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Posts posted by travelmann

  1. Mine are, because I'm a good parent. Maybe your's aren't because you are a bad parent. Impossible to generalize.

    I liked winny the kwai his post, i really believe its not just parenting. Me and my brother are totally different but have been raised the same way. I think its not just parenting has to do with the kid too.

    Now I used to think upbringing also but I too have noticed this, 3 kids brought up the same way, one now in jail the other highly strung screecher and the other the most down to earth older than his years helpful hardworking guy you could ever meet. I think a lot of personality is in built from birth.

  2. Oh please spare me, thai children are some of the most undisciplined children I know of, the parents are children just like them, they have no parenting skills and have never been taught any. Most are taken to grandma and dumped off for most of their lives with no education or moral support. Again bs answers from people that dont live here.

    100% correct!!

  3. I always drink and drive, sometimes even swigging from the bottle whilst driving, my wife says its disgusting but I find if I ignore her she eventually shuts up.

    That chocolate milks great aint it

    At least its not as bad as my Coke habit, still what with the shortages recently, its only the last month or too the right stuff has been available, bloody flooding to blame.

  4. Id like to see the non believers her stay a night or 2 in these places they say arent haunted.

    Didn't James Randi offer a large reward for proof of the supernatural?

    Assuming that reward is still being offered, surely its worth any true believer's time to visit these haunted places and obtain proof?

    FWIW - I'm not convinced, but would be open to genuine evidence.

    What would you regard as genuine evidence?

    Unless you go out and look for yourself with your own eyes, you would always doubt

    someone else's evidence as fake.

    Most evidence is either taped on camera or recorded on voice recorders,

    what else can supernatural investigators provide as evidence?

    The only other way is to speak to a psychic/medium that can tell you something that only you would personally

    know about a deceased person.

    As in repeatable by scientists worldwide

  5. I recall when the sevens sold booze 24hrs. Now my local sevens (bangkok) can't scan alcohol items during the restricted hours. I assume sevens in tourist areas are allowed to sell all day. The law, as somebody mentioned, has been a god send for the little mom and pop shops.

    I may be wrong but I have always believed that 7 / 11's - at least in major cities - are now "on-line" to a Centre run by the Thai Master Franchise owner which records all Sales, mainly to arrange re-stocking automatically without the small Franchise owner having to Order himself. This same system would record if that Franchisee scanned a sale of alcohol outside the legally permitted times, resulting in a penalty or even loss of the Franchise. Hence they usually will not allow a sale outside the legal hours.


    its not working tell them, never have many items by me

  6. Unless the "Item" was a motorbike or something that belongs in the street, then I think the OP is trolling.

    No Thai person i've ever met would leave valuable items out in the street. My Thai family wouldn't even leave what I consider to be "trash" out in the street (ie old bits of metal, or scrape wood etc...)

    I suggested getting a plastic bottle recycling bin at our condo; everyone looked at me like it was crazy...because, according them, someone would come round and nick the plastic bottles...(hmm...isn't that the point?)

    There's an old English saying "Where there's muck there's brass".

    I used to throw away my empty beer bottles, newspapers, plastic and cardboard but my TGF put a stop to that. She would hoard everything and once every few weeks (depending on consumption) she'd call the recycling lady who would turn up on a motorcycle-sidecar outfit with some scales and some heavy duty sacks. Everything would be sorted, bagged, weighed and priced and my GF kept the proceeds - sometimes several hundred baht.

    When she wasn't looking I put an (unopened) five kilo bag of rice on them and it apparently only weighed 4.6 kilos. Either her scales were out or the shop had ripped me off, I wonder which? whistling.gif

    Dont worry this is normal, I bought some Thai Watsadu 4mx3m tarpaulins yet strangely when I opened them out in my 4mx3m room they were about half a metre short all round?3.5mx2.5m.

    Im sure the simple explanation is Thai metres are different to Metric metres and the same will apply to your Kilos, its obviously a "Thai Kilo"

    You gotta love it sometimes aint yer!!

    • Like 1
  7. It is very possible that we are in the midst of 1997 part 2. Not just in Thailand but globally.

    You have a situation where low interest rates cause assets to raise in value. Then people think that these gains are "real". They then go out and spend more or borrow more based on these gains. When those gains prove illusory, the bubble collapses.

    Is this what is going on? Who knows. A few influential people in the Thai real estate market have alluded towards this.

    This has been the story of the last two decades of active central bank interest rate tinkering.

    Nobody wants to save money for 1% annual interest. If interest rates were 6-7-8-9% you would have individuals saving instead of splurging. Certain economists say that saving is terrible and that we should promote spending which creates economic growth which is done via artificially low interest rates. What we have seen though is one asset bubble after another with this format.

    The first post in this thread which shows any connection with the real world. This debt bubble is virtually worldwide. It's the reason why the Eurozone is staggering under massive debts... Greece, Italy, Spain etc. The US is massively in debt, and there is no way it can repay (except by printing more money).. The UK is going along the same route. Why should Thailand be any different?

    The worrying part is i can see WWIII looming as it all goes ti*s up.

  8. they get it from farang men, the foolish ones who give it.

    the ones who do anything the woman says as everytime he dont she threatens to split.

    being that they have never had an even remotely attractive woman at home they will do almost anything not to lose her.

    even start bs'ing themselves.

    that my friend is where the money is coming from, and its the foolish farang in debt, not the thai.

    allways the sweet handsome man who suffers, when he is broke, he is a baaaaaaaaaaaad man, when he is broke, he is no longer handsome.

    A VERY small minority, so small hardly worth counting imo

  9. Judging by some "ex friends" of my Wife's Id say yes, borrowing with constant requests made them ex friends. They're all heading for a fall, my Wife says she doesnt know why they do it she never had the need like they do, but then that's just her, even before we met she was thrifty.

    However when the sh*t hits the fan it wont be their fault!!

  10. It seems that no matter where you are in the world you are never further than 20 feet from a rat. Can't remember where I read or saw it. Maybe in thailand it's 10 feet.

    Lesson is

    Don't kill snakessmile.png

    Does that include the top of Everestbiggrin.png

  11. Well the OP has been scared off! BOO! At the end of the day, its each to their own. Some do some dont and it should all be respected. For me its not that I do but its not that I dont either. I would like to see a pic of this castle the OP is talking about. Sounds cool! Anyway Ive gotta go, Dr Peter Venkman is at the door lol!

    Nah I can never respect this especially when its taught as "the truth"

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