got ES file manager. Opened it up and selected LAN and add a new server. Put in the internal network IP address (192.168 etc) of my desktop and lo and behold the tablet can now see all of the desktop files. Double click the pdf file I want and it opened up on the tablet. Just what I wanted. Note that you have to share the files in windows to make it work.

    I've gone into the router and been able to tell it that I wanted the same IP address for each of my computers so that is now fixed.

    Logmein at some $30 or so was rather expensive to see if it worked and the reviews were not that good!

    Teamviewer seemed to want me to use the internet for the transfer and I would have to run a program on both computers.

    Splashtop might work - but I haven't tried it.

    I had problems opening full cicle magazine including getting a blank screen - but succeded in the end. Again VNC seems to upload to the internet and then you can download, too much effort for me!

    Some of these ideas are good for using anywhere in the world, but I only want it to work in my little room.

  4. jpinx -

    No, making it a hotspot does not make it possible to have the tablet (and I assume phone) as part of the network.

    As a hotspot you can connect your Linux box to the phone as you would a router, but you can not see the files on the phone.

    I did once find an option to mount a filing system, after I plugged in a USB flash drive and that allowed me to copy the files on and off the flash drive but pluging the USB lead into the computer always brings up about the MTP thing (media transfer protocol) that seems to be a MS media player specific protocol.

    I've come here to ask the question after going to the android web sites, they all seem so full of highly complex solutions and I though some of us down to earth people might have a sensible answer.

    PS - why doesn't firefox's spell checker work and where has Thai Visa's spell checker gone?????

  5. I have just got an Asus Trnasformer tablet running Android Jelly bean 4.2 and I want to use it in the same way I use my portable.

    I have a few computers on Windows XP, they are all on the same network and I can use explorer to look, copy, delete, change, use etc files on any machine from any machine - it is very easy.

    But the tablet needs me to use an app (trying total commander and airdroid at the moment) and then start firefox and then I can just copy files between the two machines. This is too complicated for me and my wife.

    She wants to be in the kitchen with the tablet and look at a recipy on one of the other computers - not copy it over. We definately do not want to use 'cloud' computing - just the WiFi link.

    Everything I look at talks about MDF (something like that) that then requires you to use MS media player, but that is for video etc and I do not use media player anyway.

    How can we open a pdf reader on the Android tablet and use it to open a file on the Win XP portable?

  6. The UK signs you out of the NHS as soon as they are aware you are living somewhere else and you have to come back for 6 months before you can get back in. They will give emergency treatment while you are outside the system but will give you the bill, if they know. Many people have been caught by surprise after innocently admitting they had been living abroad. Those in the know don't admit they have been living abroad.

    Not strictly true for the UK - you stop being entitled to NHS treatment after living outside the UK for 6 months but if you return and state you intend to permenantly live in the UK your entitlement starts on day 1.

  7. Satellite and radar from http://www.tmd.go.th/en/province.php?id=2 everybody else uses these.

    Yes, but as said before Lamphun has not updated since the 25th of last month.

    Chiang Rai updates every half hour but for some reason I preferred the Lamphun images.

    On a similar tack Chiang Mai airport does not seem to be updating flightradar24 any more - all the planes disappear as they approach us.

    • Like 1
  8. Delight - not quite sure what you disagree with,

    My belief is that any change in committee members has to be notified to Land Office. The latest list of committee members held by the land office is the official committee. If a person resigns and the land office is not notified then the resignation is not official and that person is still a committee member and counts towards the quorum requirement.

    My wonder is does death or selling of a unit affect the quorum or is a dead person still a member (for quorum purposes) until the Land office is informed?

    The more I think about it the answer to my question is yes, they are still a member of the committee.

  9. There are too many variables to answer such a question.

    I have an excellent TOT connection and have had for over 9 years. My neighbour has had nothing but trouble with his TOT connection over the same period.


    Nobody knows - maybe he expects more than me, maybe there is a minor fault in his wiring, maybe he is on a different DSLAM, maybe the websites he uses are different to mine and not so good etc etc

  10. Don't know the name of the place but,

    At the Children's prison junction (near the old Carrefour) on Superhighway towards Suthep.

    On the left hand side there are a number of builders merchants including one that has vinyl tiles, mostly had to be ordered and not that cheap.

    Can't be much more help as it was a while back that I last bought some tiles - we wanted them in a lift where ceramic tiles are too heavy.

  11. To have a UK license you must give a UK address but you do not have to live there nor be UK resident.

    Insurance is getting to be impossible, I had to scrap a perfectly good imported car because of the difficulty/expense of insurance.


    Firstly use something like www.moneysavingsupermarket.com to see if you can get a quote for your own insurance on your parents car. It has the advantage that any claim would not influence your parents no claims. There is nothing to say a car cannot be on two policies - yours and your parents.

    Look online for a specialist insurance broker - there are some who look at hard to insure cases and often their figures can be acceptable.

    Assuming you have no accident claims and are of a reasonable age and the car is not too bad to insure you could get a quote in the £200 range for a one year policy - and sometimes you can 'suspend' it to fire and theft and get some of the premium return. All this will take some running around but can save £100's.

  12. Thanks for the comments, been to Poly Electronics on Chang Phuek soi 4? https://maps.google....,198.11,,0,5.95 - has everything from little bits to the electronics kits and owner will use English to supplement my Thai. Only drawback is you cannot prowl the shop as you can in Amorn. His prices are very similar to Amorn.

    I found the shops near Kasem (in town) to have less range of stock and more intimidating if you do not really know what you want.

    Amorn has restocked over the last few days, but not with the electronics etc.

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