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Posts posted by ThaiWx

  1. I only get bitten when sitting in restaurants/cafes/bars with shorts on at night. I spend all my time at home shirtless - the back door is open most of the night for the dogs and I rarely get bothered with them (though I do splat them if I see them) - the dogs get bitten more than me (actually the dog I brought over from the UK got bitten terribly all the time - day or night - and I used dog friendlt coils to try and keep them at bay best I could - the Thai dogs I have now are never surrounded by mozzies like poor old Rocky used to be - having said that, Rocky seemed immune to fleas where the Thai ones seem to get them so easily even without socialising!). If I go out at night I wear jeans and trainers. The rest of the time I'm in shorts and flip-flops and bare chested. We don't have aircon at home, but a fan on 1 (low) at night keeps them away from me while I sleep.

    I never react badly anyway, small itchy lump at worse and then for a few days. I had dengue once, but I got over it in just 2 days.

    What were your symptoms with the Dengue? I get bitten so often and guess I've been lucky so far. Just like to know what to expect if/when I get it.

  2. Been here for six years Have given it a thought every so often but just not got around to it.

    Interesting we had to take a tuk tuk this morning and I noticed one of the ads was for the Mosquito museum. Going to move it up on my list of things to do.

    I had heard that if you spray Listerine on you they will stay away. Or spray it around the door and they will not enter.

    I was told that burning dried up orange peels keeps 'em at bay and my father in law has done this for our dogs outside at night. I know that since I've been visiting here in 1987 and moved here in 93, they still chew me up as much now as they did then! I think I realized why the Thai folks around me don't get bitten like I do. It's because I attract them all to me!:annoyed:

  3. Could be they got word of a invasion.

    We were at the airport mall this morning and police cars were lined up where there is usually songtels and Tuk Tuk's.

    kinda like a second line of defense.

    I thought the Burmese Air Force was going to land at the airport and invade the Mall to allegedly see some movies and do some shopping. With a side trip to McDonald's. Maybe I was mistaken.:D

    Maybe all the police and the noisy F-16's flying around today were there to catch them if they tried to leave the parking lot without turning in their little tickets.:lol:

  4. Just a general observation about mosquitos here...

    When I am anywhere with my Thai partner he is always attacked by the little buggers while I am ignored... I assume this is due his thin skin and virtually fat free body vs my fatty body that shields my Infrared Heat signature also I assume they know that they have to drill deep to get to my veins :rolleyes:

    Just the opposite with me. I can sit down to an outside dinner with a bunch of Thai friends/family, all wearing light clothing, sandals, etc., and I get chewed up bad (only farang) while everyone else goes untouched. :unsure:

  5. The best beef khaw soi has to be in the soi opposite Chiangmail land,off Changklan Rd.

    Go down past the mosque and it's on the left opposite a hairdressers.

    It hasn't changed in 11 years because it doesn't need to :D,no frills,no bells or whistles,just great food.

    I'll 2nd that! Great taste and those little fried meat on a stick thingy's (meat kabobs?) are great there too! :D

  6. Appreciate all the replies. I started out looking around and then the wife advises me it would be better to let one of her colleagues get the part instead of "a farang" to help with the price. So I'll find something else to get into until the part arrives then I can continue with the repair. I did make note of the suggested places for future reference. Thanks again!

  7. Make sure that there is an earth to the washing machine, most Thai electricians will say you don't need it. Don't accept that answer unless you feel suicidal.

    Very good point garyh !!!!!!!!!! Especially if you have a washer and dryer next to each other where you can touch both at the same time. Be safe and ground them both. When I moved here originally that was one of the things I corrected right away with ours along with adding grounds to all the hot water wall packs in the showers.

    edit: Almost forgot, don't let the installer convince you that a wire tied to a nail in the cement is adequate for a ground. Seen that around quite a bit.

  8. Either Computer Plaza or next door, Computer City (sorry don't remember which) has a higher quality RC shop inside near the back on the right side ground floor. Thought I remember seeing some RC stuff just as you walk into Panthip Plaza from the side entrance also.

  9. Does anyone know where I can find a replacement heater element for a Whirlpool electric clothes dryer in CM? The Amorn shops don't have it. I plan on cruising around to search today but thought I should check on here as well. Appreciate any help and Merry Christmas to all TV members!

  10. Speaking of ambience....I find some cheap places have their owm ambience too.

    Having supper along the road at one of those stalls between the morning market and the moat north of Tapae gate has ambience of its own, You really feel everyone there is seriously to eat something of their choice rather than an air-cond nice restaurant, where the customers appea like being there to accompany or entertain nsomeone instead of enjoying the food.

    I like those bright and airy shops where you eat among the locals. It's so authentic. In a hotel restaurant, this authentic-food-ambience is gone.

