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Posts posted by travelmann

  1. Can't you dig out some foundations quickly and start building? After all, you have a letter from them saying they will not enforce the ruling on that.

    That would probabbly make his situation worse not better , they have now informed him that they are excersing their option and changes to the property could be considered vandalism and he be required to change it back to the way it was before the notice. If he could magicly buid a house overnight and they didnt like it they could make him tear it down and remove it and restore the property to the way it was when he recieved the notice. Since thats the case even if they liked it they would pay 50 cents on the dollar because they would have him over the barell. Tear it down or give it away would be the result.

    In that case, take the money and hand it over after the OP has made a bit of money offering a toxic chemical dumping service for a few weeks.

    Dont be crazy everyone knows you can dump that toxic stuff anywhere in Thailand

  2. Actually ill tell you what it is, the waste pipes out the back of the bogs are 4inches diameter which is fine unless u <deleted> bricks BUT the exit hole from the pan itself is less than 3 inches which doesnt help one bit and I cant understand why manufacturer havent caught up with that fact and made them 4 inch

    No problem with concrete ring cesspits if the are designed properly and no bleach is shoved down em they work fine am not sure if boidegradebale bog roll would work in them or not.

    The next problem as stated is the correct fall in the pipes and pipe sizes, too much fall and the water gushes thru leaving your turd high n dry where no doubt it will glue itself to the pipe wall and too little and gravity wont let it run thru the pipe. The fall should be about 1/4 inch a foot, I did a run recently carefully measuring the fall so it was spot on photo attached.


  3. Sad to see so many readers here are mad at this man who says what so many people think and believe to be true.

    Let face it, by law you have to have an income (or cash assets) to stay in Thailand greater than most middle class working Thai people could only dream.

    Then to get married here your spouse has to have your country witness in a sworn statement your claim to an stated income before they will register your marriage under Thai law is that to protect the Thai spouse not to mistakenly marry a poor man.

    Is it our moral self righteousness or our insecurities that are being displayed here.

    In any case most comments show for themselves the writer stance on life.

    Eh what sworn statement is that?? I got married with no statement of income and i dont mean a village wedding.................. mind you it was 6 years ago now?

  4. Living here for decades I've seen lot and lots of nonsense some of it beneficial to me I bought my first bit of land really cheap 30 odd years ago because noone else dare buy it because a young girl committed suicide on it

    Some of the nonsense down right dangerous a 13 year old girl was having a fit one day possibly epileptic the parents instead of getting proper help called in the witch doctor and we had a crazy hour of nonsense while he tried to drive out the evil spirits , all the neighbours came round with helpful comments like "ask her what the lottery numbers will be"

    About 8 years ago a 10 year old boy got bitten by a rabid dog again no striat off the the hospital like a normal thing to do it was call the witch doctor , he spat some betel juice over her and said he would be fine the boy died in agony 10 days later

    And finerly just this year the wife's mother was running for pu yai barn (village headman) they consulted the village quack about how best to succeed after paying a large sum of money plus the usual pigs head and bottle of grog he came up with the priceless advice of " bribe all the villages with more money than your rivals and you will win !!!!!" she did so by the way and lost 

    All quite pathetic really but no worse than any religion.

  5. Let me tell you the story of the 3 sisters . . . Yes in Issan

    First daughter married a Thai. No ring, small party, and 10,000 ($350 USD) Sin sod Still married

    Eldest daughter was a teacher, had a son by prior marraige, Found a Expat to marry her, He paid about $10,000 USD sin sod and is expected to pay the family 5000 Bt a month ($ 165 USD) to help out Family thinks he the Dope of the family

    Middle daughter who was married prior to a thai (young virgin she was) who paid 20,000 Bt. Sin Sod first time around

    now with daughter to take care of, married an Expat at the government office. Sin sod paid ZERO, Monthy help paid ZERO Wedding party paid ZERO This husband quickly set thing straight, He helps the family as and when he see fit to do so and the need is there.

    Not sure what the moral of the story is, but your story is way out of control ! What son in-law do you want to be ? the one they think is a DOPE or the one they respect

    I wouldnt marry into that family if they thought he is a dope.

  6. Most call centres in the UK are now using indian staff based in India to save on costs.

    They wouldn't have those opportunities if their english skills weren't good enough.

    So even in the UK it is happening too.

    Oh trust me THEY REALLY ARENT GOOD ENOUGH, many times had to call them couldnt understand a word they said, now call centres are relocating back to the UK due to many complaints.

    • Like 1
  7. I lost my license back in europe due to speeding, so i guess i can drive. English is not a problem.

    Robblock, can you go into more detail? Would love to know how long it took to get the license and what are the costs? Did you just punch the theoretical test into a computer? Any real driving test at all?

    Also do you drive with your thai license back home too? wink.png

    Seems to me you lost your license due to your inability to drive.

  8. Many years ago my ex GF in BKK suggested we go to a certain seafood restaurant. Within 30 mins three other couples I didn't know joined us. At the end of the meal/drinks the bill was put in front of me. I divided it by four, put my share on the table and walked back to the car.

    It never happened again.

    Very quiet night after though with the GF

    well done and quite correct, I went up to Loei with the wife, then her Brother tagged along and "some other guy" no money was given for fuel and the other guy just wanted to go on a trip apparently.

    We now go alone and Ive made it quite clear to the wife about this for the future.

  9. Its all very well saying buy this make or that brand, BUT ITS NOT AVAILABLE HERE !!!!! ("here" meaning my area)

    I did state this in the original post about "where you are" here you cant buy quality thats my whole point, and in post no.4 I stated I have tried paying more but that doesnt always work either so its not a case of getting what you pay for either.

    This is a rural area, mostly farming community. If I was living in the larger cities some of the points would be valid and frankly probably I wouldnt even make the post.

    I am not about to take a 10 hr return bus trip to Bangkok for a Stanley scew driver or DeWalt grinder !

    I know the well known brands but dont particularly want to spend hours on the road getting them. Before some one else says it, Ok my fault for living in the boonies.

    To put that into perspective the nearest HomePro or similiar involves a 5 hr drive.

    my point was "its not available here" all you can get is cheap crap in this area and was it the same around your area.

    Stating "this area" but not telling us where that is doesnt help

  10. I think you have to segregate it between problems involving her and problems involving you. If it involves her, well of course she doesn't want to talk about it. Especially if she's been lying to you. One tactic that I hear so often is the language angle. "You no understand" is a typical line, implying that your lack of Thai language skills prevents her from explaining her side properly. But if you could speak/understand Thai, you'd eliminate this tactic, no?

    But just curious, Mr. Holysteel, does she also shy away from discussing problems that she may have with you? For instance, let's say she's asked you for a large pile of cash and you refused. Is she going to drop it? I would think not. She'll bring it up over and over again. So perhaps you can use her tactic against her when it's to your advantage.

    Speaking Thai hahah funny because my wife is always having misunderstandings......................with other Thais she says they really arent clear on what they are saying at all

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