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Posts posted by DiamondKing

  1. In his own words he supports and believes in what Hezbollah does and that in itself sheds a bad light on him and the fact that he is travelling under the guise of a swedish citizen when in actuality he is lebanese.

    To me looks like he got caught and now is going for the conspiracy excuse and before anyone thinks that I am all for israel I dont think they are any better than the people they are fighting, they seserve each other.


  2. Luckily I don't have to travel around to make money. I can wake up, log into my websites and I just find piles of cash in there. One of the fringe benefits on earning money online I guess...


    Just two months ago you were looking for a cheap apartment to move into for under 2k bht/mth!

    "I Need A Cheap Room2-3k, wifi, & close to store"

    What exactly is your idea of "piles of cash"?

    400K baht

  3. 2 words solves all these woes

    The Internet

    Learn how to make money online, and once you do, you can do what i do which is spend 24/7 with my kids and family without worrying about income. the OP sounds like he has a great paying job but I wonder where his money is going if he lives on a farm and is self sufficient.

    How much do you really need to live comfortably here


  4. Waste of a good piece of cardboard and directed totally at the wrong people

    Its a business owned by Thais, run by thais and its thais who have the full responsibility of it and any consequences that come of it, but as always the best scenario is to blame the farang when in actuality its just thais causing problems for other thais.

    I feel for the residents but they really have no chance when you consider who owns and runs that establishement, if it were me I would be shopping for some double glazing cause its going to be a long term problem that is not going away anytime soon.


  5. For all you that question the warning then knock yoursefl out, and head out to the crowded tourist areas and enjoy yourselves and ignore the warnings, when or if you wake up after an incident, you will be able to log onto thai visa where there will be plenty of SOM NOM NA's

    I am sure the victims of the Balis bombing wish they had a warning to at least have the choice to make an intelligent choice to heed it or not.

    The US Intelligence services will have good reason to issue this wanring I suggest you heed it wherever you are from.


  6. Samsungs NEW Galaxy Note is the dogs <deleted> makes an Iphone 4 look like a child's toy smile.png

    Not sure its in Thailand as yet, I have one but shipped it in from Singapore (19,000 baht) bit big for some folks but its a walking computer up to 32g memory watch movies in 1080p resolution take notes, 8 megapixel camera plus tons more stuff.

    After having it for a month or so could not see being without it

  7. People who have eaten at Dukes on the river could have told you there hamburgers are the best.

    The ingredients are made there and taken over to the new Dukes. Was in there the other day and was told that they are working on staying open around the clock.

    As for Diamond King I think you have hit on the only burger joint in Chiang Mai that can give Dukes a run for their money. I would have to go with the double whopper with bacon as the only serious contender.

    I eat at Dukes quite often and there are a few meals I would rate as not that good. But that is my tastes and there is many others to choose from.

    For instance when my boy comes to visit from Canada the first thing he wants to do is go to Dukes on the river for the ribs. Myself well I am with DK when it comes to the ribs. Not a big fan of there Greek salad either. So I don't order them stick with what I like.

    HONEST and to the point a refreshing change for TV

    Have not eaten everything on the menu at DUKES but the 2 times I did go, I ate 4 different things (counting the Mrs's food) and really, I found it very mediocre at best, having said that, I took a look at the new burger joint menu and the Big Jim with Blue Cheese sounds kinda good, might have to give them one more shot.


  8. +1 is in support of thaimiller and not DK who seems to have his own taste and separate agenda. Who made a fuss? I Just reported a new product for the benefit of others to sample "A Fuss" seems to be an over exaggeration in support of another product that DK leans towards.

    Felt the need to clarify your plus 1 just in case LOL

    hahahaclap2.gif Agenda, LOL. pot calling the kettle black haha clap2.gif

    I would hazzard a guess that you are either the OWNER OF Curry whatever the name is, or a friend of his, that is trying to BIG UP his curries

    Your too emotionally involved to be an independent observer with just a mere reccomendation. way too much effort put into multiple threads and multiple posts.

    One more applause is deserved clap2.gif


  9. I think Burger Kings large, bacon cheeseburger is by far the best in Chiang Mai smile.gif

    Agreed BURGER KING is King

    As for Dukes never had a good meal there tried 2 times and gave up and as for Mikes Burgers while not my taste they seem to have lasted the longest and you don't last long without consistent custom so someone is keeping them in business


  10. Sorry tried this Curry nights and its OVERPRICED no where near as tasty as Sausage Kings which is close to UK taste,

    All a bit of fuss over nothing really I will stick with Sausage King until I find something better of which Curry nights is knowhere close.

