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Posts posted by Englander

  1. How long are the sessions as i see a guy in the UK who offers an hour for 25GBP.

    In my mind itd take this long to get your body manipulated to encourage it to fix itself.

  2. 3 reasons why the FA go abroad for a manager.


    Fulham captain Danny Murphy last night named the three Barclays Premier League managers he most blames for the violent, win-at-all-costs tactics scarring the top flight this season.

    Murphy, speaking at the Leaders in Football conference at Stamford Bridge, accused Stoke's Tony Pulis, Blackburn's Sam Allardyce and Wolves boss Mick McCarthy of being responsible for sending out their teams 'so pumped up they are bound to be problems'.

    Murphy's comments follow Fulham's bad experiences against the three clubs. Bobby Zamora broke his leg in a challenge with Karl Henry of Wolves, Moussa Dembele has been sidelined following his collision with Stoke's Andy Wilkinson and Fulham conceded a goal against Blackburn after El Hadji Diouf's elbow-led obstruction of goalkeeper Mark Schwarzer.

    Murphy, 33, one of the most articulate players in the Premier League, said: 'Your manager dictates what your players do and how you behave. If you have a manager who is in control of the team and doesn't allow these type of things , then you are going to have a more disciplined team

    'You get managers who are sending their teams out to stop other sides playing which is happening more and more — the Stokes, Blackburns, Wolves. They can say it's effective and they have got to win games but the fact is their players are so pumped up, there is inevitably going to be problems.

    'Under Roy Hodgson at Fulham, we were always top of the Fair Play award because he wouldn't accept stupid tackles. The technique on tackling and the pace in which some players go into tackles is ridiculous.

    'I don't believe players are going out to break another player's leg but there has to be some logic and intelligence involved, especially the ones who are doing repeatedly. If you are going at someone at a certain pace and you don't get it right,you are going to hurt them. Players should be held to account for that.

  3. Looks like City are going to need instant success if theyre allowed to play European Football.


    Manchester City face a much tougher fight than they expected if they are to avoid a ban from European football from 2013 onwards because of a £250m burden that must remain on their books for the next five years.

    Uefa has told The Independent that this nine-figure sum, accrued from recent transfers, cannot be written off as a loss on next year's accounts alone, but must be spread over the length of the relevant players' contracts. As a result, the club must rethink its strategy as it hopes to meet the terms of Uefa's Financial Fair Play (FFP) regulations, which demand that, from 2013, clubs must lose no more than £13m per year or risk being shut out of all European competitions.

    Uefa's calculations are made as an average over a rolling three-year period and, though this would allow some flexibility, City's recent spree means they will be starting each year until 2015 some £50m in the red, before they spend another penny. The club acknowledges privately that "a huge challenge" lies ahead to meet Uefa's break-even targets.

    Uefa's head of club licensing, Andrea Traverso, the man in charge of monitoring, has told The Independent that any "wipeout" of historic spending would "be seen as a way to circumvent the rules, and that is not allowed".

    The news comes as City's Manchester rivals, United, publish accounts today that are expected to comply comfortably with FFP, not least because they make enormous operating profits. A British record figure of more than £100m for 2009-10 is expected when United post their latest results, even though the overall losses are expected to be tens of millions as a result of interest payments, plus exceptional currency exchange losses and refinancing fees.

    The FFP rules dictate that clubs must effectively break even from 2011-12 onwards, when monitoring begins. Two seasons of finances will be considered for entry into the Champions League or Europa League in the 2013-14 season. Initial losses averaging £19.6m per year will be allowed, but from 2012-13, losses will be capped at £13m per year (averaged over three-years), and from 2013-14, be capped at £8.7m per year .

    The size of City's task is illustrated by the fact they made a loss of £121.3m in 2009-10, and expect losses of £130m-plus in 2010-11. The trend is hugely problematic and the transfer "backlog" is a damaging part.

    Because City will not be allowed to clear that in one go, the £250m will have to be amortised (spread out) over five years. In simple terms, City will start every season between now and 2014-15 with a red hole in the accounts averaging £50m per season – for players they already own – before a ball is kicked. If they sign anyone else from now on, the deficit will only get bigger.

    Amortisation of transfer spending is a necessary requirement under FFP regulations relating to British clubs. It makes no difference if City have actually already physically handed over all the money to the selling clubs for the players they have brought in. For accounting purposes, the fees need to be amortised over the length of the players' contract.

    The £250m is an estimate calculated by The Independent from data within City's 2009-10 financial accounts, released last week, and has been corroborated by sources with insight into City's financial situation. City's net spending on players including Wayne Bridge, Gareth Barry, Carlos Tevez and Yaya Touré since June 2008 has been £332.6m and the gross spending far higher.

    City hope to meet the FFP requirements by achieving giant leaps in income, especially from Middle East firms; by playing Champions League football for the next two years (a sizeable earner); and by producing their own young stars for the first team and for sale in the near future. But there are no guarantees of success – and other challenges. The biggest of those is a wage bill that grew to £133.3m in 2009-10, which alone was greater than City's entire income of £125m. That wage bill is expected to rise to around £160m in 2010-11; again that bill is expected to be close to the club's total income.

