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Posts posted by sidjameson

  1. For bangkok, if you wanna lead a good upper middle class lifestyle as a single guy, you need a decent budget

    30-40k baht rent for a decent 1br condo serviced condo in a good location.

    20-30k a month for car payment

    20-30k month Entertainment eating out

    5-6k misc bills, internet,water,electricity

    10-20k misc, hobbies clothes

    You need around 100-110k baht a month, so you need an income of about 170-180k baht to save some, and investarrow-10x10.png for your future. Believe me, 180k isn't big money when a decent farang package in BKK is about 300-350k baht.

    I see what some folks call a comfy lifestyle, and I get confused. Sharing food? Drinking cheap beer, avoiding western food? No thanks, why come to Thailand if you're not going to take advantage of the low cost of living?

    Bangkok is best enjoyed when you dine at nice restaurants, don't have to worry about the prices on the menu, drinking once in a while in decent pub, living in a decent condo. This is what makes a good lifestyle. I can live in my village for $200 a month, why come to Thailand if I'm not gonna lead a decent lifestyle.

    Lukecan, when you8 say 'upper middle' the middle that you are referring to, will that be a Thai middle, global middle or your home countries middle class?

  2. My recent post was incorrectly written. People thought I was asking about finances.

    Is Bangkok (where I am now) a good place for a 47 year old who lives on 50k a month to find friendship?

    As I dont work I dont meet many guys and never thought Id say this but spending time only with women gets boring! lol

    I*m not so in love with Bangkok so if there were a better place to live where I can live simply, find a few male friends who are free both day and night time I would consider moving.

    Its great to live in a country where women are so easy to meet, but after 15 years in Japan I do miss a good chat in my own language.

  3. She earns 20,000bht from her gov job. Another 30k from her free lance graphic designing paid into her bank account speriodically.

    Wants to quit her gov job and focus on free lance work.

    We want her to get a visa for the UK and hopefully get the 6 month visa and stay here for that long.

    Do you think she should apply while she has the gov job?

    Just say 2 weeks then after get 6 month visa get the flight ticket for 6 months?

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