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Posts posted by pgrahmm

  1. I can't work out what the big deal is. You missed your report date by about 30 days. You go in, they fine you 2000B, no problem, unless you make a habit of doing it, this is all that ever happens. This is what I did - completely painless.


    The extension of the period you are permitted to stay on your visa, and all the conditions of your  stay are completely unaffected by whether you have done your 90-day reports or not.  


    What were you afraid might happen?




    I wasn't sure since I'd never miss-stepped - but it didn't cost 1B......zip - nada.....

  2. Glad it worked out for you but cant understand why the service, if its only a 90 day report, 1 form/photocopies, post it and done. How hard is that ?


    I was worried about being 120+ days...the form and photocopies are easy - CM immigration is like a 6 hour chaotic free for all starting with 4AM risings to fight for a place in line to grab a number when they open the door....for 1000B per year they handle it all & all I have to do is drop off/pick up the passport.....


    I have not tried the posting thus far - I started this before it was available...on this time around I'd missed the reporting date - thus worried.....

    • Like 1
  3. I don't expect any comment on my own OP's because they are devoid of point - meaningful content - wandering - pandering - genuine feelings or  - without humor or poignant rejoinder towards others and their useless viewpoints - wordy - passionate about nothing - filled with poor punctuation and grandma - generally destined to put most thinking people to sleep......


    That's how I know that they'll be accepted by the mods and read by the TVF hoards without recrimination and rancor - let alone a valid opinion.....


    OK - now back to your regularly schedule reprogramming.........

  4. Went in to my visa service place here in CM (excellent) to drop off my passport for my 90 day check in.....usually I drop it off and get it back the same day - however this time I'd made an error and I was a month + overdue........


    I am here on a retirement visa which runs May to May.....I always have this place take care of it because their service has been outstanding/cost manageable/trouble free and I've referred friends there that have had some difficulties and they've come through for everyone -  every time.....now I guess it was my "turn".....


    My last check in was in January due to some international travel, (you can see where this is going).....the time before I'd checked in in and when I received my passport back they'd cleared me until my retirement visa was due in May (120 days).....not knowing whether this was a courtesy or a mistake I had them check me in at the 90 day interval In April rather than chance it......


    Fast forward now - renewed the visa in May thinking May to August = 90 days.....oops - was due the 2nd of July.....I trudge on into the agent and they point out I'm 30+ past my check in.....I leave my passport with them but I'm a little uneasy knowing I'd unwittingly done the wrong thing (90 days past visa/120+ past check in)......


    Usually I get my passport back same day......Wednesday goes  - Thursday goes & Friday rolls around and no word - nervous now.....I call in and told "your passport is at immigration, we'll call you when it's ready" - - - does not make me feel better.


    Finally - at 3PM I get the call - come in and get your passport........all is OK........sad.png .....thumbsup.gif .....clap2.gif  


    Moral/lesson of the story, I guess is, no matter how sure you are it's not a bad idea to double check (dates/calendar/paperwork) during these transitionary times..... (even if you are as cock sure as I was you were 100% on track) - I'd had visions of flying out and back in or other problems/hurdles/reset that might have/could have taken place in these uncertain times......


    I've been textbook perfect and trouble free (no trouble or undo negative attention) up until now; and plan to remain so - gratefully, I still am.....


    We can bitch/praise/complain/condemn/take things for granted/play on TVF because we are free to - but when you screw up you never know where/when/how the hammer can come down.....


    Might not hurt to double check everything once in awhile.....just for drill.....

    • Like 1
  5. I think a big part of the problem is a lot of these people are not afraid to inconvenience anybody toward "their" ends...... manners and good behavior towards - and around others simply do not apply.......when they bull rush past eye contact or friendly demeanor hardly ever takes place as they sometimes waft by with many days unwashed coutenance.....

    Might be some good folks - but you are judged by the company you keep and your behavior.... which makes you pre-judged by others when you come into contact with them based on others (public/shop keepers/vendors) prior behavior.......

    Some simply might graduate/transition for the better with age and refinement.....others will never see their own boorish behavior......

