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Posts posted by sidjameson

  1. 3 hours ago, Hummin said:

    Still there is huge individual differences. Seeing the innocent young teenagers up in Isaan knowing some of them is just about to make a decision to hit the road and start working in bars, is quite disturbing. They are so childish even at 18 years they are still in cartoon and teddy bears age. I just can't wrap my head around it, how some find this sexual attractive.


    And some do not pretend to love women in they 30'ies, I have always been a Stifler's mom's boy!


    But if you guys have the same attraction for younger legal girls whatever that means, I have to admit I can understand it, but at same time, I feel lucky. So many more attractive women for me, even for free ????. But I'm aging to, and soon I'm out of league even for those women! At least those who is attractive. 

    Nice post. Just curious, presuming your not a George Clooney type what age do you think the game is over for the attractive mid/late 30s type? Free I mean.


  2. 23 hours ago, Denim said:

    I'm 65.


    Since 20 years old I have always lived as though I only had 6 months left. Not a good philosophy for getting rich but excellent for enjoying life and planet earth.


    The catalyst for me was seeing my father die at 60 after working hard for a comfortable retirement in Spain playing golf. He never made it. So I decided to grab life by the scruff of the neck and squeeze it for all the happiness I could because you dont know when you are going to die .


    Now I've got recurring skin cancer that might or might not do for me in the future.


    So for me what to do is easy. Stick with the wonderful woman I finally met after trying on about 250 that didn't fit. Our plan is if we get ill to do a final road trip with a crate of top wine and staying at the best hotels. When we get to the last bottle find a nice cliff with a beautiful sunset, finish the bottle and drive over the edge. I will procure a hand grenade with the pin pulled just in case we end up in a tree full of monkeys having an orgy.


    Great answer. I have sincere but probably dysfunctional reasons to ask, what's the age gap with your lovely wife?

  3. 49 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    IMO there are no winners or losers. Just lucky or unlucky.

    I'm sure I'm not the only one that thinks if not for x, y, z they'd have been wealthy, happy and fulfilled.

    In my case it's "if I'd gone to work in the Australian mines instead of becoming a nurse I'd be livin' in LOS, wealthy, happy and waking up with at least 1 lovely lady in my bed every day".


    Was it just bad luck that I made the wrong choice? IMO yes.

    But a nurses pension is inflation linked and not shabby right? Add the state pension on top and surely you could afford that Thai lifestyle, at least the issan version of it?

  4. 2 hours ago, AsianAtHeart said:

    Technically speaking, the age at which a person is first counted in the Bible is 30 days--so I see a little bit of room for a "viability period" here.  During its first days of life, a newborn quickly learns to express selfishness.  Newborns do not like to cry without a reason--but they soon learn that doing so gets them some attention, and the cry later morphs into a tantrum if they aren't getting what they want.  Beyond these observations, I am thankful not to be the Judge who decides.  I'm just theorizing.  However, we know that the sins of the parents get passed on to their children by their example, and who has perfect parents?


    That's a pretty harsh God who punishes a baby for crying as a sinner.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Nobbie49 said:

    I agree with most of your well written posts Mike but this time I have to take issue with “dinosaurs making a smart decision”.  Do you really think they have been weighing off the pros and cons in serious meetings and came to that smart conclusion or are there ulterior motives? How long before we see the geniuses at the ministry of tourism touting reprehensible callous slogans worldwide like: “come to Thailand for your abortion and enjoy our food and beaches”?

    Can't see how the junta that willfully killed tourism for two years would make this decision on the basis of attracting a few hundred women a year choosing Thailand for an abortion holiday.

  6. 23 minutes ago, AsianAtHeart said:

    Perhaps I'm one of those "religious nutters"...but I support legalization of abortion.  There is no gift of God, given to mankind, more sacred than freedom of choice.  In matters where the Bible does not prescribe a clear standard (e.g. no stealing, no adultery, no murder, etc.), it is proper to allow each one to take personal responsibility for such choices).  While I would not choose an abortion, unless medically necessary, I do not feel it is my place to make this choice for someone else.


    Most of those who claim "abortion is murder" believe that this is the Bible's teaching.  It isn't.  In fact, all but one of the "abortion" texts in the Bible come out in favor of it.  Most people do not study carefully enough to see this.  If you search online in a KJV Bible, look for "untimely birth" and read all of those passages.  You will see that Job wished to have been one (an abortion).  You will see that King Solomon says it would be better for a man to have been an "untimely birth" than to have lived an evil life during which he fathered 100 children.  Wow. 


    DEEPER THEOLOGY (For those interested)


    The word "murder" in the Hebrew Bible comes from the word "ratsach" which is defined as the unlawful killing of a "soul" (Heb. "nephesh"--meaning a breathing creature).  The unborn hasn't yet taken its first breath.  It is not yet numbered as a person in the Bible, and not counted as a "soul" until after it is born and living independent of its mother.  Those who say life begins at conception are correct: it does.  But soulhood begins after birth, and it is of the soul that the Bible says "all have sinned."  If a zygote has a soul--how could it have sinned?  Without even a brain yet, it is not yet capable of having made a decision, much less a moral one.  Definitions are important.  An abortion is "killing" but it is not "murder" (and the KJV mistranslated "ratsach" as "kill" in the sixth commandment--most modern versions translate it correctly as "murder").

    How does a new born baby sin?

  7. 6 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Good points. After looking around and traveling a bit last year, I still have not been able to find an alternative. None that appealing. If money was not an issue, that might be different. Thailand is great for many of us on limited incomes, who are not wealthy. I love my life here. I live a life I could only dream about in most other countries. 

    What's your opinion of the budget needed to make one part of "Thailand is great for those of us on a limited income" set?

    Asking because always respect your posts.

  8. 5 hours ago, connda said:

    Why do you live in Thailand?

    My wife of 14 years never wanted to live in the US and wants to remain in her own rural home which I've build for her until she dies.  <period>

    If it wasn't for that, I would not be here any longer.  I detest the government's racism, xenophobia, and sexism.  I stay to support my wife and extended family.  No other reason.  If she dies before me, I leave. 
    And I don't recommend Thailand as a place to attempt to live unless one is the type of person who is slightly masochistic and enjoys being a second-class citizen in a country where the elites quite literally detest you, and where you are very literally considered to be a national security risk to the welfare of the country and its people. 
    This is not a wholesome place to live unless you accept your place as being the brunt-end of Thai sanctioned racism and thinly veiled racial hatred.
    Some people have no problem with that.  They just segregate themselves in gated communities and pretend that all is well and implicitly endorse the racism aimed directly at them.

    0 to 10. 0 is nothing. 10 completely suffering at the hands of racism.

    What would you say a farangs lot is in Thailand today?

    And by comparison what was a black man's lot in your home country up to the 1990s?

    • Like 1
  9. 8 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    My healthcare in Thailand costs me 250bht every 3 months.

    50bht to use the government hospital, 200bht for 3 months of medication.

    Expensive housing?

    I couldn't rent a bedsit for the money I pay on my 3 bedroom house mortgage (11k/month) in the UK.



    PANO_20210505_104613 (1).jpg

    How much would your house cost to buy today please?

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