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Posts posted by travelmann

  1. That is about one quarter of the amount of people in the world who die of hunger each year. However, the acrid smell of their decay does not blow into the faces of the morally outraged so therefore it does not enter into their consciousness. How about each time someone complains about smokers, they put 20 baht into a charity box.

    You choose to smoke, Im sure they dont choose to starve to death although I would say the parents often dont paln for kids but once born the kids dont choose to starve to death.

  2. It sure is a hell of a lot of people, i still try to get my mom to quit but im pretty sure that the only way for her to quit is to become one of those statistics. Dad used to smoke to but just gave it up years back after a heart attack.

    Anyone should be able to smoke when they want to as long as they do it away from other people. I feel it is wrong to ban smoking in people's own houses and cars but public places (and i find it strange its banned in parks) must be ok as long as they take their buts with them.

    Theres a problem with condos I know, when they smoke even in their own rooms as you get out of the lift the whole corridor reeks of dirty smoke and spoils the whole area, so even when done in their own rooms it reeks for others.

  3. The name on the "permit to build" is the one person who OWNS the house. The "permit to build" is important if you would like to avoid paying bribes for water service, electrical service, for a house number, etc.. That 150 baht might be a worthwhile investment of your time and money. The signed building plans and actual "permit to build" come into play if you ever make a house insurance claim. That is PROOF of what legal size your house is (was in the event of total loss) and it leaves the house insurance company no "wiggle room". You do not "need" a Thai drivers license, but it is worth the effort. The "permit to build" cost far less than 12 years of a Thai auto Drivers license. As the Thai village people say "up to you". Good luck on your electrical hookup being that far away from the main Government road. Hopefully the existing village electrical supply will serve your household needs.

    Thanks but it was no problem to get electric on or water and we also buried some 16mm nyy electric cable underground, heres a photo of the cable.

    No plans or permits necessary at all and we checked. Ive paid the electric bill 3 times already and same with the water.

    The supply of electric is more than adequate heres the poles and we are first off the transformer, only about 10 houses in the village and we are about 1 km from them all heres the posts right next to our land


  4. Anyone know about this company?

    T&T Construction

    T&T started work for me on a singles story house in May last year - it was supposed to be March.

    despite promises that it would be completed in October last year, it is still ongoing.

    You expect the odd issue with any new house - leaky water connections, ill-fitting doors etc.

    The foreman apparently ran off with 250,000 - 300,000B

    The electrical company refuses to connect the supply as the connection provided by the electrician is non-standard

    The electricity in some rooms goes on and off when it choses.

    The water supply is a trickle.

    The showers don't drain - concrete levels are not righ and no slope.

    Concreting is sub-standard - the mix is so weak you can kick it up.

    Plumbing routes are not helping - in one case it goes up into a bedroom roof and down the other side and the "n" shape (a big no no boys and girls) is prone to filling with air.

    The "stainless" fence that we [aid a great deal for was done in mild steel. It was in fact done "cheap" at the request of T&T at 30% of the price we paid to them!

    I have beenn trying in vain to get them to complete it for months and months - but every promise is broken. Nobody ever comes.

    If anyone does decide to use them - be warned!!!!

    Thanks for the heads up. I have found the only way to get it done well is live on site, be there all day. never let them do anything alone,if you can, do it yourself.

    All the builder does is hire cheap labour...................you can do that yourself, building costs really are small, labour 15% materials 85%. Buy all the material yourself.

  5. Every city of any size has several Thai LICENSED Architects. Buriram City has six architects with offices, some large, some small and they all charge for house plans based on the SIZE in square meters of your building. Prices vary, but it can be very inexpensive for custom plans, which also have a licensed structural engineer and draftsman all sign prior to submission to the proper "Permit to Build Office". Same plans can be given to the village official to be signed off on. The price for the LEGAL permit to build is as follows, and once you have that signed "permit to build" getting a house number, getting PERMANENT UTILITIES, is way way easier and no chance of corruption, You can obtain "free house plans" at any HomeMart and most any "Permit to Build" office. Great house plans for many Thai people. Door heights might not suit all Farang on those free house plans.

