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Posts posted by travelmann

  1. In this modern day of technology........they've just landed a vehicle on Mars <deleted>.

    Surely with the amount of electronics etc. we have or whatever is required to prove that these entities exist, it would've been done by now.

    As far as ghosts.......no proof, no believe.

    Ever heard of EVP's (Electronic Voice Phenomena)

    check what they are on wikipedia.

    Here;s an example

    Sorry more drivel.

  2. In this modern day of technology........they've just landed a vehicle on Mars <deleted>.

    Surely with the amount of electronics etc. we have or whatever is required to prove that these entities exist, it would've been done by now.

    It is all brainwashing regardless of what religion you may believe in.

    I feel sorry for young kids who don't have a choice as to what they want to think or believe, it is basically thrashed into them what they must believe.

    As far as ghosts.......no proof, no believe.

    I would dearly love to meet a ghost..........I would have 100's of questions that I would probably bore the crap out of them with, and they would then dismiss me and make me think that I was only dreamin'.

    Why Are We Here?????????? blink.png

    Does there have to be a reason anyway?

  3. Wow. It's a wonder that thai people actually tolerate, not respect, some of you morons. You live in their country and disrespect the entire population because you think their beliefs are "misguided?" based on your notion of right and wrong? Being educated does not mean that a person doesn't believe in spirits. I believe and I'm educated, post-grad in the states.


    Congratulations an educated misguided American......... based on fact not fiction and remember the word is "believe" nothing more.

  4. This is an interesting link for all the doubters and believers out there.


    Looks like tripe to me again no evidence of anything.

    Not easy to have evidence on what happens to people after they die.

    Maybe you should speak to a medium or psychic as thats the closest you'll get to communicating

    with spirits.

    Or do you think they are all fake? worldwide that is?

    Yes undoubtedly ALL fake, besides I prefer a regular or largebiggrin.png

  5. I'm grateful for the belief in ghosts! Young kids used to use the wooded area behind my house to take drugs - then (a couple of years ago) someone committed suicide there - and the kids haven't been back! smile.png

    I have a ghost in the fridge...

    We have a chocolate ghost............. I buy it and the next day its gone?????????????? The Wife always has smug grin though? perhaps she is possessed by this ghost?

    face facts if something isnt understood people will invent soemthing to fill the lack of an answer, ghosts, god, goblins , fairies, esp, spoon bending etc etc ALL the same.

    I had a fridge in the 5th floor. And as the beer there was very popular I once told, while coming back with 4 beers, that I have a ghost in the fridge that let my beer disappear.

    And than, just as I am very surprised I added that I took 5 beers and now there are just 4 in my hands.

    that all was a joke for me. Before they already had some doubts and only two brave men together went up in the night....never alone.

    After that: no way that any of the middle age men there would even go in that room.

    No one had any logical problem, that I can go there and the ghost does not harm me (just my beer). I know from a company that has a ghost in the company. (or actually if something is going wrong no one made a mistake, everything was done by the ghost) They had the monks come several times (Buddhist monks are often corrupt enough to play along for good cash money).

    And the work performance was bad because all the staff was scared.

    That are grown up people---unbelievable......as it seems the story grow as more people speak together.

    Yep thats how it works then the group pressurise the person who dares to say "no" it s rubbish. just like smoking when you were kids!!

  6. I'm grateful for the belief in ghosts! Young kids used to use the wooded area behind my house to take drugs - then (a couple of years ago) someone committed suicide there - and the kids haven't been back! smile.png

    I have a ghost in the fridge...

    We have a chocolate ghost............. I buy it and the next day its gone?????????????? The Wife always has smug grin though? perhaps she is possessed by this ghost?

    face facts if something isnt understood people will invent soemthing to fill the lack of an answer, ghosts, god, goblins , fairies, esp, spoon bending etc etc ALL the same.

  7. ^^hmmm....well not to pry or anything, but do you believe in God? And if so, have you seen him, heard him, touched him, talked to him, or smelled him? If you've answered the latter in the negative, and the former in the positive, then by your reasoning isn't it silly then to believe in such a thing as God?

