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Everything posted by freedomnow

  1. You're not factoring the age gap between you both. Easy to mock what's on offer for older guys in Thailand - but outside marriage here, that is what is on offer for these oldsters....and its a lot more than the west...
  2. It's a metaphor...hopefully you just dropped some dry humour or you got aspergers....literalism.
  3. Though the track goes both ways, it will mostly be a 1-way street bombing out sector after sector after Thai fruit and veg sellers last 1 year. So funny seeing all the Chinese army medics rushing down to Vientiane in a trial 'emergency help' drill on the China-Lao line...
  4. ...but is it a law, or a recommendation pretending to be a law at this point ?
  5. 24/7 ankle bracelets for creatures of the night in Pats ? Least they can track them down fast with a catch net......woof woof.
  6. Is that when you are doing a runner from your beer tab for the night ?
  7. Nmax....great ride stability and ABS front/back. A more laid back seat angle vs Aerox steep dip seat angle.
  8. See how long that works before the fines start rolling from loitering 'plain-clothed' cops with the bumbags/fanny pack slings in tow.
  9. LIKE LIKE LIKE. Gen Y - that inserts the word LIKE wherever possible, but not needed.
  10. Ah, no way....make it up as they go along. This govt. is a CIRCUS.
  11. Thai government needs replaced, this endless application of new rules/hoops then step-backs then step-forward...is there any other government in the world ? How about well though out STABLE rules where all use case/use case exceptions have been looked at ? MORONFEST. The hindrance this lot cause to Thailand's growth.
  12. There CAN be problems shipping CBD to LoS and I think carry-on will be only legal exception soon enough. Someone I know working in the Thai medical field was told no, you cannot buy from abroad and ship to LoS legally..though I thought that rule was coming in the new law amendments and it was a free-for-all just now. Don't want competiition to home grown, do they ?
  13. You can book it through agents in Vientiane no less than 3 days before...going out to station and buying same-day forget about it. 2 days before 50/50 and long queues. There is a booking office in a big mall in centre but no English info and payment is in all the weird Asia-only phone apps..so go agent route in advance its easiest. 15,000 kip bus to station 2 or so times a day at main bus station..fruit market or whatever they call it...bus station is wrecked half way through rebuild..number 28 I believe...anyway destination and times are on a concrete pillar next to the bus. 2nd choice is bus/minivan to Vang Vieng and you will be able to get train same-day to LP in most cases as a lot of people get off at VV....tuk-tuk to station it is about 5km or less north of the town.
  14. I mean look what has happened to country - it has imploded into a narco state since legalisation....smell of weed on every corner...jabbering mad people everywhere. Cops rolling around the street with huge spliffs saying they are moving to Koh Tao. It's the end of civilization, I tell ya !
  15. It's an amendment, with more granular controls on marketing etc. Of course not, done and dusted. Says you. It was phased in from medical to recreational in US. Why don't you go over and tell all the buyers what they can and cannot put in their body ? Buyers will just re-orient to under medical use if need-be. I personally have no interest in the stuff, novelty wore off.
  16. Is there major flooding around BTS National stadium if anyone is around there or knows...
  17. I hold you personally responsible for bringing the 'haha' emoticon back.
  18. My no. 1 - Getting flattened on these roads on my motorbike by some slovenly idiot. Evasive action on a daily basis ...up to about 5 times per day to avoid crashes.
  19. Haha, there you go again telling me where I live without knowing a thing. Wrong on both guesses. I'l leave it at that, not wanting to go in a death spiral argument clogging up the thread.
  20. I don't live in the middle of nowhere, yet again more garbage commentry.
  21. Yes, just try deflect your obvious garbage commenary before.
  22. Yes, that is why my house here is just under 1/10th the cost of similar build in my home city and no council tax rip-off as icing on cake.
  23. I'll take hipsters over knucklescrapers/gangsters in other foreigner hubs that attract a certain 'type' for 'local services'.
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