    How is the fee for a building permit calculated?

    How is the fee for a building permit calculated? It seems that no one can explain the process. Can someone from a local administration organization (OrBorTor) or legal advisers explain it? Pat, Rawai Friday, January 13, 2012 2:48:17 PM

    “The building permit document itself incurs a 20-baht fee and there are other fees for inspection, depending on what the building permit is for.

    The inspection fee for a building of no more than two storeys or of a height up to 12 meters is 0.5 baht (50 satang) per square meter of the total building area, combining the areas of each storey if there are more than one.

    For structures of two or three stories, or between 12 and 15 meters tall – the fee is 2 baht per square meter of total building area, combining the areas of each storey.

    For structures of more than three stories or of heights over 15 meters, the fee is four baht per square meter of total building area, again combining the areas of each storey.

    The fees I have given here are the inspection fees for new buildings only. There are different rates used for other aspects of building permits, such as in renovating a property, not building a new one.

    These rates are listed in the building permit fee section in the Interior Ministry’s Ministerial Regulation Notice 7 issued in BE 2528 (1985), which updates the Building Control Act BE 2522 (1979).

    A copy is available for download from the Thai Council of Engineers website at www. coe.or.th/co15law/act_control/building/L%2007.pdf

    You can also visit Rawai Municipality for further information.” Friday, January 13, 2012 2:48:17 PM Mayuree Srichuay, an officer at Rawai Municipality’s Public Works Division.

    Thanks for your detailed response, I dont need any permits to build confirmed with the local headman and land office as more than 4km from main road.

  6. Try your local amphor office, they are the ones who will give the planning permission.

    You are correct about the prices, where I am the going rate is between 30 and 50k depending on house design and size.

    The beauty of your local offices is they also know local conditions, eg piles

    Thanks I know about this but am looking hopefully for an English speaker as the wife already has enough on her plate with work and I dont want to lumber her with more.

    Apparently there is some home expo on in BKK which she will go to for more info/contacts.

    Where I live requires no building permissions at all, literally just build what you want. Already done one house on site but did the drawings myself, the second house is more complicated though and I need help with it.

    So if anyone out there knows anyone let me know ta

  7. I recognise a troll when I see one.

    Stay away from those mirrors, as well as going blind , you might not like what you see, your'e already deaf as you have clearly stated, so all thats left for you is BS? apparently, so Ill let you be with your limited outlook on Thai women.

  8. Here we go. I take it you fit the bill of the falang who is loved for himself alone? I won't even bother to respond if you take this position because it's pure BS and you know it.

    Is that tumbleweed I see blowing between those ears of yours?

    Is this supposed to be some kind of response? If you can't actually offer some kind of opposing view, just some flippant retort, we know where the tumbleweed blows, actually we just know who blows.

    You have already told us you dont believe any alternate view .

  9. Here we go. I take it you fit the bill of the falang who is loved for himself alone? I won't even bother to respond if you take this position because it's pure BS and you know it.

    Your bitterness must be eating you up inside. Keep on posting...I'm enjoying this. laugh.png

    Not bitter at all, in a long term relationship, but I take half (I'm being generous) of what I read on this forum with a grain of salt. BS reigns supreme with a lot of posters.

    Yes we believe you honestly................is it with your left or right hand?jerk.gif

    • Like 1
  10. Long meaningful overnight relationship maybe...............thumbsup.gif

    If a person has the charisma of a brick in his home country, again, perhaps he will meet Mrs. Brick over here. He may think he has found what he is after, but needs to weigh up the pros & cons of the situation.

    Otherwise he may end up as a Senior Member on here!...................smile.png

    Edit: See you beat me to it Giddyup!

    Theres more to life than charisma, try watching Th Painted Veil movie

  11. Now we wait for all the responses from guys whose wives, girlfriends etc. don't ask for a satang, who in fact support the guy because she loves him so much.

    No need. There is an entire thread devoted to that already.

    Perhaps I should leave you a link....biggrin.png

    Oh, I've read it, but it won't stop the same people telling the same lies.