    In 2009-10, the club's operating losses – income minus operating expenses, of which wages are the biggest single part – were £55.1m, and will rise.

    City argue, with some justification, that owner Sheikh Mansour's investment of hundreds of millions is rebuilding not just a club but a community, with spending on everything from facilities to improved pies, a better website and an academy aimed at nurturing home-grown players. (No other club can better City's figure of fielding seven full England internationals in league games alone this season, albeit not all raised in Manchester).

    And if City exceed Uefa's FFP limits solely because of spending before the rules were published, punishment may be reduced if not avoided. But even City insiders acknowledge they have actively chosen to keep on spending in 2010 – on players and wages – on the "if you don't spend, you don't grow" principle.

    But as one Uefa source said: "While many clubs have been moving actively towards compliance, it is clear others are still deciding to go the other way... The rules are clear, and when they apply, they will apply."

    Other European giants at risk...


    The reigning European champions are also the continental kings of spending, with losses of £132m to June 2009, £126m to June 2008 and £178m the year before, or £436m in three years, underwritten by the Moratti family. Gargantuan transfer fees and wages need slashing.

    Red Bull Salzburg

    Bought by the Red Bull drinks firm in 2006, which has subsidised multi-million pound seasonal losses ever since. Titles have been consistent since (three in five years), under coaches and with players previously out of financial reach. But Uefa will take a keen interest.


    The Bundesliga deserves its reputation for being well-run financially but Schalke's debt climbed to £121m in their last financial year after losses of £14m. The parent company debt is bigger still at £212m, although that is partly due to stadium funding.

    Zenit St Petersburg

    Owned and bankrolled by Russia's largest company, the gas firm Gazprom, which has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on facilities, players and wages since 2005.The Uefa Cup win of 2008 was one result. The spending of £38m during the summer was typical, and unsustainable.

  4. We get excellent crowds week in, week out and all local supporters. So don't worry about us having to fill the stadium with coach loads of cockney, irish and canadian Man Unitred supporters ;)

    Without being pedantic, but the Cockney Red think is absolute b*llocks..

    I'm a Cockney, Born & Bred & i don't know 1 other Cockney that in Man Utd..

    They'd have been beated to <deleted> in the School Playground if they were fo starters..;)

    But i bet at your school there werent any kids that came out as being gay, they waited until they were a bit older before coming out .... much like being a Man U fan from London. ;)

  5. The other chap may well have a fair few supporters watching, and see the farang loudmouth being the aggressor.

    I wouldn't think there are too many Thais who would get in a ruck with a foreigner with knowing they've got a few supporters behind them.

  6. its mighty city with empty blue seats,

    35,000 attendance on a wet and windy thursday night when it was also being shown on TV, in the early games of any cup, is NOT a bad attendance figure nev, no matter what you think.

    Id agree its a decent enough attendance for whats a bit of a non event of a competition especially at this stage, but Citeh couldnt sell all their tickets last Sunday.

  7. if you look at what they have done with the red sox they have invested in the playing staff and the stadium with a view to making a sustainable business.

    The Red Sox dont have to compete with the equivalent of Abramovich and Abu Dhabi, from what i know about US sports is they pretty much share the money out equally, and they dont have the lottery of the transfer market, i dont think any Americans truly grasp this concept.

    we were competing just fine with and even outstripping abramovich's chelsea prior to hicks and gillet raping the club. all liverpool fans ask is that we are well-run, well-administered and allowed to spend what we make. it's simple stuff. the majority of liverpool fans do not want a sugar daddy which sees the club become a rich man's plaything.

    Im not saying that, what im saying is being successful in US sports where they dont have transfer fees and the money is evenly divided no matter how a team performs, is a whole business to English Football.

    But whether Liverpool fans want a sugar daddy or not, theyre going to need at least 100 million quid or so to compete in the top 4, not taking into account that Gerrard is 30 and Torres seemingly injury prone, this on top of the stadium that sounds as if theyll rebuild.

    Who knows time will tell, itll be difficult to do worse then these 2.

  8. if you look at what they have done with the red sox they have invested in the playing staff and the stadium with a view to making a sustainable business.

    The Red Sox dont have to compete with the equivalent of Abramovich and Abu Dhabi, from what i know about US sports is they pretty much share the money out equally, and they dont have the lottery of the transfer market, i dont think any Americans truly grasp this concept.

  9. Ive read there were 2 bids, does anyone know who were the losing bid ... just out of curiosity.

    And how much have they leveraged to buy the club with, im aware the money wont come from RBS but are another financial institution funding it .... wonder if the Premier League will look into this for the fit and proper persons test.

    Theyre also talking of rebuilding Anfield aswell as looking into building a new ground, being a cynic that tells me theyre going to stick an extension on wherever they can!

