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Posts posted by DiamondKing

  1. Completely irrelevant. You can make a private phone call and still slander somebody just as you can in a private meeting. It depends who you are speaking with and who heard the comments.

    The only real difference with the defamation laws in Thailand compared to many other places is that it can be a criminal act as opposed to being restricted only to civil procedures. It has nothing to do with being able to say some thing here that you can't in many other places but rather the consequences for false statements that may harm somebody's image.

    One of the main differences with defamation laws in Thailand compared to other countries is that in Thailand it doesn't matter whether it is true or not.

    If you want to believe myth is reality then go right ahead..

    Well I speak from experience and the myth is no myth, I told the truth and was prosecuted, 12 months suspended Prison sentence, and 10,000 baht fine.

    Here in Thailand, shut your noise u,p and even if what you say is true, it don't matter, you will still get done if your up against a thai. They even pay for their legal costs all free, as a right because they are thai.

    In fact the cops in the station even told me when I said it was true they said even if it is true, you cant say it blink.png


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  2. Wow, 21 and can't wait to screw up his body for the rest of his life. I guess when his testicles begin to shrink and he has to take more dope for gynecomastia, better known as b&tch t*t, and all of the hair on his big head falls out, he might rethink how he spends his vacation time.

    "I guess when his testicles begin to shrink....."

    This is called evolution. It is based that the most stupid one breed less than the smarter one. Read Darwin Award webpage......

    Well if you looked at his facebook page you might be eating some humble pie cos looks like that department is doing extremely well. haha

  3. Who was it who beat Earl 'The Pearl' Strickland (American 9-ball hall of famer) in the Mosconi Cup 9-ball tournament on his first appearance in the tournament without even knowing the rules and playing with a snooker cue? What's his name again? Oh yes... Ronnie O'Sullivan.

    clap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif I rest my Case haha

  4. To the OP:

    Quality players are all around the town. Friday nights you can see them in the pool league.

    Tables are not top quality mostly, because they're all free. And because of that the quality of players is very high indeed. We can get to play loads of games without breaking our bank balance.

    As people have mentioned, go down to blue sky bar at the weekends, for big money and top quality players. Go there and come back reporting that you've won the comp, then we'll listen!

    And if there's a lack of american pool tables, there's a lack of demand. It ain't the proper game is it??!!

    Really, chiang mai is an excellent place for pool and snooker players.

    blue sky was the 1st place i tried about 3 weeks ago. just 2 small/converted snooker tables used for "pool". plenty of contours, old felt, pockets are slow, bad sticks...but ive noticed that blue sky does win the pool league rather routinely so there must be some quality players, if only the venue didnt leave much to be desired.

    ill take american pool over pool'ker curling (closest ball to the pocket wins). tongue.png

    I think you might seriously get a whooping at Pool if you played at Blue Sky there are some excellent pool players there both thai and farang and the fact that they play on a half size snooker table with SMALL pockets it requires a lot of accuracy which is contrary to playing on one those BIG American size tables which you you can miss by 2 inches and it still goes in.

    Blue Sky is the bar with the best players in chiang mai especially on the Saturday night competitions, you will just have to brush up on your game and learn to play on a real table that requires some skill biggrin.png

    I have won the Sat comp at Blue Sky many a time, although I don't play there anymore but still play every friday night in the Pool league.


  5. I tried it with the Mrs last Friday night and was not Impressed at all nor was the missus and it cost me 600 baht which I thought was overpriced for what we had which was a quesadilla and fajitas and 1 beer and 1 soda I would not normally be bothered with the price but the food was really dissapointing so price became an issue.

    large portions for sure but dissapointing the place opposite ( I think its diablos) is way better

    Both the Mrs and I agreed we wont be back


  6. Two posts, nothing of value added. Thanks for the kind efforts, DK

    Well it would of been value had you read it as it was intended which was to ensure he has the proper visa or permit to perform in public since if he does not then he is breaking the law as a work permit or special permission is required, and many before him have found themselves in a thai jail not only the pros but some who were just having a jam session.


  7. He is a performer of international repute on a tour of Thailand, not some overstayer farang working for beer money.

    No need to get ancy blink.png

    There have been many musicians arrested and thrown in jail and they were not some overstayer farang working for beer money (as you refer) many were of International repute (as you say LOL) but were still thrown into jail as they did not have a work permit to sing in public so I was just giving you a heads up, since not so long ago they were rounding up musicians on a regular basis ESPECIALLY AT THE OLD GUITAR MAN.

    As far as I am concerned I have never heard of him and checked his youtube video and was not impressed so will give it a miss but good luck with your night and if the cops do come be sure to tell them he is of International repute, I am sure that will help biggrin.png


    • Like 1
  8. Yeah Congrats City glad you stuffed United

    But it confirms one thing and that is the PREMIER is no longer about just football, the Premiership is decided by the team that has the most money behind them and that SUCKS


  9. How come I've never seen no shami kebabs when I was at the shop. Lamb sausages was really good too.

    Cos I had him make them special for me I ordered the indian sausages but wanted him to make the same but small burger style and he did it for me and HIT IT SPOT ON headed to rimping bought some Yoghurt (plain) picked a few sprigs of mint out the garden chopped it up added to the Yoghurt with some sliced onion and voila

    The dogs <deleted> biggrin.png


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  10. This thread started with a question where to go.

