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Everything posted by thailand49

  1. 70,000 you need to have your head examine!
  2. Use of the word Smart! No mention of improving education Now that is real smart.
  3. Things are standard even in Thailand. I wonder at times when I read stories like this whether the Condo rules etc are translated since many of the response suggest going to the rules? Regardless, I would imagine somewhere in the language allows certain areas to be rented by owners for events usually clubhouse etc, the profits are usually recorded in the balance sheet along with expenses hopefully it doesnt end up in the negative. These events are usually approve in the genersl meetings. Here in Thailand my impression no one seem to know until it is too late and Condo mangement agencies here seem to beat their own drums. Being a rental my opinion it is a bit late after the fact surely not worth the time and expense it being a high end complex surely this one time look for a big expensive highrise hotel book a nice room with view, treat the family to a nice outing nice dinner at the hotel surely they have a nice restaurant after back to your room in comfort to watch the celebration. Enjoy!
  4. There is really not answer in my book. Sheryl and other pretty much laid it out. If you opt out now to save I pay now 164, goes up each year you want to join later there is a penalty. There are two types of plans Original medicare and Advantages like this time of year in Advantage you can switch if original you can switch anytime. Originally, at 65, for my needs I chose a Anthem Blue Cross zero monthly since I was here it is a HMO, it is only offer in certain zip codes. You need to have a primary and he/she refers you to other specialties. Timing is everything once or twice a year knowing Im coming home I call ahead for an appointment from there I get blood test squezz in as many test I can get in two week period that can be tough at times. The drawback if something major deductiable is 8500.00. I was actually happy with the Anthem providing alot of free checkups they are real proactive with your care Last year, Do to circumstances I looked into a Supplement it is unusual for someone 70 to switch but being healthy I went into a underwriting process and Humana accepted me into Humana Plan G, High Deductible, 2500.00 52.00 a month, with a Plan D by Aetna 5.00 a month. It is really all a gamble we think if something happens here like a heart attack one survived fly home for second opinion Sheryl once noted what if you can't! AIA, what is coverage. they basically a life insurance company? Thai companies want our money even the writing say cant cancel they have a habit of raising your premien and reducing your coverage so you leave. If possible affordable I would consider as one poster suggested a company outside of Thailand that covers Thailand. Personally I wouldnt give it up until I need to I will get to a point I cant until then.
  5. This has been reported and discussed in October in regards to Jomtien. Reason is the TM30 which has been said the law since 1979 but not enforced consistently. Yes I know like responding you never had to before! I think it was a few years back prior to covid jomtien made a big issue of it that is how the room when one walked into main building left was create. Needed a residential certificate I had to obtain one then there was a confusion as to whether one had to report if they were returning to same residence. After a while it was standard you need not if same. Today, it has been reported when you do your online report will be asked to upload those document I will be doing my 90 report in December will find out then if the upload will be required. In between I'm sure will find out from others if it will be necessary. There had been mentioned a TM30 website one can use to report cause the change is now if the residence isnt in your name each time one enter back into Thailand must report within 24 hours or a 2000 Baht fine. If one own a condo in their name can submit or upload docs once clear do not need to report each time. Those renting long term like from Airbnd from foreigners are being ask foreigner owner mudt have a work permit. Down at immigration today with the new setup no service is provided unless you have a TM30 in your passport.
  6. I tried it a week ago, the location use to be another fish and chip shop with a larger variety menu what I consider a hole on the wall type of shop. I be the first to tell you when It comes fish fried I dont have a clue If it is a Dory or ?. The place is design more upscaled with limited seating two tables outsidr and a very limited menu and yes the price is 299 baht, portion is big with lots of chips. The old location with close to portion precovid was 119 baht, I was hoping not sure why after they didnt Reopen the place was always packed times had to sit across at a outside bar and order.
  7. Not surprising! Pattaya, it is clear they cant manage it is nothing but window dressing by leadership. The whole system is already brought and pay for by the Triads so why not support. Immigtation handed out the second most illegal visa last few months tops position have been all replaced. The grey business case as I noted have been quietly slip under the rug and the Chinese run club has been rename 79, up and running again LOL. It isnt grey business but business as usual.
  8. This suggestion just shows the mentality of how fail the leadership is in Thailand.
  9. It is still enforce no matter whatvis put in place. Blitz? The W.H.O. year after year give without any accountability 10 million plus, in Pattaya, they put up tons of signs that is it. They can threat 100,000 baht like they years ago for cig on beach but it is nothing but hot air and people know you got nothing.
