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Posts posted by ThaiWx

  1. Its them M16 and M79 fireworks,been very Prevalent last few years,must of had some spares for New Year.

    yeah, speaking of weapons fire, that was a thought I had last night as well, got to check for little holes in our roof later today when it gets light.

  2. Motorbike parking at Airport Plaza (Tops), Tesco Lotus, Big C, etc. is free. The only shopping place I've ever been charged to park is KSK and that was really low like 5 or 15B, don't recall.

  3. i am old school . if i am going for a west style breakfast , i am looking at Egg becon or Hams .

    eating something that is from a MIX part of possible leftover from last night cooking don;t really sound appealing to me for a great start in the morning .

    you can give it Fancy name , but so far from what i read it sound like leftover cocktail from last night party .

    In a way it's not much different from some of the Thai dishes you eat over here, that is, if you don't know what's in it then it can be pretty good! If you find out what it is, you may not like it.:lol:

  4. OMG!

    Locally called "everything but the oink" or made with "everything but the squeal",[3] scrapple is typically made of hog offal, such as the head, heart, liver, and other scraps, which are boiled with any bones attached (often the entire head), to make a broth.

    Sounds like the piggy equivalent of the Scottish Haggis :

    1 sheep's stomach cleaned and thoroughly, scalded, turned inside out and soaked overnight in cold salted water add heart and lungs of one lamb etc.

    Your description sounds more like " Hog Maw " than scrapple.Asmerom. :sick:

  5. thai wx.

    re ... Sorry Dave2, I think it's one more soi north if I'm not mistaken.

    you are mistaken ... on my map the sat / sun flea market starts in the soi opposite the soi where the british consulate is .. fact ... 100 % guarranteed !

    prove me wrong and ill buy you a beer : ) ...dave2

    my sincerest apologies!! I see now that we're talking about opposite sides of the same market! It's so big that it covers that much area, from the soi you describe out to the other end I described were it "t's" out onto Ratana Kosin Rd.

    (does this mean you'll still buy me a beer?):rolleyes:


  6. the biggest flea market i know of in chiang mai is the one cm das it talking about in the other link

    its on saturday and sundays about 9 am to about 3 or 4 when people seem to start packing up

    ive seen boxes of old records there now and again

    turn left at prince royals college and your there

    good luck ... dave2

    ps .. two sois are sealed off to traffic ..... park before it and walk there

    Sorry Dave2, I think it's one more soi north if I'm not mistaken. You're right, a great place to check. Forgot about that place.


  7. Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Asmermom, and Khun ThaiWx,

    In evaluating Dengue epidemiology, and mortality rates, there are the unfortunate facts that the more severe, and more frequently fatal, episodes (hemorrhagic shock, hemorrhagic fever, profuse bleeding) occur more frequently in children and babies. And more women than men get it. Also, a bit strange is that children who are well-nourished tend to get it more than those that are not. Diabetics and asthmatics more at risk.

    See : Wikipedia on Dengue ... look under 'Predisposition

    best, ~o:37;

    p.s. yes, we had it once: "a roller-coaster ride to Hell in fifteen minutes." never had a rapid onset illness like that before. we did not have joint pain, just high-fever and severe weakness, no appetite. survived on banana and yoghurt smoothies. took six weeks to fully recover full strength (human body about fify-six at the time).

    Khun Orang37,

    In your studies on the subject, have you found any descriptions on what a Dengue fever carrying mosquito looks like? I've read articles (and seen pictures) where they are described as darker colored white white bands on their legs and bodies. Do you know if ths color pattern pertains to the desease carriers only or is it they have these markings along with other types of non carriers. I ask because I've seen this type before and didn't know if it was a Dengue carrier for sure.



  8. Good to hear a story on a positive note. Keeping calm has it's rewards.

    I also had a pleasant experience with immigration this past wednesday. I got there at 7:20, took a queue card, and by the time they officially opened for business at 8:30 I was processed and on my way by 8:45. Only 15 minutes after they started and the place was packed, standing room only. I had a big smile as I "kah tord khrap" through the crowd out the door.:)

  9. Thanks! I've not hear of Global before, any more info on where it is?

    I'm fairly certain I've seen those at Global. Back in the section where the electric motor and power tool replacement parts were.

    Yes, go south on 108 (Hong dong Hwy) past Airport Plaza down to the intersection where Big C is. There turn left on that highway and follow it until you cross the Ping river and it will be on the left another couple of kilometers. It's big, can't miss it.

