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Everything posted by Neeranam

  1. See him getting off that helicopter today. He should be in a nursing home.
  2. Photos of thousands of murdered kids trumps a few raped or kidnapped teenagers. Pathetic how the Jews here try to paint a picture of alleged sexual abuse as if it justifies murdering 20,000 kids.
  3. Your persecution complex again. It's OK to say anti Muslim in the USA but God help you if you say Anti-Jew.
  4. The Israelis have got a away with land theft and murder and for too long,
  5. I wonder if it's because all his grandkids are Jewish? He is doing something that most of the US are protesting about, bar the Jewish ones.
  6. The hostages are a consequence of thousand of prisoners in Israel who didn't even have a trial. Palestinians, obv.
  7. Nonsense, the lines were drawn as already but Israel keep stealing more land.
  8. Rubbish. They're are many American Jews that have nothing to do with Israel Genocide. But they're are also many American Jews in Biden's office that have everything to do with Israeli genocide. Good video of state dept diplomat explains why she resigned
  9. Let's hope the Palestinian protesters protest at ever World event until the US/Israel stop the Genocide and give the stolen settlements back to their rightful owners and give palestinians a state. Israel have been let off with murder for too long.
  10. Slipped up? Please quote anything that I've written that's antisemitic.
  11. They conflate them when they feel like it. They have va persecution complex which is rather ironic.
  12. The US is to blame, as well as the nutter Israelis who let the attack happen.
  13. You do know his own staff are turning against him, yet you will never criticize him as he is listening to your lobby
  14. Not sure if you know soi 43 - there was a psychologist guy there, called Scott who helped people with this persecution complex.
  15. Look at you r post I was replying to, jeez, my last word on this..
  16. Exactly what you said. I understand you're type prefer other like-minded guys to come in and share how it's perfectly normal for a an old foreign man to have sex with an impoverished 3rd world Thai peasant. I'll leave you to it, justifying your own perversions. Not the type of foreigners we want here.
  17. Remarkable. Could it be you are trying to justify some actions you have taken with young Thai prostitutes?
  18. OMG, you are saying that I have the problem thinking that a 49 year old many looking for sex with a Thai girl of borderline age of consent is wrong. Bizarre. I bet you have no Thai daughters ?
  19. What question? In my opinion a kiddy fiddler can be one who hunts for girls or boys even if they are post pubescent. One guy I worked with was jailed for years fir exactly that - Steven Prowler.
  20. No idea what ipso-facto means but yeah, I remember thinking 30-year old were old when I was 20. My point is that an 18 year old Thai girl does not find any male over say 25 attractive. If the OP is 49, this is perverted that he wants to shag an 18 year old. Sadly, many perverts come to Thailand for exactly this reason. Do you want to be in one more old farang's gang?
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