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Posts posted by DiamondKing

  1. Alfie hasn't heard of much north of Watford DK! C'mon Alfie - never heard of the Balti Triangle Stratford Road and that area Alfie? some of the best curries in Uk!

    Surely they can't be better than the ones you get in B'ham 38.gif.

    LOL Stratford road is in Birmingham LOL biggrin.png

  2. I think it might of had something to do with the burp.gif that made it taste so good whistling.gif I prefer Sausage King Curries but the other ones curry nights are OK but certainly nothing like I can get in my hometown of Birmingham UK

    Curries no matter who you ge them from taste way better when ya pissed and I am sure many will agree that eating one that you thought was good when pissed and then eating the same one when sober, can change that perception pretty quickly.

    Robs Shish Kebabs ROCK (patty style I like) AWESOME STUFF


    Why would someone want a curry like you get in B'ham40.gif, don't tell me, B'ham is the curry centre of the world 13.gif

    Well that certainly shows your lack on knowledge where currys are concerned LOL coffee1.gif

    • Like 2
  3. I think it might of had something to do with the burp.gif that made it taste so good whistling.gif I prefer Sausage King Curries but the other ones curry nights are OK but certainly nothing like I can get in my hometown of Birmingham UK

    Curries no matter who you ge them from taste way better when ya pissed and I am sure many will agree that eating one that you thought was good when pissed and then eating the same one when sober, can change that perception pretty quickly.

    Robs Shish Kebabs ROCK (patty style I like) AWESOME STUFF


  4. Real Simple

    The charges and subsequent convictions have no credibility in the eyes of the western world, there was a coo where he was ousted and then trumped up charges and convictions were processed by an illegal government who too control by force with no legal legitimacy.

    So any convictions against T would not hold weight outside the kingdom as proven by the fact that when all you anti T followers were saying oh now Interpol will pick him up I SAID NEVER and I was right and again in all the other countries Mr T has visited again no problem for him and the truth is whether you like it or not is

    NOBODY OUTSIDE THAILAND CONSIDERS THE CONVICTIONS REAL and Mr T can travel freely wherever he chooses without fear of being picked up by this Government the last Government or the next Government.

    That is is the truth like it or not


  5. Most "make money on the internet" type jobs are scams. I think the OP is trying to crowd source to see if there are legitimate online job opportunities that can be done from here.

    It is very realistic to earn a very good living from the Internet and while there are many shiny objects out there that will promise you riches beyond your dreams, there are also very legitimate ways to make a lot of money online.

    I know several people here in Chiang Mai that make Millions of Dollars a year online I am working with one chap who is known as the 6 Million Dollar man because he pulled in 6 Million US dollars a year online, know another guy that has a MASSIVE MANSION in pai he just recently (July) made another half Million dollard online and he makes millions online yearly.

    I know another chap who lives in Bangkok and he has made half a million dollars in the last 5 months

    I have another friend who lives in Phuket only a young lad twenty something, but he makes a very lucrative income providing services such as making Graphic out of sales letters he also teaches the same as I do and this young lad is making on average 10 Thousand dollars a month.

    I have another friend who makes his living by making videos, of course he does not make them he has a guy in India do it for him for $5 and then he sells them for $29 he lives in China and makes a very nice income doing that.

    I could go on and on

    I have seen with my own eye someone make 3 Million Baht in 7 days and 100,000 in 7 days is very very common and in the circles I am in, and this happens EVERY DAY

    None of these guys did it overnight at first but its a very real way if you are serious about learning and taking it as new career, I know many more that are not making millions but making a very very nice income here in Thailand

    Personally I began my online training Nov 2010 prior to that I did not know anything about building websites creating products developing software Coding or providing services which are all excellent ways of making a decent income online here in Thailand.

    Since that time I have developed several softwares (I know nothing about coding but I know a man who does) I have created a membership website where people pay me monthly to learn what I teach, in addition to that I have helped a couple of guesthouses by building them websites and developed several other products that I have sold online.

    If you want to learn then give yourself about 12 months to learn the process as it is not overnight and is literally a new career which requires time dedication and focus, it is not easy at first but once you get stuck in it is very lucrative if you have the staying power.

    The easiest and fastest way to make money online is to offer a service such as writing Articles which is in very high demand and commands anywhere from $5 to $50 dollars per article and even more for short ebook (I am paying $250 right now to have a short book written for me)

    Eek gave a good list of way to make money online and just because TV has a lot of NEGS(negative people) dont think for one second that there are not thousands making a very good living online and TV is definatly not where they hang out because they are too busy making money.

