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Posts posted by sidjameson

  1. Gf's sister is 35. For decades will be nice a while then downright mean awhile. Real jackal and Hyde situation. Not that I know much but it sounds a bit like bipolar to me. Gf of course has no idea. But it really has created an impossible situation for years.

    What help is available and if it is bipolar what will the cost of ongoing medication look like?

    Any insights from others really would be appreciated.

  2. Thank you so much for the replies.


    Bit more info.


    Doctor suggested she start taking antivirals. She's scared to because 2 members of family both died of liver cancer.

    I think it's point 1 Sheryl. She has reasons to do with life insurance which makes her want to forget it for a year. If it is antigen positive after 30 years of dormant (if that's correct way of describing it) Is it incredibly foolish to do nothing about that for a year?


  3. Friend of mine has had hep B since childhood. Not sure of exact details but I think recent blood test wasn't good and doctor advised her to have her liver checked. She's never had this done before and is worried about the cost.

    Does anyone know how much this would cost? She is government worker if that makes a difference.


    Also doctor advised she go for a liver detox. Good advice?


    Doctor seemed to think she now needed treatment based on new blood test. But is that correct as apparently didn't say how the results had changed.


    I don't have much faith in her government hospital. Just hoping for some light.

  4. I find each day starts and is affected by the time I go to bed. Go to bed by a set time. Make it a habit. Change to a healthy breakfast, I love oats, soy milk with banana. Then add a gym visit 90 mins after breakie. You'll love yourself so much by now you will want a healthy lunch. See where I'm going? Build a healthy life. It takes time, but its all about habits. One at a time.

  5. Thanks Sheryl.

    She went to a Dr and he gave her a pelvic exam said she didnt need an ultrascan!!!!!!!

    he also gave her another urine test which was negative.

    He said she wasnt pregnant and had had a chemical pregnancy.

    He also told her her uterus was swollen.

    He said she just needed to wait for her period.

    We were content with his answer for a few days but growing doubts mean we will go to sukhimvit hospital for an unltrasound on Saturday. Do you think its needed? Ive just read about molar pregnancy and I agree that it cant be ruled out.

  6. Im 46 she is 39.

    I have never ejaculated inside her.

    Never used condoms.

    3rd March a 1 day period. Seemed strange.

    10th March had urine pregnancy test with Dr at her government office. Negative. DR seems a bit of an idiot

    16th March had blood test same place. Results back next day. Negative.

    31st March urine test. Positive. Very light line.

    2nd April urine test. Positive.

    No period in April.

    4th April urine test from Tesco. Negative!!!!!!

    Nipples sore since 1 week BEFORE 1 day period.

    Often sick since 1 week BEFORE 1 day period.

    After 1 day period stomach became bigger. She is slim.

    Stomach pain like pre period 2 weeks ago. Start again yesterday.

    Her doctor at work seems useless and always says same, 'lets wait'

    Such conflicting data, though it looks like preggy to me. 1 week late period, couple of positive tests. Symptoms. But symptoms that started before 1 day period! Neg blood test. Stomach pains!!!!


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