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Everything posted by Raindancer

  1. I did mine at 6.30am this morning. But I suppose at this time of the month, numerous transfers were going through. No rush, I was merely surprised at using the same reason, produced a different time frame this time around.
  2. I also transferred funds using funds for monthly expenses. This time it will arrive in 8 hours. Last month it arrived within seconds. Go figure.
  3. With some of them, it never stops........move on!!
  4. Well, they don't like confrontation or being challenged, especially when they have been caught out. I don't know how long they have been together, nor how strong their relationship is. But notwithstanding that, there needs to be some serious discussions. And if I was challenged in that manner, and the relationship was in the early stages, I know that it would be a simple thing to move on alone.
  5. Perhaps, you could take your friend aside and have a quiet word with him. You obviously think his kindness or naivete, is being abused. It would be unfair of me to pass judgement on this person, and I have my own private thoughts on what I would do.
  6. Maybe she genuinely misunderstood that she has to pay 350 baht for initial registration. You can pass on my comments, that it is not needed. As for the dental expenses, I cannot comment. But I would find it unusual to have root canal work in a child's milk teeth. He needs to ask the dentists why that procedure, if it was indeed carried out, was necessary. Milk teeth are what they are, and normally fall out and replaced naturally. Unless there was some gum disease,which needed some other intervention. But I am not a qualified dental surgeon. So, I may be commenting out of place.
  7. No problem. As I get older I sometimes know what I am referring to, but don't always explain it fully 🤣🤣🤣🙏🏻
  8. My apologies. You are absolutely correct. We'll spotted. I was referring to the dental cover being limited to 900 baht per year. I hope that clarifies it.🙏🏻
  9. Here is an extract from the 30 baht scheme: The types of services that can be sought include free over-the-counter drugs for 16 basic ailments at contracted pharmacies; 32 basic medical treatments at contracted medical clinics such as wound dressing and prescribed injections; and 22 types of prescribed laboratory tests. It also covers physical rehabilitation services as prescribed by a doctor, basic dental care services, medical examinations and associated treatments that do not require hospital admission, and Thai traditional medical therapies such as massage and herbal steam.
  10. Have you changed your bank or account recently at the Canada end?
  11. There is no 350 baht charge to initially join the scheme. But you do indeed pay 30 baht for each hospital visit to a govt hospital. As for dental cover, that would need to be clarified at the point of a dental visit The monthly circa 430 baht scheme per month for working people, covers all medical bills in a govt hospital, but is limited to 900 baht per year. So, it would be difficult to imagine that the 30 baht scheme has much if any, dental cover. But I stand to be corrected on the final paragraph. If your friend thinks that the 1600 baht each root canal, is disingenuous, all he has to do is check the bill that he paid for.
  12. I wouldn't know how to use it🤣🤣🤣🙏🏻
  13. I don't think he is listening. To put an emotional post, baring your soul to a public forum, is not the sign of an emotionally mature individual, who admits to wanting to find love. If he does exactly the same with a Thai woman, when he finally arrives here, he will be destitute before he knows it. I genuinely feel sorry for him, but he seems to have his mind made up.
  14. Obviously a long term resident(not) with copious knowledge of Thailand and experience with foreigners ( not). What a rambling incoherent, negative piece of rubbish. You need to get out more and away from your troll machine.
  15. Keep your money private. If not, it will soon be devoured!!
  16. Well said. And i would strongly recommend keeping your finances to yourself and not sharing them with any prospective " wife" you might consider. And as someone succinctly pointed out, you sound needy, thus making you emotionally vulnerable to the wrong sort of woman. For goodness sake take the advice you have been given and please take your time and explore Thailand first.
  17. Visas are not transfered." After 17 years living here - I do understand that, but the original visa type is noted in the transferred stamp in pp #2, i.e., "Non-B" in my case. Hence my post, where I referred only to where they transferred details of my original visa type and entry date and original passport. There are 3 transfer stamps in total. And of course the carried forward latest extension.🙏🏻 I am on non O retirement extension, and bank books etc were not required. As @DrJack54 said, CW is slightly different
  18. You're very welcome. Correct preparation is as you say, take everything just in case🤣🤣👍🙏🏻
  19. I'm also on my third passport. They transferred my original entry stamp into Thailand in Feb 2009 into the second passport. I produced the second passport, with copies of every page with stamps. This also contained the original entry date stamp that was transferred into this passport at the time. They then just transferred my current extension and my original entry date, with the stamped details, into my third passport. That was in Chiang Mai earlier this year. EDIT: whilst I produced the TM 30, they said that there was no need to renew it, as I was still living at the same address. I hope that helps.
  20. Things have certainly changed in my years here. My Western neighbour purchased his house and his wife is from another province, where she is registered on her Tabian ban with her 30 baht card. All they had to do for her to obtain/ transfer the 30 baht scheme to her new domicile, was to present the Tabian ban from the new house and her Thai ID card. This was done locally and once the ID card was entered into the Amphur computer,it recognised the wife's residential address in the other province, and they noted her new domiciled address, and it was changed there and then. There was no need to return to the Thai wife's province to remove her from her residential address. It was all amended on line.
  21. I have no wish to cause you unnecessary alarm, nor malign your lady. But 10 years in and she never mentioned marriage! I did write a lengthy reply, but decided not to. All I will say, is tread carefully. There are too many red flags for me personally and I would have my doubts. I hope you arrive at a sensible decision that makes you feel comfortable. Remember, the old saying, " if you have to talk yourself into something, and someone gently prods you into it, it's probably the wrong decision. Good luck
  22. I cannot answer your last question or the implications of debts your partner may have incurred prior to your proposed marriage or thereafter. The same goes for any medical bills she might now incur. On a personal note would do some research before tying the knot. But it would not be unreasonable to think that any debts incurred by her, prior to marriage, are her responsibility and not yours. I also wonder why she is now suggesting marriage? Please don't be offended at this comment. But if I was in your place and debts or medical bills ownership/ responsibility crossed my mind, when she suddenly mentioned marriage, I would ask myself this question. Perhaps you should open another thread on this, as there may be forum members who have actual expertise in these questions.
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