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Everything posted by Neeranam

  1. Rather sad that you think anyone who criticizes Biden is a Trump supporter. How divisive.
  2. Its pretty obvious to an impartial bystander. The anti-Ttump supremacists will be calling him a TrumperπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  3. Did you watch it? Obviously he was talking about Trump, he said Trump lol.
  4. Hard to believe, 4 years ago, before his mental decline, you couldn't remember Trumps name!
  5. Shame on you USA/Israel. Obviously, as the world now realizes, there is/was indscriminant bombing, hell even biden admitted it.
  6. Wonderful to see those students demonstrating. Shame on you USA, complicit in Genocide. You haven't learned from Iraq. Biden is actually worse than Baby Bush in that he is obviously biased, as all his grandkids are Jewish.
  7. Interesting, thanks. I wonder what the person you quoted is on about.
  8. Be careful, my mother is tapering off that drug. She can't take it because of some other thing, sodium levels I think.
  9. https://www.amazon.com/Natrol-Melatonin-10Mg-Gummy-Count/dp/B079TD7HG2 I'm weaning myself off this drug. There are better options for sleep, not masking the root cause.
  10. Hmm, Brits can enter the UK with an expired/no UK passport, the issue might be at the Airline check in desk going to the UK.
  11. Actually, last year I never needed to show a passport when leaving the UK. Maybe a one way flight to Thailand would just require showing Thai passport/ID.
  12. Strangely I wake up in the morning now with a very dry mouth and a horrible taste in my mouth, kina metallic. Maybe as I breath through my mouth, maybe antibiotics/omeprazole?
  13. I wonder if a dual citizen leaves the UK on their Thai passport, will the govt know they are out the country?
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