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Posts posted by SidJames

  1. I've seen them gather & sprint across the road in a groups.

    It's only a matter of time before a big vehicle takes out one of these groups with multiple deaths.

    There should be barriers up to stop pedestrians crossing directly across that road as there is already a foot bridge & traffic is coming at speed.

    We know that piece of road so will cover our brakes but strangers to the area would not be expecting people to come charging out in front of them to cross.


  2. It's very good for children with comfy chairs for the parents.

    Everyone get's a wristband & they take your number in case the nippers get into bother.

    They also can't get out of the place with anyone but you.

    Lot's of staff to watch over them as well with a little cafe onsite

  3. Take pictures of the cash & copies of prove of how it was obtained.

    Have your phone on & make sure that it's recording sound when you declare the money.

    It's your partner who's doing the declaration so you may well be asked to sign documentation stating that you have no claim over it.

    Your partner is legally allowed to bring overseas saving back into Thailand.

    They may however have to answer to the Thai tax people in the future to see if they are any taxes due to the Thai government.

    Does Bahrain have a dual taxation agreement with Thailand?

    Maybe you declare the money as your savings & are here with a view to buying a condo then maybe a very good land deal comes up & you decide to lend or gift your partner the money to purchase this land?


  4. Does Boots stock baby food airside?

    Flying with the lad this week & we've been weaning him off the breast.

    The missus makes food for him indoors but we won't be allowed to bring it through security as it minced into gel form for eating & 100ml won't be enough for him

    He has no teeth yet.


  5. 19 minutes ago, HLover said:

    Any chance as you where leaving did you see a driver sprinting away from the scene?

    I'd assume that he'd be running for help.

    I think that there's a help point near the Cambodian border.

    Joking aside there were hopefully no mayor casualties as there is no news coverage.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  6. Can't see how champers what with the ardent safety checks that the boys in brown are constantly doing on such vehicles.

    I also understand that there are also emissions testing at the vehicle office which would also explain the little clouds of fresh lavender that these coaches emit around town

    • Haha 2
  7. I just came down soi 4 Pratamnak & there was a nasty looking crash.

    I counted 9 bikes in the smashed middle of road & another 5-6 by the curb.

    It seemed like a coach had run into them.

    There appeared to have been parked bikes outside the bar opposite the old Wolfhound bar that got hit so hopefully there are no serious injuries.

    I saw no tell tale signs of helmets lying about or blood but didn't hang around as I really don't like seeing real death & destruction.

    I didn't just abandon the scene as there were tens of folk already there & sirens.

    • Like 1
  8. I also just went straight to the front the last time that I flew for there & there were 8 of us flying.

    We would never have made the flight if I stood in the queue with the hordes of Russians looking sad & red after their hols.


  9. 59 minutes ago, topt said:

    Are you taking the proverbial?

    What street is it you hear this - IE from whom and why you should take any notice of them.......I am really quite curious.........:unsure:

    I heard the same but don't want say to much as it's on the QT.

    Suffice to say missus's sister's boyfriend best mate heard two policeman talking about something that their boss was told by his local motocyc taxi guy.

    Motocyc guys are the fountain of all knowledge over here so it's nailed on.

    I reckon that it'll happen sometime on Tuesday afternoon once they've closed down the rest of these dangerous & highly illegal dart board teams.

    • Haha 2
  10. 6 hours ago, Chris.B said:

    You recommend a health insurance on the basis of the agent selling it is a gentleman and he got you a discount? :shock1:

    Can you think of a better reason to recommend someone other than the fact that they saved me money on my previous insurance packages, sorted the claims out immediately & were a pleasure to deal with?

  11. I can recommend Macallan Insurance on Pattaya Tai (not far from the Suk)

    They're insurance brokers so shop around for the best deal for you.

    Ask for Jack, a true gent if ever there was & has been well known in the ex-pat community for many many years.

    He sorted out my family's insurance at quite a discount compared to what I was getting with the main big name insurers.

    A real pleasure to deal with & the Thai staff that I dealt with spoke excellent English

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