    For the uneducated of us out here; can someone explain why there is a concern for testosterone levels, and why there is a need to check....first time I have ever considered this; other than when i check my man boobs.thumbsup.gif

    thank you....I can see me starting a thread on vasectomy reversal soon...the 2 are not related I hope

    EXACTLY WHAT I WAS THINKING biggrin.png why on earth does someone want to check testostrone levels you either know you are a man or not LOL I have been around for quite a few years and never even considered it or thought about it.

    I dont get it blink.png , but willing to be educated biggrin.png


    DK: If you can put away 2kg of kebabs, its not your Testosterone levels you need to worry about; its your cholesterol levels!

    Give me a chance only got them this after biggrin.png


  11. This thread started with a question where to go.

    For the uneducated of us out here; can someone explain why there is a concern for testosterone levels, and why there is a need to check....first time I have ever considered this; other than when i check my man boobs.thumbsup.gif

    thank you....I can see me starting a thread on vasectomy reversal soon...the 2 are not related I hope

    EXACTLY WHAT I WAS THINKING biggrin.png why on earth does someone want to check testostrone levels you either know you are a man or not LOL I have been around for quite a few years and never even considered it or thought about it.

    I dont get it blink.png , but willing to be educated biggrin.png


  12. and would post here are tell you it was shit

    But the lucky thing for you is you hit the shami kebabs spot on,

    It took me back 25 years to my hometown of Birmingham Uk, and these Shami Kebabs are spot mate I am wolfing down a few right now out of the 2 kilos I ordered and man they are good

    Are you sure you aint got a bit of Indian blood in ya



    • Like 1
  13. i agree if she was trying to get many boyfriends to pay her debts,then she does deserve to be punished.but this is maybe abit too much

    She had 1,000,000 in the bank ... sold a house 2mnths ago and did not need support! ... Liked younger males ... pretty much like a lot of old men here and had the money.... Jealous on/off boyfriend and things went a bit too far....

    Bet it was not her house (meaning she did not pay for it

    working facebook for a new one


  14. as you say "read the thread' all speculation with nothing based on facts!!

    You asked the specific question 'who says it was a pick-up joint?'

    I pointed you in the direction of earlier posts. If you took the time to read them you'll find posts from people that know the place personally, and they state it is one.

    Admittedly, many things posted here are circumstantial, but please take your head out of the sand on the bar issue.

    (Let me add on to this post the fact I do not condone this guy's actions in any way, shape or form)

    I too know of the place and where its located (I live there). I certainly wouldnt class it as a pick up joint, sure, the shop is located by those type of bars (Day & Night bar area and far more favourable 'pick up joints') and some girls do use use the internet there, that said its main purpose is that of internet and cafe. I believe that is what she was doing when she was so brutally murdered.

    rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif What was it that Forrest Gump Mom used to like to say ??? this guy reminds me a lot of that saying


  15. as you say "read the thread' all speculation with nothing based on facts!!

    You asked the specific question 'who says it was a pick-up joint?'

    I pointed you in the direction of earlier posts. If you took the time to read them you'll find posts from people that know the place personally, and they state it is one.

    Admittedly, many things posted here are circumstantial, but please take your head out of the sand on the bar issue.

    (Let me add on to this post the fact I do not condone this guy's actions in any way, shape or form)

    I too know of the place and where its located (I live there). I certainly wouldnt class it as a pick up joint, sure, the shop is located by those type of bars (Day & Night bar area and far more favourable 'pick up joints') and some girls do use use the internet there, that said its main purpose is that of internet and cafe. I believe that is what she was doing when she was so brutally murdered.


    What was that saying in Forrest Gump this guy reminds me of it A LOT


  16. There is nothing in this article that says she was cheating on the German guy with the French guy. She was caught TALKING via Facebook it says. Or have i misread? Just assumptions. Maybe assumptions based on what usually is the case, but assumptions none the less.

    I also wonder how many are quick to think the girl deserved it, but yet, have the mind-set that its "normal" and ok for a man to cheat here.

    So many quick to dam_n.

    So many possible hypocrites.

    Let me try and help you out Eek as you may of missed this in the FIRST POST I bolded the important part that indicates that she cheated on him while they were togther split up and then got back together so its obviously more than just chatting on facebook as there was a history prior

    A German national found that his Thai girlfriend dated a Frenchman behind his back. The German lost his temper and stabbed his girl friend to death.

    Mr. Mike, the German and Mrs. Jantree had been dating for 3 months. They saw each other every day.

    Mr. Mike gave her 60,000 THB to clear her debts. They lived together for 1 month.

    Later Mr. Mike found out that she had met Mr. Peter, the Frenchman. Mrs. Jantree said he was more handsome.

    When Mr. Peter went back to France Mr. Mike thought everything was OK and they moved back together again.


  17. And not just in Thailand. There are at least as many, if not more, liars and cheats in Western countries (certainly in the UK where I come from.

    Well you must be moving in some particularly unpleasant circles in the UK, as I have never seen anywhere near the same number of western girls fleece their men friends in the same way i've seen Thai 'ladies' do it.

    I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but to say that there are as many, if not more, is utter b0ll0cks.

    That is because its illegal in any normal country to defraud people out of their property and money even if it is done in a loving way when the clear intention is to defraud.


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