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Posts posted by sidjameson

  1. On 9/7/2019 at 7:29 PM, RichardColeman said:

    I met my school teacher wife on line and she's richer than me and has more land than me - I married above me. You obviously are going for the wrong ads

    Since when have men cared about that stuff? Married above you for a man means marrying a 9 when you are a 6 without wealth.

  2. Thailand and SE Asia has plenty of available young women. Many men, shout out to Britman2 for heading the charge, admit to physical attraction being the main component of their relationships. How do the TV members who have married a Bridget Bardot feel as over the years she turned into a Bridget Bardot? LoL


    Do looks become unimportant? Can you magine being with a menopausal women?  Plans to trade in after x amount of years? 



  3. Im back in the uk looking after my own mother. Miss my gf. She is in Thailand looking after her mother who has altseihmers. She has an adult daughter who is a student at university. I know its hard enough these days bringing in a wife. Anybody know about bringing in wifes relatives? I was planning on living in Thailand. Now just trying to find a way forward.

  4. 3 hours ago, simon43 said:




    True, if you have a freelance business registered in France.  But I would not and would continue my online teaching into China, getting paid into my Thai Paypal account.  A quick online check suggests that if I declared this offshore income to the French tax authorities,  then I would have to pay about 1,700 GBP per year on my 30,000 GBP income.


    Sounds reasonable.



    Simon, if too personal then sorry. But ive noticed for a few years i guess that you earn a very decent salary but live very frugally. 3000bht rent etc. What are you saving for? You must be worth a fortune and i can only see someone inheriting and spending all your wealth.  Why do you do it?

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  5. On 4/29/2019 at 2:05 PM, Kenny202 said:

    I find the older I get the less I want a steady relationship with a woman, Thai or otherwise. I can cook and clean and take care of myself just fine. I have a 3yo son also. I actually find it easier just living my son and me. Dinners cooked and cleaned up in about 30 mins. (No oil etc splashed up the walls and all over the floor). Housework to a minimum as I just don't make to much mess. I don't throw clothes on the floor after wearing them for 10 minutes etc. I love the feeling of waking up in the morning and not needing to consider what someone wants to eat or what they want to do today. I just find myself compromising my own happiness to please someone else. I often chuckle to myself when I think of the poor guys who buy into their relationships with dowries and homes for everyone. Huge money. All in many cases to saddle yourself with a woman who is next to useless and needs everything...including transport and entertainment. The women here who say they want farang....most would not have a chance with a Thai bloke unless the woman was supporting them. I've lived here for 5 years and I don't think I know of one case where a Thai bloke has saddled himself with someone else's kid / kids, extended families or issues. Many of us end up with the rejects, why Thai people think farang are stupid. 


    I have had many relationships here and mostly they fall into two categories. An educated girl who has a career or professional job. Usually works 10 - 12 hours a day and 6 days a week. Meetings on days off etc. Then she needs time with her girlfriends, family etc. Means much of the time you are sitting around twiddling your thumbs, when you can be out chasing new tail. The other type of girl is one who has no work, usually can't drive....sits around all day and you become her sole means of transport, entertainment...everything. People who have nothing need everything. Neither relationship really makes sense to me. It's not like it's hard to find a GF here. Sex is a huge thing for me and lets face it usually after the first 2 weeks to 3 months the thrill is gone. Most of us older blokes have been to the mountain and a girl has to be pretty special to keep my interest for long. 


    I don't see anything wrong with people who want a relationship and see value in that. It's just not for me. There is just too much choice here to put up with a girl who is anything less than stellar and if it's a relationship where the ledger is not even or anywhere near in your favour, I just don't see the benefits 



    Hi Kenny, really enjoyed your post. 

    Just curious, this lifestyle of yours sounds very appealing. Do you mind to say your age and monthly budget.  Just wondering if it could apply to me. Hahaha

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