    Its good to see those 2 potentially lose the 100 million of their own money they used.

  10. I turned down a fairly decent paying job here last year, one of the main reasons was the thought of working a 6 day week didnt appeal, though it did include 28 sick days a year (id never heard of such a thing) and 4 weeks holiday.

    Now im working 28 days without a day off x 12 hours per day, but there is a nice 28 days off at then end of it.

    These people must be less productive if overworked, though isnt pulling a sicky a national passtime here?

  11. I guess it depends on what one calls racism. Growing up in West London during the 70s, I had to deal with real racism that involved literally having to fight for your life with white youths on a regular basis.

    Try being white walking through certain parts of London predominantly populated by people of Afro Caribbean/ Somalian/ Pakistani origin in 2010, now that is real racism.

    :lol: Real Racism to be called white trash and have a few stones thrown at you? Mate I come from that part of London, not far from Southall. yeah your right there is racism there aimed at the whites but its far from real racism! :blink:

    try picking cotton for years on end IF you survive and not get paid but get regular beatings for it. taken away from your homes to work as slaves, now thats real racism. did you ever study history? come forward a few years to London during the 60s and 70s, whats that they called paki bashing! I think whatever you have tried in London 2010 is a lot less than many blacks have gone through over the course of a few hundred years.

    I am shocked at the amount of racists there are on this board and yet most of you are screwing Thai girls :blink: the mind boggles.

    But ive already shown you to be a liar and fantasist on another thread, with your own quotes so lets take what you write with a pinch of salt.

    Do these stats prove real racism for you? come on please answer this question.


    And no im not here to screw Thai girls, im here to see and raise my child you ignorant bar crawling whoremonger.

  12. I guess it depends on what one calls racism. Growing up in West London during the 70s, I had to deal with real racism that involved literally having to fight for your life with white youths on a regular basis.

    Try being white walking through certain parts of London predominantly populated by people of Afro Caribbean/ Somalian/ Pakistani origin in 2010, now that is real racism.

  13. The Africans can be a pain in the arse, sure, but they wouldn't be on the streets selling drugs unless there was a demand for their wares. The majority of their customers are Thais followed closely by whites.

    The African prostitutes are there because there is a demand for their wares - The majority of their customers are Arabs followed closely by whites.

    So its Whitey/Thais fault theyre here selling drugs, and Whitey and Arabmans fault for them bringing aggressive vile hookers here.

    Glad you cleared that one up.

  14. To balance out the comments for fat gutz, I had fish and chips from there last night and it was really good! I telephoned my order through and dropped in to collect it, everything was ready for me and correct, friendly staff and excellent food.

    Not exactly cheap though, 600 Baht for fish and chips but I will go back again. The portion was enough for 2 to share....

    It tastes nice enough, but the fish is a little on the thin side, id eat again if im in the area.

  15. Good to see the Dutch manager take action and drop him.

    NIGEL DE Jong has been axed from the Holland squad following his shocking tackle on Hatem Ben Arfa.

    Netherlands coach Bert van Marwijk has dropped midfielder Nigel de Jong from his squad for the forthcoming Euro 2012 qualifying matches against Moldavia in Chisinau on Friday, October 8, and Sweden at the Amsterdam ArenA on Tuesday, October 12. Van Marwijk has explained his reasons during a private conversation with Manchester City player.

    De Jong committed a horror tackle on Newcastle player Ben Arfa who was stretchered off the pitch yesterday.

    Van Marwijk had already discussed De Jong´s behaviour on the field a number of times, following harsh tackles and reckless fouls.

    Van Marwijk: "I've just informed the squad and told them I had no other options. I will see Nigel shortly and talk to him. For now, the focus will be on two crucial qualifying games."

    Meanwhile De Jong has also came under fire in Holland in the media.

    Sparta Rotterdam boss Jan Everse declared: "He needs to see a mental doctor."

    And TV pundit Hugo Vorst said: "De Jong is a criminal who needs to be dragged out of football."

    Read More http://www.chronicle...?#ixzz11OTx11yQ

    Same thing should happen to the referee.

  16. I think De Jong's a hard Player but that link that Englander posted against the Ynaks wasn't a bad tackle.. Haven't seen yesterday's Ben Arfu tackle yet though..

    He had both his legs wrapped around him, it was as StevieH said a definite attempt to do him early in the game to let him know he was there, and it seems as if hes ended his season.

    If it had been Barton on A Johnson itd be classed as assault.

    For that link put the video to full screen then watch the ball and watch De Jong he goes in with his studs up aimed at the players legs and he achieved his sole intention of doing him

    Id sooner see ManCity win the league then Chelsea but for 300 million pounds youd expect a little more finesse.

  17. Brian Kidd has hailed City's fighting spirit

    I hope he isnt meaning that about De Jong, he's a disgrace that was one of them challenges to let Ben Arfa know he's going to be in a battle, and he done him good and proper, hes deliberately broke a few legs now the talentless thug.

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