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Posts posted by DiamondKing

  1. I think I would act pretty angrily if a middle-aged farang in uniform started telling me in Thailand what I can and can't do.

    What qualifications and training do you need to have in order to wear one of those uniforms?

    I know spicey stays open late, but it's broad daylight in that photo.

    You can act as angrily as you want but I assure you you want Laurie on your side if you find yourself in a dodgy situation he speaks fluent thai is HIGHLY RESPECTED within the Chiang Mai Police force and he is a fair decent bloke (he is Australian though so we have to excuse him for that)

    He has been with the TPD for more than 7 years and has just as much experience and training that any thai policeman on the force.

    Instead of getting angry for no reason, you would be asking for his help especially if you find yourself getting angry at the wrong person just as these thugs have done.

    He will now help these guys with translation and let them know what is in store for them.

    • Like 2
  2. Oh man there's a lot of people on high horses in this thread.

    Naurally I can't be certain but I'd be willing to bet that a few of them have been pulled by the cops while driving pissed up and potentially capable of killing someone as well as themselves.

    Yet here they are laying into a guy who's worried about foolishly being busted with some ganja. It's not like the guy was dealing, is it?

    I dunno about others but from experience, I know that good parties can be made truly outstanding parties with a liberal application of a little weed or a few bumps of chang and no one gets hurt.

    The point is WE ARE IN ASIA where any dealings in drugs has massive penalties and while sometimes you might get off easy for having a joint there are others who go through HORRIFIC penalties for that same joint just look at youtube, so like i said before if you come to THAILAND or any other country that has strict laws and penalties on drugs and you then partake in drug taking then YOU EITHER ARE JUST PLAIN STUPID or you just maybe addcited to the said drug if you cannot abstain while you are in a country THAT YOU KNOW has severe penalties and if you get caught THEN YOU DESERVE EVERYTHING YOU GET AND MORE and maybe you just might learn that there are places you can smoke weed with little to no recourse but of course ASIA IS NOT ONE OF THEM..

    With all the hassle, heartache, and expense to come plus the possibility of being deported WAS IT REALLY WORTH IT just to get stoned.

  3. I got a summons and it is delivered to your home or address registered on file if the address is not real or he is not in Thailand then that pretty much it, unless its murder or something I dont think they will be tracking him down

  4. I think gays are allowed in Thai police. He was just trying to be charming. So many people have different feelings about who they are. I am a man and no plans to change in the foreseeable future. Looks like he was also sticking out his tongue. Nothing will surprise me anymore.

    CHARMING ??? maybe to you

    To me he is an embarrassment and totally disrespecting his Uniform (i know I know) but that sort of behaviour is for when you are NOT in your uniform, we can't have flaming gays running all over trying to be charming the thai police are already a laughing stock they dont need any help from officers trying to be an EXCUSE for charming

  5. "Its a pity you have to stay sober and mind your own business to stay alive."

    Too bad we can't just stuff our heads up our buts and carry on.

    ​This does show that it isn't wise for a foreigner to diss a local. It causes resentment anywhere in the world. Thais are a bit more obsessed with face and have a tendency to react way over the top.

    BS if it is just him and the fare where did he lose face ?

    to himself ???


    The correct procedure is to call the parents PERIOD

    Its NEVER OK for a teacher to put a hand on any kid for any reason and certainly not start chopping away at their hair.

    • Like 1
  7. OK I am in Laos now and just got my visa Multiple O

    Flew into Nakon Phanom and was met on time by the van driver although I had to go outside to look for the Van where as it might of been more service orientated had they been there with a sign with my name on.

    Van was just me, so and hour an 15 minutes to the border where they pretty much got me through in very swift fashion and onto the Casino where I was met checked in and handed over my paperwork.

    When I was handing over the financial proof I said to him this is not needed Im just giving ti to you just in case to which he replied NO NO WE NEED THAT NOW since there is a new boss and he is very strict so we need the financial proof. (good job I took it just in case)

    Waited at the Casino which was really bring if you don't play those silly games so all in all a good service but its pretty boring waiting fr it but at least I have a visa.

    Very painless and I would do it again for a hassle free visa.

    For the interest of others, what was the required 'figure' 400,000, 100,000 or proof of income ?

    I gave 400k proof I will try and check when I leave but not 100% sure since I did not ask about the 100k

  8. OK I am in Laos now and just got my visa Multiple O

    Flew into Nakon Phanom and was met on time by the van driver although I had to go outside to look for the Van where as it might of been more service orientated had they been there with a sign with my name on.

    Van was just me, so and hour an 15 minutes to the border where they pretty much got me through in very swift fashion and onto the Casino where I was met checked in and handed over my paperwork.

    When I was handing over the financial proof I said to him this is not needed Im just giving ti to you just in case to which he replied NO NO WE NEED THAT NOW since there is a new boss and he is very strict so we need the financial proof. (good job I took it just in case)

    Waited at the Casino which was really bring if you don't play those silly games so all in all a good service but its pretty boring waiting fr it but at least I have a visa.

