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Posts posted by sidjameson

  1. When I first came 25 years ago as a young male backpacker I was scammed in Bangkok by a "friendly" male Thai. I seem to remember the view of every backpacker I met was every local was out to cheat you. I lamented that the Thais didn't seem at all interested in meeting foreigners and was extremely disappointed that no so called "good girl" would even look at a foreigner let alone talk to one.

    These days, walking around I never feel like prey on the savannah.

    And dating outside a bar girl is a million times easier.


    Actually I think one thing that has been overlooked in this thread is the effect that over crowding has on people. There's just far more people living here now and that ever crowding stresses people.

  2. On 9/28/2019 at 8:07 PM, Matzzon said:

    There is nothing wrong with Thailand. Just a lot of bitter people that have to go home due to that they have started to enforce the rules and regulations that has always been there.


    6 hours ago, villagefarang said:

    I used to ride a mountain bike but switched to road a few years ago.



    Great pic. Do you ride from your home to there or car then ride?

  3. 6 hours ago, dotpoom said:

    Absolutely correct by my experience (not speaking for others). I will be 70 in a week's time. My relationship of 10 years ended about a year ago. Since it ended it has been the loneliest period in my whole life. Last year I spent Christmas and New Year alone. I don't go bars as I am a recovered Alcoholic. It's nothing to do with sex...what I miss more than anything is the constant laughs we had together....all day everyday. Having someone to plan things with, to share things with to holiday with..etc.  Yes, I have tried the dating sites.. they even make one feel lonelier...most of them just want money...not a 70 year old man. The worry (and fear) of having nobody to call if something happens is growing every day. I have almost become a recluse...but have a great belief in a HP of my understanding so I put my life in His hands on a daily basis.

        Having said all that...I have had the best 19 years of my life living in Thailand and would do it all over again...

    Dotpoom. Sorry to read your situation. Good luck in finding someone.

    I suffer from financial anxiety so forgive the question. How much was you complete monthly budget to have the best years of your life? All costs spread out to produce a monthly budgetnif you would.

  4. On 9/7/2019 at 7:29 PM, RichardColeman said:

    I met my school teacher wife on line and she's richer than me and has more land than me - I married above me. You obviously are going for the wrong ads

    Since when have men cared about that stuff? Married above you for a man means marrying a 9 when you are a 6 without wealth.

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