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Posts posted by DiamondKing

  1. Rom Chook market at Rimping has a good variety and all sorts of frozen ones at Makro. I've enjoyed the bbq rats for breakfast at the Nakon Sawan morning markets and lots of other interesting stuff life baby quails the size of one's thumb. I eat the bugs around my house in CM esp. if we have a hornet or bees nest. Never came across a rat in CM (easy guys whatever your thinking of posting isn't really that funny or original) and would love to try scorpion for the first time!

    There's really nothing special about scorpion. I've tried it deep fried. It was all crunch but little taste. But I've never seen it in Thailand.

    i agree with the post that the best selection and variety is at the market on the Superhighway outside Lampang.


    can you place this place on a Google Map would hate to drive 140K round trip and come back empty handed cos I never found it

    also is that market every day or ??????


  2. Where it the best market where can pick up some


    Cockroaches (hissing are fine)




    Maybe a field Rat or 2

    Any direction to the best place to buy this stuff would be appreciated

    I know about the lady that goes around selling but I need more variety and prefer fresh biggrin.png


  3. Here's a cobra they dealt with......


    Might be safer to teach them to leave it alone, how many reports on TV where a dog is killed by a Cobra ? as they get older they get slower and eventually the cobra will win


    Can't teach old dogs new tricks. Better the dogs than the kids.......

    True True but I am sure the kids know (mine do) to move in the opposite direction if they see a snake and the snake like most snakes will most likely be doing the same, the one you have to watch out for is the Malaysian Pit Viper who will not move when you approach and is the culprit of most deaths in Asia as people step on them.

    Lets hope they all stay safe (even the snakes biggrin.png



  4. Here's a cobra they dealt with......


    Might be safer to teach them to leave it alone, how many reports on TV where a dog is killed by a Cobra ? as they get older they get slower and eventually the cobra will win


  5. 25 bottles a day of Chang , ....... yeah thats a problem, unless you call being drunk all day every day not a problem.

    And if you think drinking 25 bottles of Chang does not make you a drunk ...... you have a much more serious problem than you think.

    Not being critical just keeping it real for ya since you mentioned it.

    Not even " I " can do 25 bottles of Chang !! I am starting to think I am not that bad now, cheers.....

    NOPE YOUR STILL HORRIFIC whistling.gif

    And since you drink small Tiger you could not even even handle one bottle of Chang ya woos leave Chang to the real Men biggrin.png


  6. I would imagine most of us are fairly curious of how you earn 15000 baht a day working 2 hours a day.

    You send an Email biggrin.png among other things

    Seriously Internet Marketing is a fantastic way to make a great living and once you have built it up 15000 in 2 hours in very doable

    maybe I will set up a TEFL course for Internet Marketing biggrin.png


  7. I Much prefer Sausage Kings and I am also a curry Addict from the Curry capital of the UK Birmingham.

    I tried the Curry Nights and was not impressed


    You would do because you're a pal of his 5.gif.

    Yes I have known Rob since before he started SK however he will be the first to say that I dont beat round the bush and have told him on many occasions when I think a product is under par and he normally has taken note and improved it.

    As for Curry nights I tried it because I saw it in Rimping and am always up for trying new stuff so instead of buying SK curry which is why I went to Rimping in the first place I decided to try Curry Nights and Like i said i was NOT IMPRESSED

    I also noticed now that there seems to be a war on between the Curry Nights guy and SK and that is GREAT FOR US CUSTOMERS because now its a no brainer cos Sausage King looks like he has dropped his prices and I can get any one of Robs Currys NOW for just 99 Baht. I beleive the Curry nights guy is 169 so that is a big saving and better taste for me personally.

    And as for the friend comment seems like Curry Nights has some firends posting too to get him some much needed free advertising on Thai Visa tell him to stop being a cheap ass an pay like everyone else has to if you want to advertise here


    DK I have bought curries from Rob personally and from Curry Nights more recently

    Robs is a nice guy, have met him a few times, but hands down I prefer curry nights much better for quality..

    Unlike you I guess I dont buy on price, I buy on quality.

    Like I said before and you are obviously a bit slow to have missed it biggrin.png I buy on price and quality and SK has BOTH right now BEST PRICE AND BEST QUALITY in my own personal opinion

    If you prefer the other geezer thats fine by me, you have your own taste buds which in this case are a bit lacking, wink.png but its all good you have the right to like the other guys curry just as I have to prefer SK's currys biggrin.png


  8. I Much prefer Sausage Kings and I am also a curry Addict from the Curry capital of the UK Birmingham.

    I tried the Curry Nights and was not impressed


    You would do because you're a pal of his 5.gif.

    Yes I have known Rob since before he started SK however he will be the first to say that I dont beat round the bush and have told him on many occasions when I think a product is under par and he normally has taken note and improved it.

    As for Curry nights I tried it because I saw it in Rimping and am always up for trying new stuff so instead of buying SK curry which is why I went to Rimping in the first place I decided to try Curry Nights and Like i said i was NOT IMPRESSED

    I also noticed now that there seems to be a war on between the Curry Nights guy and SK and that is GREAT FOR US CUSTOMERS because now its a no brainer cos Sausage King looks like he has dropped his prices and I can get any one of Robs Currys NOW for just 99 Baht. I beleive the Curry nights guy is 169 so that is a big saving and better taste for me personally.

    And as for the friend comment seems like Curry Nights has some firends posting too to get him some much needed free advertising on Thai Visa tell him to stop being a cheap ass an pay like everyone else has to if you want to advertise here


  9. According to my research "It's preferred diet is mainly other venomous and non-venomous snakes but includes small reptiles, birds and amphibians as well" It reared and opened a large white hood, which I don't believe Rat Snakes have, but as I said "I think was .." and am looking for other's thoughts

    You will notice the hood is vertical not horizontal like a King Cobra or any cobra for that fact.

    I cant remember the name of that snake but it is the same one the Kids use at the Snake Farms for training because it is non venomous and good training for when they graduate to cobras.


  10. Thats is not a King Cobra and King Cobras only eat other snakes so certainly not after the birds but for sure they would be sending out the alarm

    Looks to me like a Rat snake KING COBRA FOOD


  11. For temperament reasons, recommend boa constrictor instead of python if you can find... though female boas rarely get over 12ft. , and males rarely over 9.

    Sent from my Android using Thaivisa Connect App

    You are quite right Boas are much easier handling however not native to Thailand so I thought might be harder to find so went with the Python option.

    As for usage I wanted to use it as a prop for a video I am making for my business


  12. Well I also ate Fish and Chips at the Old Belle the other night and have to admit I have never eaten at the Old Bell in the 6 years I have lived here with the exception of one Christmas dinner.

    Here is my review after reading that LOAD OF <deleted> from the french frog

    I was initially a bit concerned cos it was beer battered but after I got it I have to say the best, most authentic seaside fish and chips I have tasted in the 6 years I have been here, FISH WAS DELICIOUS soft and the chips were the DOGS <deleted>

    I really enjoyed it only complaint I had is, since I am a fat bastard was it was a bit of small portion but to be honest that is not really a complaint when you consider it was only 100 baht and for that it was EXCELLENT VALUE and I will be back for sure for the full price option in the near future.

    this is an independant review and I only met Pedr on that same night for the first time and have no other reason to write this than to refute what the frenchie guy wrote which was a bunch of old TOSH.

    Stick to your frogs legs an snails frenchie and leave the fish and chips to us Englishmen that know good fish and chips when we see it.


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