  10. Good advice. I'm always looking for mosquito breeding areas around our house (standing water) and cleaning them. This may help reduce the population and chances of being bit. http://www.dengue.go...ject.asp?id=101

    Having clicked on your link I eventually arrived at this site which, due to my mathematical shortcomings, I need help in interpreting. One table says the number of 2010 cases in Thailand of Dengue is 58,000 and a subsequent table says that out of the number of cases reported, only 0.12 were fatal.(This is the "case fatality rate" ; the proportion of reported cases who died. Looks to be a tiny faction until I multiply 58,000 by 0.12 and it makes the astonishing figure of 7000!! Sounds such an unlikely number of dengue related deaths that I'm assuming my maths skills are to blame for this incredibly high figure. Can anyone confirm the maths or indeed the figure?

    http://www.searo.who...pdate_SEA_2010. WHO : Situation update of dengue in the SEA Region, 2010

    I'm wondering if that "fatality rate" of 0.12 is a percentage of the 58,000 reported cases which would bring the number to about 70 deaths. I saw a write up of the worst case of Dengue fever for s/e Asia and the ratio of the cases to deaths more closely resemble this thinking. " The worst dengue outbreak in recent history in this region was in 1998, when WHO reported 350,000 cases in South East Asia and nearly 1,500 deaths. "

  11. Im personally loving the climate, just perfect for me. The simulated British weather dome at Chiang Mai zoo needs to be utilised and used to introduce folk to proper cold weather. Some parts of Scotland were as low as -20C a week or so ago, thats twice as cold as that dome. 15C does not warrant a disaster, come on its not that cold. Im sure though its cold(er) up the mountains and im also sure the hill tribe/Thai folk were allready prepared for the lower temperatures.Next weather thread in 2-3 months, "its too hot"!!!!

    That's one thing you'll never hear from me, complaining about it being too hot. That's one of the reasons I moved over here, to get away from the cold weather and it's effects. I am a lot more comfortable in shorts and a t-shirt sitting under a shade tree with "a cool one" than bundled in a coat with gloves and boots on, shivering. Last May we had or high temps for this year (42c), I was sweating but not complaning.

  12. If the stuff on your porch included things made out of cloth fabrics and/or shoes, these are especially favorite places for mosquitos to congregate and bed down for the night. Get those items back inside and I'm sure the mozzie numbers will drop.

    Have an itch-free Christmas.

    Good advice. I'm always looking for mosquito breeding areas around our house (standing water) and cleaning them. This may help reduce the population and chances of being bit. http://www.dengue.gov.sg/subject.asp?id=101

  13. Simple; disasters = budgets.

    At 175 BT per set (clothes + duvet), I don't think they bothered with the maths at all.

    Unless we are talking very thin jacket and thin blanket.

    That's were I'd place my bet as well, money. We may even feel another morning's "disasterous" temps today as it's 16c at 4AM and still dropping. :whistling: I can understand possibly places like Doi Inthanon (if it were populated like CM) getting these warnings but around here?

  14. You were charged 175 Baht for coffee and didn't know the exchange rate.

    Presumably after you left you found a way to do the math and realised that 175 Baht is almost $6 US.

    So based on that knowledge you happily trundled back in the next day for more coffee? huh.gif

    Maybe he thought here was like New York prices and just went along with it.:ermm:

  15. Nipped up North to my sister placesce in Kinross for a couple of days but decided to forget about a swim when the outside temp hit -18 (minus)Some friends in Aberdeen recorded that it was - 20.

    O to be back in Mae-On in winter. :D

    Did I mention that one of our cows in CM had a calf.....called him Jimmy... ;) ....see you...Ji......

    Sounds real nice but please keep those temperatures over there. Cool enough around here now. After all, you wouldn't want little Jimmy catching a cold would you?:D

  16. I only get bitten when sitting in restaurants/cafes/bars with shorts on at night. I spend all my time at home shirtless - the back door is open most of the night for the dogs and I rarely get bothered with them (though I do splat them if I see them) - the dogs get bitten more than me (actually the dog I brought over from the UK got bitten terribly all the time - day or night - and I used dog friendlt coils to try and keep them at bay best I could - the Thai dogs I have now are never surrounded by mozzies like poor old Rocky used to be - having said that, Rocky seemed immune to fleas where the Thai ones seem to get them so easily even without socialising!). If I go out at night I wear jeans and trainers. The rest of the time I'm in shorts and flip-flops and bare chested. We don't have aircon at home, but a fan on 1 (low) at night keeps them away from me while I sleep.

    I never react badly anyway, small itchy lump at worse and then for a few days. I had dengue once, but I got over it in just 2 days.

    What were your symptoms with the Dengue? I get bitten so often and guess I've been lucky so far. Just like to know what to expect if/when I get it.

    Headache like you would not believe, sweats, body aches (due to fever), zero energy (I mean can barely get up to go to the toilet -and then out of breath and exhausted like just run a marathon!) - sweat is thick and soaks the bedsheets. Can't think (probably due to headache) - all you want to do is sleep but headache makes it hard to - paracetamol doesn't touch it. Usually lasts anout 10 days on - but loss of energy can last longer. With me I was only bad for 2 days and then energy slowly returned over the next week, but there is a reason that it lasted so short in me - expect it to be a full 'fun' 2 weeks.

    Well I now see there's no guessing whether or not you have it, Kind of obvious to say the least. Thanks for the information and Happy holidays!

  17. :) This Christmas morning just set the mark for the coolest morning so far this winter (in CM near the airport). 15c (59f) and still falling. Might need a light jacket if you plan on going out on a motorbike this morning.
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