  6. Really nothing straight up....but some are on shoestring and small spenders.....some comsidered unhygenic...unwashed...other as rastas or druggies seeing/financing the world through a slightly different perspective....any group that is viewed in a bad light usually

    has earned it over time....their dressing habits don't help......the truth is somewhere in the middle... I've kind of envied their packing skills since I always seem to over pack....we actually use backpacks for our trips around Thailand...much easier to manage

    than wheeled luggage for some of the resorts...our last trip was two + weeks

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  7. Sorry - will never carry a purse......or tote a tablet because that would require a purse....years ago when traveling for business when laptops needed I did have a bag with a shoulder strap - that got old and I wouldn't put it in the same catagory of carrying a purse.....

    Take a close look at the ones that do.....especially around CM with those silly a**ed raggity cloth bags......... I know we are a diverse group - but some I've chatted with have me wondering if they're from the same planet.......

  8. Only one......


    Parents are no longer with us......


    I raised one daughter from 3 months on by myself & she turned into a splendid person by all criteria....unfortunately was killed in a car crash at 26 in 2012 - just as the rewards of life were coming to fruition for all her hard work.....she was in essence my "2nd" family.....this one I miss every day.....


    1st family ended in divorce and those kids ended up in other states - two sisters that really do not like each other and somehow I end up being put in the middle any time we're in close proximity of each other......we keep in touch through technology.....I suppose sometime I will have to go see them but 3 days is a LONG LONG time when in the middle of the storm.....one kept saying she wanted to pack up her her kids and move "close" to me in California - I knew what that meant.....


    The rest were east coast family members and we were west coast (California) so mingling with them didn't happen much over the years - 2 west coast cousins are no longer around......most of the good time spent with them was playing ball together for many years then we sort of drifted to different areas of the state loosely communicating..... 


    So yeah - the ones I miss are no longer around - the ones that are still around - I don't miss too much......


    While there I did my best - and beyond the call for all concerned to the point of years without any kind of a down time/break/vacation - so now this is my time.....


    Happy here....

  9. Number 1 cause of road/driving fatalities.......


    Although now I'm watching baseball in real time on mine as I follow one team.....also use as GPS......really handy to snap impromptu pics instead of lugging the Nikon around......it'll hold up to 200k images in the SD card...... Skype available instead of being chained down......there are some good things and many more than that I am sure....they've probably made libraries archaic...... 


    The wife is always pointing out tables full of connected/disconnected people...in a world lacking recently of social skills like a sled to h*ll this has to be one of the greater reasons for it........


    It hurts to see people on their motorbikes talking (cell phones) and riding - sometimes with umbrella held in the same hand - you know it's only a matter of time until they run out of luck.....


    TV has been proven to take away creative skills and cause shortened attention spans along with myriad other problems - yes technology is not always moving us collectively forward.......

    • Like 1
  10. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>




    Another possibility ..... you're in your 30'$.......no prospect for long time anything beyond the current situation unless you want to stay as a broke school teacher.... with the wrong crowd.... .beyond immediate $$$$$$$$$ there is no reason for long term interest in you......you might be worthy of genuine long term interest - just not from their point of view/wants/needs/or desires.....hope you find what you need..... .needs and wants seem to get confused around here.....

    another offshore worker who thinks he is a philosopher?




    Their's nothing wrong with being a broke teacher, take it easy



    I didn't say that there was - if the gals are looking for cha-ching.....just not what would interest them.....

  11. Another possibility ..... you're in your 30'$.......no prospect for long time anything beyond the current situation unless you want to stay as a broke school teacher.... with the wrong crowd.... .beyond immediate $$$$$$$$$ there is no reason for long term interest in you......you might be worthy of genuine long term interest - just not from their point of view/wants/needs/or desires.....hope you find what you need..... .needs and wants seem to get confused around here.....

    another offshore worker who thinks he is a philosopher?

    Nope...if you're referring to me - live here 24/7....if you're talking about the OP might be possible given his age and question.....is guessing at what offshore workers do when not working your specialty or need something to do with your hands or just bored in front of a keyboard......? I think the OP had a legit question - much better than yours.....
  12. Another possibility ..... you're in your 30'$.......no prospect for long time anything beyond the current situation unless you want to stay as a broke school teacher.... with the wrong crowd.... .beyond immediate $$$$$$$$$ there is no reason for long term interest in you......you might be worthy of genuine long term interest - just not from their point of view/wants/needs/or desires.....hope you find what you need..... .needs and wants seem to get confused around here.....
  13. I had quite a few interested in aspects of my life........one said "I'd like to know more about the man I'm falling in love with" - never saw her again,,,,,but I am on the quiet side - so sometimes - and this is a guess....if you let your qualities show through instead of drink/words/brag/swagger/volume  more meaningful conversations can take place and be heard above the static of me/myself & I......


