Good. It's a farce..Wokian crap.
They develop physique of an athletic man then the sausage comes off.
Not a level playing field.
By birth = by division.... They can just do a trans category against each other etc.
Bring some sense back into this world.
Pretty much, remember joking much younger...cock of the walk young and shiny fresh off the plane in Japan..old and decrepit end of the line in Cambodia.
Nailed it.
Best interacted with through safety of a screen....
So many unhinged foreigners in Thailand pass for 'crazy farang' in the sense they mean "white western culture's baffling and different ways"...when we as westerners would simply say "F-ing crazy guy" observing some of the antics that go on.
Can you imagine the things westerners do in Thailand being done by a Thai in your home country ?
Puts it right in perspective.
That was it...staircase desk woman said no COR for tourist visa holders is it a regional variation or CM has changed to allow that if you know?...cheers.
Nice, I never knew you could get a 2-year license on a tourist visa. Is that a new thing ?
When I was last there it seemed I coould not get it on METV in Chiang Mai...or maybe I was mis-informed.
But if they brought it in it would be rescinded as that is what they do here...or amended's a farce...they cannot stop tinkering with the visa rules, it gets worse and a multi-headed monster trying to go in different directions.
I do wonder if Musk will try and interlink DOGE coin somehow into this department ?
Blockchain tracking of everything. There has been talk of this before.
DOGE crypto coin would skyrocket in value in a week..he has come back and referenced this 's*itcoin - as some would call it - multiple times on twitter for all the hopefuls holding it long-term...
That is if they could locate him in some less developed country than Thailand, not every country has TM30 there you go....that doubt he was in soi 6 gogo town.
Yes, same priciple as car mileage...keep it maintained moderately used and mostly in the garage, or use it as a taxi...excess exercise has opposite effect consistently....marathon runers look like anorexics.
Should have bought some weed instead sunshine...
See newstory UK other day how police "protected communities" from the evil green drug by raiding adhoc weed factories...the people they caught were youngish nerds vs organised gangsters.
Evil Weed UK
Legal Weed TH.
By designating cartels as terrorist ogranisations now, he may asist Mexico militarily to break them in exchange for Mexico stopping immigrants at its south border I'm guessing after the sweep up inside USA.
Should have just shagged her harder...same idea as when gf's piss you off before sex...that is the reason.
She was speaking but you were not listening.