    I really do try to respect other people's beliefs. So if you choose not to believe in ghosts, I do respect your beliefs and the reasons why you believe.

    But if you ask a Thai if they believe in ghosts at least 99 out of 100 will say yes. I would also say that if you ask a Thai "have you seen or witnessed a ghost"? Probably 80% will say that they have.

    I can say, yes I have seen sufficient events such that I am a believer based upon my own witnessing it. Every single one of my relatives I have asked has some story to tell. My auntie has several gumantong. My uncles and mother have all interacted with it at this point. My cousins saw my grandma after she died. Every Thai I know has had something happen.

    Please present your proof in replicable form for the scientific community to evaluate rather than hearsay.

  8. I was talking to a 30 something Thai that I have known for a couple of years and he has always seemed quite 'with it' having worked in Oz and made a few trips to Europe. He was showing me some land he had bought and I asked him if he intended to build a house there. No,too many Ghosts live here already, he said. 'How do you know' I asked, and he said....because I have seen some yesterday ! I didn't take it any further.

    ahh huh! see here someone on my side. ghosts are everywhere in Thailand. If anyone doesnt believe than try doing a leak on land like described here. watch how angry ghosts react to you doing a disrespectful act on their land.

    Ive done much worse on land than take a leak ( leave it to your imagination) and often too. Im still waiting tom be struck down, mumbo jumbo, no hang on " I dont understand"..................no "my mind is closed" yes thats it.

    Oh yeah one of the builders on Wifes land told her something very big lived on the land and it wasnt good..............must have been what I deposited on it earlier then

  9. I just assumed this type of law always existed. Makes sense to me. I've had the unpleasant situation of sharing a bus with obnoxiously drunk and annoying people before. People ride buses to get somewhere. They shouldn't have to deal with drunken idiots -- that's what bars are for.

    Not to hijack the thread but this reminds me that I've never heard an explanation for the restriction on booze sales from 2 pm to 5 pm everyday. I've assumed it's to stop people from getting drunk during their work or school day. If that's the case, isn't it a bit embarrassing to have to make a law like that? Sort of like saying that one's population doesn't have enough self-control or maturity to be responsible.

    Surely not ?rolleyes.gif

  10. Palestine is for the people who were born in their homeland, not for immigrants from Russia or USA

    What if they are refugees from surrounding countries such as the million or so arab jews that were expelled from their "homelands'?

    The issue of "Palestine" has nothing to do with the behaviour of some European that reacted to an innocuous company logo.

    When I see some of the various EU nationals wearing their national flags as designs should I react and say, why is that man wearing a cross in Thailand? Should I accuse him of being a missionary and disrespecting a non Christian country, even though the symbol has no relationship to the accusation?

    Religion sick.gif

  11. Hey OP, you cant just raise and release what you call rare frogs. australia released cane toads and dont know where your from but those little bastids caused major issues.

    Agreed. Surely the OP--purporting to be some sort of animal (reptile) lover--should recognize that introducing a non-indigenous species into a new habitat/ecosystem can cause all manner of problems. Not smart.

    Looking at Thai immigration there is virtually no control or at best very lax.

  12. Johnnly, I didn't go through the whole 3 pages of posting here, but pretty much seen what I had already guessed at. Nobody seems to give a shit about anything but their own comforts and beliefs. Kind of shows you the apathy of the world doesn't it?

    The Buddha and Jesus don't mean anything to these people, it's either ancient history or myth to them. God help us.

    No my belief is not to believe in any deities, although buddha and jesus existed what jesus proclaimed for me is pure fantasy. Now if anyone wants to believe this thats up to them but saldy for the world these " beliefs" (and thats all they are) are then inflicted on to us non believers dictating laws and what we can and cant do.

  13. Its normal, sometimes just for laugh I will follow them for miles flashing my lights, then after about 15 minutes undertake, boy they sure didnt lose face by moving over...............is the look I get when I pass them.

    Also remember many times they want to u turn and as no one will let you pull out here they often stay in that land for ages but for sure some just think they own the road and wont move, those are the 15 minuters

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