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Everything posted by Neeranam

  1. I used to watch CNN and BBC but no more due to their bias. I used to watch RT and Al Jazeera but are too much about war these days. Fox is good for a laugh but doesn't cover much international news. Sky has too much about UK politics. Can anyone recommend a good, unbiased source of news on YouTube?
  2. I can also gift each of my children 20 million baht tax free, if they use it for educational/religious purposes, which they do.
  3. My point was that Pinsai Suraswadi never actually said what the thaiexaminer implied he said; there is nothing in the Thai media about this that I can find. it is scaremongering for clicks and illegal agents to get money off scared, naive pensioners. The only thjing I can find by this guy is what I've said before, it is not targetting foreigners with a small pension. the draft of the Additional Tax Act B.E. 2567 to the Cabinet, which approved the draft of the said Act on December 11, B.E. 2567. Now, the Additional Tax Act B.E. 2567 has been published in the Government Gazette. It will be effective for large Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) with revenue of not less than 750 million Euros for accounting periods starting on or after January 1, 2568 onwards.
  4. Most Thais I know are good at avoiding tax, for example putting names of businesses in senior police's names. Maybe this is evasion rather than avoidance. Most give charitable donations, which are questionable.
  5. BTW, if you file your taxes in May, it's much quieter and you only pay 200 baht fine, well worth it, IMHO, if you don't know how to do it online.
  6. This is what I don't believe. I've never seen anything in the Thai language media about this guy telling foreign tax residents, who are not working in Thailand, that they must submit tax returns. Prove me wrong.
  7. I was not talking about retirees, they probably don't know how to buy/send crypto.
  8. The majority these days are remitting using cryptocurrencies, and transferring into Thai bank accounts using P2P. I know some who buy gold using their foreign credit cards. There are other ways.
  9. The whole farce was started by foreign media sources and illegal tax agents looking to scam naive old age pensioners, best just to forget about it until immigration say you need some kind of tax clearance.
  10. Go to Pattaya or Hua Hin and you would think you're in Copenhagen or an Edinburgh council estate.
  11. Well said. There are a group of posters here who only post anti-Muslim stuff, we know who they are.
  12. You have no idea what there religion is. There have been fights like this since I was young, now people capture them on phones and there is a heap of Islamophobic, ant-immigration nonsense posted by people who don't even know if the criminals are British or not and are ironically immigrants in Thailand themselves.
  13. OK, I'm no expert. Do you know if remittances which are not cross border are sent tot the tax office, ie if someone in Thailand sends me money to my Thai bank account?
  14. I believe I am thinking logically. The reason the Thai tax office know you exist is because you went there to tell them. In my understanding, CRS does not mean that all banks must tell the tax office of every foreigner account's transactions, but means if the Thai tax authorities are investigating a particular foreigner, the bank must provide details of their remittances. Thai Tax officers have been told to investigate large companies(earning billions of baht) who were using a loophole for remittance to be tax free, not foreign OAPs remitting 2000 quid a month, of which is non taxable. However, they might investigate you now as you were naive enough to submit information that wasn't asked for.
  15. I understand not wanting to upset the immigration office as they can cause you inconvenience but the Tax Office had no reason to even know you exist. Voluntarily saying, "I'm here and I want to pay tax if possible" I don't understand.
  16. I've no idea what her motive was but I've been filing taxes here for 30 years and have va Thai pension and due to get a UK pension in 8 years which is not to be put on said form. She probably didn't want to tell you she didn't know.
  17. This whole nonsense reminds me of when many foreigners were told they could get a pink Thai ID card and all went running to the district office to get a useless card. Likewise many people who don't have to file a tax return are running to the Rd to get a useless TID. There is no new tax law for expat's!!!!! It's scaremongering click ait which only benefits charlatan foreign tax agents.
  18. So, you don't work in Thailand, you've visited the RD, who tell you you don't need a TIN, there is no form for you to fill in but you still want to do it, why?
  19. 7,000 baht to get a TIN only. Then you pay minimum 14,000 baht to get advice on how to fill in a form. Unbelievable. My local tax office has a separate person for foreigners and it would take about 20 minutes to get a TIN.
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