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Everything posted by Neeranam

  1. Do you have any proof that UK police can't arrest ethnic Pakistanis?
  2. Do you mean ones who are convicted criminals or all of them?
  3. I despise how he started the Tom Yam Gung affair as Deputy PM under the most corrupt PM ever, big Jiew, making Billions of US$.
  4. I remember when she was in Mattayom 6 she came to school in a brand new brown Bentley. Never liked her then.
  5. To be precise, these are the ones the MOI received in 2021, not those applications that were lodged at Special Branch in 2021.
  6. It's a recurring theme, accusing me of supporting some group, then scooting off refusing to prove any of his personal attacks.
  7. There is nothing in the article about them being Muslim, this is your prejudice coming to light , yet again.
  8. It's obvious from your previous posts that you are anti-Muslim, do you deny this? Here's one community condemning rape - https://www.bbc.com/news/av/uk-28952044 I have never apologized for rape gangs, please explain this vile, personal attack.
  9. He can't because I have never apologized for any grooming gang, of course.
  10. Are you serious? I suggest you start a change.org demanding an independent inquiry, I'll even sign it!
  11. 1 Samuel 15:3 - Is killing children any better?
  12. Nonsense, Deuteronomy is the direct word of God, given to Moses on Mount Sinai.
  13. In 7th-century Arabia, practices regarding marriage were vastly different from today's norms. Marriages often occurred at younger ages across many cultures, including in Europe and Asia. The age of marriage and consent varied widely across societies until recent history. It's unjust and misleading to apply contemporary standards to ancient practices without considering historical and cultural contexts. I could quote similar things from your Old Testament, if that's your religion? The cherry-picking of ancient religious texts to justify modern hate is a tactic that has been used to demonize all Abrahamic faiths. Here's a starter - forcing a rape victim to marry the rapist - Deuteronomy 22:28-29. I don't want to go down this road of religious texts out of context as it is highly offensive and hate speech.
  14. You should be ashamed.. The highly offensive post you’ve shared is not only against forum rules but rooted in harmful generalizations, historical inaccuracies, and misinterpretations of Muslim texts. It perpetuates a dangerous narrative that fuels Islamophobia and contributes to hate crimes against Muslim individuals and communities. Criminal acts committed by individuals are not reflective of an entire religious group. Muslim communities around the world condemn abuse and violence. Spreading misinformation and demonizing a group of people based on their faith is not a critique; it’s a form of hate speech that violates the principles of respect, equality, and human rights.
  15. Has it sunk in yet, after reading the original article in Thai that the head of the Tax Dept said nothing about foreigners? It was added as click bait, which seems to have worked for the gullible here getting their knickers in a twist about nothing. Jeez, it's not rocket science.
  16. What masks it even mote misleading is that he said 'taxpayers' , not 'tax residents' .
  17. It is totally fabricated for reasons mentioned before by an Irish guy! Totally misleading, implying that the head of the Tax Dept mentioned anything about foreigners! Here is the original, translated to English. https://thainews.prd.go.th/_next/image/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fnnt-storage-thainews.prd.go.th%2Fmedia-news%2Fraw%2F2025%2F01%2F02%2F5102b0dfdae8f35a93cc0c9bef027df0.jpg&w=3840&q=75 Mr. Pinsai Suraswadi, Director-General of the Revenue Department, said that taxpayers can submit forms Por.Ngor.Dor. 90 and Por.Ngor.Dor. 91 for the 2024 tax year electronically. They can submit the forms on the Revenue Department website www.rd.go.th and the RD Smart Tax application, which is convenient and available 24 hours a day, and will allow taxpayers to enter the tax refund consideration process more quickly. In the case of filing via the Revenue Department website, you can file via the e-filing system and the D-MyTax (Digital MyTax) system, which is a system that improves service by combining various tax service systems. You can file electronically from today until April 8, 2025. If you file by paper, you can file until March 31, 2025. The Director-General of the Revenue Department added that the Revenue Department prioritizes new entrepreneurs who operate businesses in the form of individuals, especially online sales (e-commerce). When income reaches the criteria set by law, they are required to file forms. Performing tax duties correctly not only helps reduce the burden of fines and surcharges, but also supports national development. Using the tax deduction right will help taxpayers get the full benefit. For those who have to pay tax of 3,000 baht or more, they can request to pay the tax in 3 installments. Those who have questions can ask for more information at any Revenue Department office nationwide or at the Revenue Department Intelligence Center (RD Intelligence Center) at 1161.
  18. Here's is the Thai original which doesn't mention foreigners, as I previously mentioned. https://thainews-prd-go-th.translate.goog/thainews/news/view/805643/?bid=1&_x_tr_sl=th&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc&_x_tr_hist=true
  19. He never said the second part of your quote, all he did was call on taxpayers to file their taxes, the bit about foreigners was added by the Thaiexaminer reporter.
  20. I suspect it is more to do with tracking stolen goods, of which none of my gold is/was!
  21. Not sure if they copied it but last 2 took it away and put details into a computer.
  22. Good question and I'm no expert. Selling gold at a profit comes under Capital Gains tax. Some shops have asked for my Thai ID card recently so they know the price I sell and buy. I buy with a crypto.com debit card, where I get 3% 'cashback' and pay the gold shop 3% commission. I've asked but wasn't told if gold shops have any responsibility to report large gains to the RD. Regarding crypro, it's a grey area - last October, the Thai Revenue Department exempted the collection of a 15% withholding tax on cryptocurrency transactions. My crypto comes under 'savings' if asked. It's actually illegal to use crypto for buying things in Thailand but I exchange my Bitcoin for GBP immediately before the transaction. It's complicated, in my understanding, if I transfer crypto to an Exchange in Thailand, gains are not taxable, however if I sell abroad for FIAT and transsfer money to Thailand, gains are taxable.
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