    Very painless and I would do it again for a hassle free visa.

  9. With an income of 400,000B/mth it will only take him about 3 weeks to recoup that money. He got off lightly. Better to remain silent and be thought a fool (to a few) than to speak out (all over the media) and remove all doubt.

    That is just wrong!

    If more people made a fuss out of being DE FRAUDED maybe something would be done about this. While this guy had it fairly painless there are many a guy fleeced of their lifes works and savings only to end up jumping off buildings and you say better remain silent than look a fool. Your the one that looks the fool for saying that.

    Better anyone that gets fleeced presses charges because it dont work in the UK or USA and she would be doing time for that now if she married him for a few years he is STILL ENTITLED to half all marital assets and can at least get something back, but with idiots like you telling people just to remain silent or look a fool no wonder guys dont fight a little more for what is rightfully theirs.

    All the guys that I know put up a fight legally have WON its only those that walk away who are the real losers

    • Like 2
  10. There's some sickening opinions on here.

    Muslims may be responsible for most of the Western-reported terrorism but the terrorism that goes on every day in the name of freedom - of which this is an example - is not acceptable.

    You need to take a look at yourselves and ask whether you are part of the problem.

    We can clearly see where you stand and you even call yourself a facist in your avatar, No time for people like you.

  11. It's not like Muslims are so highly regarded in Thailand.

    The Thai immigration official might have been close to or related to someone killed or maimed by the southern insurgency.

    I think that you should travel around Thailand before making a blanket statement like that. Northern Thailand, especially Chiang Rai Province has a large population of Muslims, Christians and Buddhists all of whom mix together and show regard for others. Not all Thai Muslims live in the South and even after saying that many who do get on with other religions. I don't see what religion you practice matters much here, what is reported is the fanatical few wanting independence and not caring who they kill in order to get it!


  12. So wearing a Muslim Skullcap a beard and a traditional white shirt worn by many pakistani's makes him a terrorist ?? what a load of <deleted> a lot of Jewish people wear a skull cap a beard and conservative clothes and you dont hear of them being labelled as terrorists coz of how they look !

    That is cos they don't go round blowing people up ya muppet and yes if they look like that and are Muslim who believes in Sharia law then that is exactly what they are. Would love to see you walking the streets of Pakistan lets see how long you would last. Open your eyes and see whats coming .

  13. After 9-11 I was on a list and at the time I was flying a lot as part of my business and would take about 5 flights a month flying from Central America to the US and Europe and I was stopped MULTIPLE TIMES on every single flight for extra security checks even prior to boarding the planes I was pulled out and checked yet again, this happened for about a year DID i GET PISSED off ? no I understood that we are fighting a new war and was happy to comply answer questions and show them their time would be better spent focusing on other people. I even offered to be interviewed so they could take me off the list however they said they cannot and there is no way to get off so in the end I was on FIRST NAME TERMS with the security personal at IAH houston as they had checked me so many times we laughed about it.


    FYI Central America consists of 7 countries, none of which contain a city/airport named Houston, AFAIK.

    Well let me try and clear that up since you cant follow it, I was flying into and out of IAH Houston via central America Belize to be exact and since I was a frequent flyer with continental at the time and houston was their base that is where all my flights went to for connections wherever I was flying.

  14. Just wait for them to racially profile white men traveling from and to Thailand and giving them extra checks for child porn making them feel like criminals and wait for ages ect. Bet the tune here would be totally different. Its all fun and games when the rights of others are infringed upon but once you are the one all hell breaks loose.

    First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--

    Because I was not a Socialist.

    Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--

    Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--

    Because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me.

    Martin Niemoller

    TYPICAL dutch attitude which is why your country is in the shitter like the UK and France and all seem to have the same problems all stemming from Islam and Muslims

    forgot to mention your neibours BELGIUM which looks like it will be completely Muslim controlled very soon since they have their first SHARIA MP and will soon be an Islamic state. Don't believe me Google it

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  15. That papaya leaf remedy keeps going around on Facebook. I can find no data to suggest it works. Only anecdotal evidence that after taking it, the fever went away, and given that Dengue always goes away after a week or so, it seems to be a case of "medicine distracting the patient while nature cures the disease." If it were otherwise, big Pharma would have isolated the active ingredient and sold it as a pricey pill.

    Rob at Sausage King swore Payapa leaf juice cured him of Dengue his doctor was shocked at the count when he went to get a check up after a few days on Payapa leaf juice

    let me tell you it tastes like shit and if the Dengue dont kill ya the juice might LOL but to be honest he was well in not time after taking it

  16. Just been reading the reviews on trip advisor NOT SO GOOD by the looks of it but I am booked and going anyway, I have arranged for them to pick me up at Nakon Phanom and also they have guaranteed they can get me back to the airport after the 3 night stay by 8am to catch my flight back to BKK , initially they said they could not get me there by 8am but then after I said if they cannot I wont be able to book since that is the only flight.

    After reading the reviews gotta say i'm a bit nervous about missing my flight back which will be a major problem with my schedule.

    I will post a full review upon my return.

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