    Looks like the only lies are the ones your'e telling yourself

    • Like 1
  12. Entirely in tune with Khun Jean....

    my earlier post in another thread may even add a bit to his intelligent recommendation of the better older buildings:

    "Some thoughts:

    1. The older condos tend to have the prime positions

    2. New condos charging much higher monthly fees (despite having no renovations required)

    3. Farang are usually selling to farang (as the 50% is full or near) so no Thai cultural requirement that it must be new property

    4. People are concerned about how a new buy will turn out. If not they should be. As with moo bahns they do not know if it will sell out (essential for the financial wellbeing of the block) what the power structure will be (unless you are happy with the developer ruling the roost, sometimes egregiously and possibly "finishing off" the condo from your fees. Residents need to know they will have power, there are well known cases where the developer retains power and uses it egregiously). Threads on here even show people are concerned about losing their deposits.

    5. Oh! For the price of a new condo with very mediocre finish you can probably find or do a very high quality renovation in an established block. (and for all the bling, when you get inside these new places the finish ain't great. Typically laminated floors instead of real parquet or marble, the cheapest of cheap door surrounds, not enough electrics etc etc)

    6. Established condos will also sell based on their rentability, which given some of the advantages above should be on a pretty even playing field with new."


    About the better location of older condos, I disagree:

    Around the BTS On-nut area, they are building two new condos, maybe 100 meters from the BTS station, and the same distance from Lotus. great location imho. There is another one already finished right behind the BTS station.

    Same in the Prakanong station, there are three new condos (one large, two small ones) being constructed about a minute walk from the BTS station.

    They are terrible locations. Who would want to live in a dump like that. Also, there is far more supply than demand. Plenty of empty condos that can't be rented.

    That is nothing but "your opinion" and when looking for a rental market your own personal opinions dont count.

    I did very well in On Nut for over 6 years with small studio units.

  13. Entirely in tune with Khun Jean....

    my earlier post in another thread may even add a bit to his intelligent recommendation of the better older buildings:

    "Some thoughts:

    1. The older condos tend to have the prime positions

    2. New condos charging much higher monthly fees (despite having no renovations required)

    3. Farang are usually selling to farang (as the 50% is full or near) so no Thai cultural requirement that it must be new property

    4. People are concerned about how a new buy will turn out. If not they should be. As with moo bahns they do not know if it will sell out (essential for the financial wellbeing of the block) what the power structure will be (unless you are happy with the developer ruling the roost, sometimes egregiously and possibly "finishing off" the condo from your fees. Residents need to know they will have power, there are well known cases where the developer retains power and uses it egregiously). Threads on here even show people are concerned about losing their deposits.

    5. Oh! For the price of a new condo with very mediocre finish you can probably find or do a very high quality renovation in an established block. (and for all the bling, when you get inside these new places the finish ain't great. Typically laminated floors instead of real parquet or marble, the cheapest of cheap door surrounds, not enough electrics etc etc)

    6. Established condos will also sell based on their rentability, which given some of the advantages above should be on a pretty even playing field with new."


    About the better location of older condos, I disagree:

    Around the BTS On-nut area, they are building two new condos, maybe 100 meters from the BTS station, and the same distance from Lotus. great location imho. There is another one already finished right behind the BTS station.

    Same in the Prakanong station, there are three new condos (one large, two small ones) being constructed about a minute walk from the BTS station.

    They are terrible locations. Who would want to live in a dump like that. Also, there is far more supply than demand. Plenty of empty condos that can't be rented.

    "Plenty of empty condos that can't be rented."

    There are plenty of condos that can be rented, the problem lies with the owner thinking he can return his outlay in 8 years, or the old 1/100th rule, you aint in Kansas now Dot.

    Speculators or dumb farang paying over the odds for his box in Prakhanong.

    Just check out some of the adds on TV, people wanting 3 times the price for a shoebox that can be rented across the road, the one across the road is probably bigger, better finished, better sound insulated, etc etc, and cheaper monthly fees.

    Each to their own.

    I got my money back in less than 7 years, now it would not be possible with current prices and oversupply and combined exchange rates.