    It's possible - yes you are that damn boring - it's also possible you're too damn loud in other ways that drown out the other possibilities......let them be curious and be yourself.......it also makes a difference with the type of crowd/people you associate with - maybe they never get beyond the superficial levels of existence.....including yourself....maybe broaden your horizons and people......


    You don't want to be so transparent that you are not interesting - and you don't want to say anything you can't back up.....the world is already full of fools - it's a weeding/filtering process both ways.......don't let it all hang out/and don't let it all stay inside - it sounds like of you stay with what you like to do you will continue to founder - get outside your comfort zone - just a little.......


    Of course you are in your thirties - they probably think they already know/have you read......surprise them......intellect/humor & good manners are always appreciated.....

  14. OP, that fit gal, that visited you, which church does she go to?

    I feel the urge to start going to church and pray for my soul.


    In CM - down by the riverside.....quite a few good looking gals both Thai & Fila....not all are attached.......the one that visited had a killer bod - face was OK


    That's my wife in the avatar and the picture does neither of us justice...I have tried uploading other but it keeps saying file too large even though I shrink them - not sure how to overcome that - even the ones from the smart phones say they are too large to work.....I'll try and attach one with the post........


    My wife does not wear yoga outfits - but sometimes shucks down to the skivies to exercise - my favorite show.......


    LOS is a never ending buffet table but sometimes if you step away from the buffet you find gourmet cuisine.....I got lucky but that luck took a lot of research & work.....

    I also have a deal with the ducks - they don't feed me - and I do my best not to feed them.....[attachment=278137:03.2014 S&P.Home.River Kwai.Waterfall 139.JPG]

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  15. We use Meiji too.........


    All milk should be inspected first before you purchase in the store - my dad actually worked in the milk industry for a long time......hold the container in front of you and watch it - check the date first - then tilt the bottle slightly and keep raising it until you get the bottom of the container past your eyes(ed) ..........


    Should be fine from there........wai2.gif facepalm.gif

  16. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>



    I think they have to be exposed to the variety....there's a great many western foods my wife enjoys - however when we eat a lot we both gain weight......Thai's are happy with their diet and for the most part it is a good one....


    A lot has to do with the spices.....they simply accept them as normal and when traveling quite frequently either send them ahead (USA) or bring along.....on a group tour to China (I was the only farang) they wouldn't touch Chinese food without adding the spices the tour company was obliged to bring - they explained to me they would otherwise lose the Thai business......they looked at the Chinese food with visible dismay....easy for me to take it all in as I am not fluent in Thai so people watching, which I do anyway but more so this trip was a little more interesting.....as were meal times....



     Bangkok and Chonburi plus many other places I suppose are full of Chinese food stalls. Half the food about is of Chinese origin.



    That's a good observation - I wonder if it has been Thai'ised in some way.....Akin to "Mexican" & "Pizza" in the USA which are nothing like the original and authentic dishes.....In China the group I was with of 40+ folks weren't too happy with the Chinese fare......


  17. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>



    Yeah tattooed ladies are just horrible!! - NOT!





    That's nice if you like possibly enhanced, body pierced, overly made up, horrible haired, tatoo'd trashy looking ladies......nothing low maintainence there......miss trailer park runner up......

  18. I think they have to be exposed to the variety....there's a great many western foods my wife enjoys - however when we eat a lot we both gain weight......Thai's are happy with their diet and for the most part it is a good one....


    A lot has to do with the spices.....they simply accept them as normal and when traveling quite frequently either send them ahead (USA) or bring along.....on a group tour to China (I was the only farang) they wouldn't touch Chinese food without adding the spices the tour company was obliged to bring - they explained to me they would otherwise lose the Thai business......they looked at the Chinese food with visible dismay....easy for me to take it all in as I am not fluent in Thai so people watching, which I do anyway but more so this trip was a little more interesting.....as were meal times....

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