    I also tried a new sausage company that is plying there trade and they are using skins that are like rubber lucky it was a free sample else I would of asked for my money back although the actual meat inside was OK

    Both companies have a ways to go before they even get close to Sausage King.


  11. Onto more important things

    I am ON for this trip 8th December, and have already got together another buddy and also putting together several Big Garbage bags of clothing and items as Cold season is here and I am sure the Village could do with some additonal clothing,

    I am also going to be bringing some School supplies with us as well as the mandatory Toys

    Not sure how I.m gonna get it all on my Bike :blink: LOL might just have to get a truck for the Day


  12. MOVE :rolleyes: if they bother you so much, as mentioned above they are doing you a favor and I have loads in my house and they are Welcome guests that saves me having to use toxic Mosquito spray

    Indiscriminately killing something for no good reason is WELL just not Jai dee :D


  13. I was just told who this Gary guy was and I actually had a altercation with him in a bar too, HE IS ABSOLUTELY HORRIFIC and a BULLY and was bullying everyone in the Bar and I had to put him in his place (didnt know he was carrying a foot long blade though :blink:

    He is really really obnoxious guy and a complete BULLY and when I made the connection it all slotted into place because I can now picture exactly how things went down and I would put my life on it that this Gary guy was the instigator..

    Unfortunately sounds like the wrong guy won, and I hope this guy gets whats coming to him.


  14. I think the better question is , 'what's he doing in a snooker hall?'

    :blink: Playing Snooker LOL

    Cesars is a real nice Snooker Club (Great Tables) been there many times for a game and never seen any trouble, its not a seedy place by any means

    I knew this was true because the Cops came looking for me since my name is Gary also and I know the TPD so when they heard a farang named Gary stabbed a guy they called my missus to check if I was out ar that time luckily I stayed in all day and night


  15. Hey All

    I am in a very unique position of having a very successful Internet business where I teach over 1000 students how to make money online, and I now want to start to give back and I am looking for some worthy Charities in the Chiang Mai area.

    I will get my students to help and they are from all over the world, and I have a unique idea where we can raise funds for worthy causes and since I am in Chiang Mai I would want to help people here in Thailand but I don't really know any worthy causes that might need specific things which once we raise funds we could then donate to them.

    Any ideas to point me in the right direction

    Thanks in Advance for any Ideas


  16. Let me get this straight, she is singing about an itchy va jay jay? blink.gif Was the concert sponsored by Vagisil?

    Cant say I saw anything wrong with it, sexy girls dancing and singing scantily clad, sounds like its a winning formulas not only Thailand but around the world.

    The response she got from this Woody guy is just the typical 2 faced approach to the subject where thais are concerned, they love this stuff as can be seen in the many Karaoke joints/bars around the country and this Woody Geezer just saw a chance to pick on the poor girl and thankfully it backfired on him

    And in reality there is a real important public health message in that song, just remember you guys when your hanging with a nice thai lady dressed like that she just might have a itchy joo joo :D so remember to wrap that big boy up :D


  17. Perhaps the student got the idea from Captain Harry Pothead, third in line to the English crown


    or this billboard from Pattaya in 2009 that reads, "Hitler is not yet dead"


    I heard there is another Nazi Bar in Bangkok but not sure where. The last one in Silom Road in the 90s that featured waiters in SS uniforms was extremely popular but was eventually forced to change its name following protests from Jewish groups and the Israeli Embassy.

    Just be thankful of the freedom of speech you have to refer to him with those derogatory terms cause you know where you would be if you did the same to the Thai Monarchy.


  18. I ate here 2 weeks ago. My aussie friend who loves indian food ordered Butter Chicken and I ordered Chicken Korma.

    It was literally the worse curry Ive ever had. Very watery and hardly any taste at all. My friend didnt like his food either.

    The problem is RAVI he comes and goes and when he goes his place turns to S&^%$T when he is there you can guarantee the food will be good because HE CARES but the fact that he is hardly ever there his food suffers.

    It used to be the only place I go but now I dont go there because I know Ravi is not there so now I go to SPICY BOLLYWOOD which is excellent and consistent and you know its going to be good when it gets there where as at RAVI's its a coin toss.

    How long are you back for Ravi ???


  19. All they have to do is show the pictures of the guy who was left in the Pattaya cells to rot and die show the UK those pcitures and he will never be extradited.

    If I was his lawyer I would be able to find just on the internet MANY HORRIFIC examples of Human Rights abuses here in Thailand and when the UK government cronies woudl never extradite.

    Either way I hope they do cause this thug deserves a good lesson and a Thai prison where he cant inject his steroids and instead fo the thug he will become the victim a great lesson for all bullys to learn.


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