  14. There are plenty of condos that can be rented, the problem lies with the owner thinking he can return his outlay in 8 years, or the old 1/100th rule, you aint in Kansas now Dot.

    The bubble for these shoebox condo units have already burst. Rental yields have fallen below 5% pa since late last year due to both oversupply in the rental market and increase in property prices.

    Perhaps a quote from Warren Buffett may be a wakeup guide to the new investor:

    "For some reason people take their cues from price action rather than from values. Price is what you pay. Value is what you get."

    That depends how and when you bought as I mentioned, a friend recently bought some 30m2 units for a very good 1.5 million each just 100 metres from the BTS close to On Nut area. The price has since been put up but in general yes yields are down and I would not buy in at the moment.

  15. Entirely in tune with Khun Jean....

    my earlier post in another thread may even add a bit to his intelligent recommendation of the better older buildings:

    "Some thoughts:

    1. The older condos tend to have the prime positions

    2. New condos charging much higher monthly fees (despite having no renovations required)

    3. Farang are usually selling to farang (as the 50% is full or near) so no Thai cultural requirement that it must be new property

    4. People are concerned about how a new buy will turn out. If not they should be. As with moo bahns they do not know if it will sell out (essential for the financial wellbeing of the block) what the power structure will be (unless you are happy with the developer ruling the roost, sometimes egregiously and possibly "finishing off" the condo from your fees. Residents need to know they will have power, there are well known cases where the developer retains power and uses it egregiously). Threads on here even show people are concerned about losing their deposits.

    5. Oh! For the price of a new condo with very mediocre finish you can probably find or do a very high quality renovation in an established block. (and for all the bling, when you get inside these new places the finish ain't great. Typically laminated floors instead of real parquet or marble, the cheapest of cheap door surrounds, not enough electrics etc etc)

    6. Established condos will also sell based on their rentability, which given some of the advantages above should be on a pretty even playing field with new."


    About the better location of older condos, I disagree:

    Around the BTS On-nut area, they are building two new condos, maybe 100 meters from the BTS station, and the same distance from Lotus. great location imho. There is another one already finished right behind the BTS station.

    Same in the Prakanong station, there are three new condos (one large, two small ones) being constructed about a minute walk from the BTS station.

    And the prices are way too high to get a decent return ie 2million+ for 10k a month rent.................if you go and ask them the prices you will see, Ideo are building like crazy then theres Blocs 77, Diamond Sukhumvit and a new LPN further down suk77 past the current lpn 77. Best prices are without pools such as the two "My Condos" close to bts On Nut in Suk 81 and 52

    More money to be made acting now as an agent in fact this is what my wife does and pulls in more than 150K alone each month off this and one reason we sold some of our rooms. She knows which buildings are any good and what does and doesnt rent easy.

  16. Anyone have any recommendations avoiding stupid farang prices and overpriced ie 300000 baht prices when I know it will be in the region of 50-60k baht, house of 360m2.

    Have already got 100% drawn up what i want inc room sizes layout etc but need it drawn correctly and an engineer to check it all.

    Price to build will be in the 4-5 million ballpark.

    Thx in advance pm if necessary or just post it up

  17. thanks where is LOS??

    I don't have enough room for a very large instalation thats why I'm looking for a premade. Any names of suppliers/manufacturs.? I'm in Korat

    Make your own with concrete rings about 120baht each, use 4 rings the bottom must be NOT OPEN as stated, paint inside with bitumen paint if it aint sealed its not a septic tank, join together with neat cement and overflow it into another with no bottom and the rings separated no cement. easy and cheap to do. Dont use bleach to clean toilets. MUCH cheaper than the plastic tanks.

    Shower and sink water to the second open one, crap to the first sealed one. Plenty of sites will show you including coolhouse thai website

  18. There are rules at my condo too.

    No Dogs - Loads of people have dogs

    No alcohol in the outside areas - There are always people drinking beer/whiskey

    No smoking in the outside areas - Smokers always

    I dont go grassing people up everytime i see someone breaking the rules and neither does anyone else for the matter, if you did you would become extremely unpopular very quickly

    Must be a dump by now then if theres no enforcement?
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