    Even better is when sharing table with some locals, they will help you to translate and the special look in their faces seeing me happy with Thai food. You can't see such happy faces from the waiters in a better restaurant.:)

    higher class, high-so, hotel, indoor, seen to the public, maybe but not necessarily better.:)

    I also enjoy the atmosphere you describe, being with your sweatheart and/or friends in one of those outdoor stalls. Plus you can have your food tailored to the way you prefer as it's being cooked at these places easier than in the bigger restaurants. I used to have colleagues come visit from abroad who ate at both of the different style establishments. After several trips over here the majority also agreed with the taste being better at the little side soi restaurants although some folks prefer their personal appearance being in a classy atmosphere 1st and the food quality/taste 2nd. My stomach comes before my thoughts of what others think. Priorities I guess. :whistling:

  11. Just talking to the wife about this and she believes " Puan-Ka-Sed " plant shop has fruit and vegetable plants. Ph#: 086-917-9759 (Thai speaking only, need translator). From Chiang Mai go south on the ChiangMai - Hong Dong hwy. past the Hong Dong Big C intersection to the next big superhighway intersection. Turn right there (west) and follow to near the end where you'll see a wood shop on the left with wood doors displayed out front. Puan-Ka-Sed is right after this, on the left also.

  12. and yet again you stereotype "farangs" and associate them with the sex industry. Showing exactly how little you know about both "farangs" and asians (strange huh?)

    I find that men of all races usually enjoy sex and food ...... add beer and music for a full house.

    Is that a problem?

    As long as the beer isn't Budweiser!:crying:

  13. We have a high pressure coming over us to thank for this. I won't have to water everything outside today. 2.5 mm rain here near the airport (so far?)

    Looking for a little meteorological education here.

    Back in Europe I always used to associate high pressure with fine, dry and settled weather. Sometimes sunny, sometimes cloudy, but predominantly dry. Here in Thailand high pressure seems to bring rain - why the difference?

    Good question. Same for me while living in the states with high pressures generally bringing fair weather. I believe in this case a cold front, when the higher atmospheric pressure with it's cooler air from the north meets our lower pressure warmer air. Fronts are the boundaries between areas of high atmospheric pressure and low atmospheric pressure that typically bring unsettled weather. This front from China has cold air behind it that pushes abruptly underneath the warm air it encounters here. As the warm air is forced upward, water vapor condenses into clouds and rain, which can sometimes be heavy along the front. There are other factors involved also such as the jet stream's position with the moisture it's holding. Hope this helps as I can't always convey to text what I really need to say.

  14. If you have problems locating a source for your bread maybe Kaysem's on Ratchawong Rd. can help. The nice old lady in there has helped me in the past in situations like this. If she doesn't have it or can't bake it for you she may have contacts to help.

  15. I'm content waiting for the little cutie pushing the Thai ice cream barrell down the soi and ordering a cup full of the coconut ice cream. mmmmm, love Thai coconut ice cream and cheap too. I also prefer the cup versus the hotdog bun though.:bah:

  16. "..., the food is more important than the ambience, unlike westerners :D I prefer to eat in cheap places but order more. "

    I feel exactly the same and some places seem to worry more about the ambience than the taste/quality of their food. Of the years I spent over here in this wonderful country I've found better tasting food in the back soi restaurants around the city than in the classier establishments. Give me a choice between a 5-star hotel restaurant and a smaller side street restaurant with a black seasoned wok, I'll take the latter. (after dinner, it's the 5-star for drinks and the live music entertainment :rolleyes: ).

  17. Raining very hard near the airport right now.

    In my 6 years here I can't remember this happening in December before

    Not complaining though, it may cool things down a little

    Also clean the air

    ... along with wash off all the accumulated dust on everything. Today might be the first day this fall/winter that we don't get over 21c (70f) in temperature. No A/C or fans needed here today.:)

  18. We have a high pressure coming over us to thank for this. I won't have to water everything outside today. 2.5 mm rain here near the airport (so far?)


  19. The beginning of November was our coolest temperatures so far. We still time ahead for jackets and sweaters I believe. Sorry, forgot to change the scale to Celcius.

    that's a good graph - proof that it is warmer not just most of us feeling warmer. do you produce this data yourself or is it available on the net? I'd like to check it more often.

    Do you have a link?

    millwall_fan, I produced that chart from my home weather station records. I do have it uploading continuosly to my weather web site, ThaiWx , though and you can see Chiang Mai weather records on that site by selecting the "My Wunderground Page" (green buttons on the right, 5th from bottom). I like to refer to it when I'm out of town to see what's happening here. I hope this isn't considered inappropriate or against TV regs because it wasn't intended to be.


    The wealth of talent amongst the ex pat community in Chiang Mai in general and Thai Visa members in particular, never ceases to amaze me. Your website is really first class ThaiWx. thanks very much! Do PM it to 'Pirceless' The Chiang Mai forum's resident statistician- he has access to graphs on things like pollution levels that may interest you

    You wouldn't happen to know if Khun Pirceless (sp?) is a member of the Thai Meteoroligical Department here in Chiang Mai and speaks English would you? I've been trying to locate someone that is to speak with.

    Thanks for the kind words on the site too!

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