  10. I would put a bet if I could this wont work and make a mint. As noted it is hot air just like banning the Songthaw more recent no bikes parking in from of Treetown that lasted two weeks🤣 It all comes down to enforcement which is always zero. When it comes to Baukhao it is just a poorly design Soi, narrow, no sidewalks and no parking! Making it one way will just create Chaos elsewhere 3rd 2rd, Klang and Tai. It would be better to just make sois from 3rd,2nd, one way every other that leads into Baukhao, reduced deliveries any size truck for example early morning 4 till noon. Last limit the number of Songthaw by 50% designate them yellow and space them out or rid them replace with a tram system. Whatever transportation in place can only travrel up and down Baukhao all other destination will need to work themselves up to 3rd 2nd,Klang,Tai. this Soi best you getting is to reduce the volume.
  11. It is more than just puzzling if you don't reinvent yourself you are done doing so you put your head between your legs and suck it up and put your ego on the shelf. When I came here I noticed it right away the more I learn Thai the more it pissed me off I'm one that grew up standing up for myself and speaking out. Like everyone, I didn't come here with the intention of looking for trouble but at times trouble comes looking for you. I've done things in the past at home and here that would put me in jail for a long time personally I do not regret one bit of it. Years ago it finally clicked I said to myself I could get into a fight every day I was going to die a violent death then something happened an incident I realized the guy reacted the way he did because he didn't have a clue what I was saying no one in his life ever confronted or told him so it because " the more patriotic the more stupid " he didn't care it was this is my land no foreigner is going to talk to me like this you heard it thousands of times " This is Thailand " From that day whenever things happen I do as a Thai just smile and go about as if nothing bothers me. Thus you will understand the phrase " Land of Smiles " LOL When you talk about a daughter-in-law, all the things that I feel are wrong with this country out of all the girls available he picks the worst of the worst I feel at times God gave her to me for my past deeds, and the failure to believe in the lord almighty. Deep down all I want to do is pick her up and slap the hell out of her and her parents who brought her into this world but she is like 100 plus Kilos guess my son likes her big really big Thai Miss Piggy. He seems happy so I leave it be plus saying something just hurts the relationship I have with my granddaughter to think about. My wife sees all the things are wrong but the Thai way say your peace and move on unless she brings up the subject I stay mum. Family plenty living here with friends also, ask how I do it I've not really a clue maybe it the freedom like a Thai man to go out and enjoy the fruits of this country. I've been told by Thai ladies to leave and marry me Deep inside I say to myself while smiling you got to be <deleted> crazy once is enough. In church back home I tell the priest I've done good and I've done bad but the sacrifice I've made here should get me into the kingdom if not so be it. Can it get worse I ask myself?
  12. I read the responses first page only no need to go further. If Im correct I understood everything that was said there are people in this world thus on site like this write and read well but cant see beyond themselves. Some get it right away and many live in a bubble thinking actually living here they know all the Thai way. I experience what was posted each day 24/7 345 days a year for over 15 years the standard we were brought up in the West IN GENERAL! Majority of Thais can' t meet it isnt that they are bad, stupid, it is how they are raise and taught. Simple aspect like courtesy, consideration, appreciation, the applied definition isnt the same here but does exist. At time when I look at tourist brochures, the Wai, Mai pen Rai, is just words in daily Thai life It doesnt happen. You put it all right under the Thai Bible " This Is Thailand " it is inherited from the top you see it in their laws. Duel pricing, racism, prejudice, there is a very long list. I recently sat in a conversation to mediate with a couple like yourself, the lady said pretty much as you indicate the foreigner the same. The guy just wanted to be heard his idea his opinion said it seems the lady now has everything has stopped trying. In her own words said " I can't speak English to explain guy respond why dont you learn why? This is Thailand! " That in any location is a conversation stopper! You feel the only time they listen is when they need money no problem then right?their BD, Christmas, western way we give something in general Thais especially the poor nothing but for us it is expected with very little appreciation it seems.I can go on at length for myself after all these years Im learning each day, learn to bite your tongue pick and chose you spots when you see a opening add you opinion but keep it short and sweet. Remember, for those like yourself and me we made our bed now we got to sleep in it. I know guys that have hard time changing and it looks like it eats them inside to outside if you cant you seriously need to leave but it doesnt mean totally still can be around them as friends. Good luck,
  13. The place will surely be cleaner! The leaders will make sure it is spent well. Thanks suckers!
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