    Myself and Vacationman tried to get a group together as mentioned by Hello Dollys ramblin post which was rather misleading, but we did in fact attempt to put a group together for persons interested however as with most things on THAI VISA it was quickly destroyed with negative people and both vacationman and 1 decided it was not worth the effort dealing with negative people and would just be a waste of time. I met with the guys Dolly mentions as well as a real nice guy David a retired lawyer David was great and we met on several other occasions where I helped him out. I have no time for negative people and I am sure this post will get trashed also but I just wanted to put out to those serious about maybe learning that it is a real possibility that you can make a lot of money online and it dont take much to make a very nice living here in Thailand or wherever esle you want to live.


    • Like 1
  6. What are your skills op?

    if your thinking about finance forget it....skills let me see, i'm far too modest, what have you in mind?

    So you expect someone to teach you for nothing

    that sounds like a great deal LOL :)


  7. It just confirms the USA just like any normal thinking person realizes that the COO and all the trumped up charges was a clear witch hunt and all charges are exactly that worthless and trumped up.

    That is why he was never arrested abroad and never will be and I have always posted that when you yellow shirt guys said oh now Interpol will pick him up and I always said NEVER and I have been proven right.

    The previous Thai Government just has no credibility with the rest of the world and the charges and subsequent verdict have no weight anywhere in the world and even in thailand

    Thats the truth of the matter no matter how much you dislike it


  8. Not exactly Miss Worlds at the old one are they!!!

    They are from Khon Kaen if you like that look. Personally I don't find that (and the Ubon Rachathani look) very appealing. But to each their own.

    I agree, it's a horrible look. Makes you wonder why folks from Khon Kaen or Kalasin don't all wear paper bags over their head.

    (BTW, for anyone else, no need to rush to either location, she left a long time ago.)

    I can drop onto facebook and ask her where she is and what she's up to if anyone needs though lol

    Easy Soi 2 off the moat next door to Happy Bar and opposite the tiny bar :)


  9. What the boys from Pattaya were up for the weekend?

    Yes as I recall they were Cobra Gold. By no means wishing to diminish these guys but the only direct Special Forces link was that they were training with Thai Special Forces and staying with the Thai special Forces camp at Mae Rim. I know one guy was a sniper instructor and they had some Korean Special Forces, and US Special Forces there at the same time.

    Yes and Thai Special forces do not belong in the same sentence as any other Special forces in the west, which is why they were training with regular Us forces as opposed to US special forces which kinda goes to show there is no comparison.

    Special education maybe biggrin.png


    Easy said.

    But please be so kind to stave your words.

    Thank you.

    Yes, I mean about the Thai special forces.......

    LOL really biggrin.png ok they are very special, (special needs LOL clap2.gif )

    i believe you, glad you have a high esteem for them, although I think the Dutch special forces might be a bit like the tortoise and the Hare and the Hare (dutch special forces) might be able to take a long nap while the special ED guys catch up :)


  10. The Red Lion has the best and cheapest Guinness in CM at B180 a pint .( i have been a Guinness drinker all my life ) .

    Well it cant be the best and cheapest now can it blink.png

    Since the Old Bell is only 176 that would make it the cheapest thumbsup.gif now whether it is the best is another point but not both biggrin.png


  11. What the boys from Pattaya were up for the weekend?

    Yes as I recall they were Cobra Gold. By no means wishing to diminish these guys but the only direct Special Forces link was that they were training with Thai Special Forces and staying with the Thai special Forces camp at Mae Rim. I know one guy was a sniper instructor and they had some Korean Special Forces, and US Special Forces there at the same time.

    Yes and Thai Special forces do not belong in the same sentence as any other Special forces in the west, which is why they were training with regular Us forces as opposed to US special forces which kinda goes to show there is no comparison.

    Special education maybe biggrin.png


    • Like 2
  12. Game is called Fai Fa cards are used to identify the numbered pool balls and you just pot until you miss if you pot my number I am out and a bounty paid the goal is to pot your own number at that point the game is over and you win the pot.


  13. I know there are a few falangs that work like this but I have met the police volunteer you are talking about an Australian. He helped me out of a situation i found my self in with the police and i could not be more grateful. like may people on here i did not understand why people would volunteer there time and was as guilty as some of you of writing rubbish about these decent people that work for the police. This man helped me and was not on any power trip. he worked for 25 years for the Australia Federal Police including a posting in Thailand for many years he speaks fluent Thai and has a good understanding of Thai law he works with and under the instruction of the Thai police.

    Believe me and I am talking to you anti police thinking members if you need a translator and friendly face when you have been arrested over a miss-understanding and you have dug your self in a hole you will be his best friend when he helps clear the problem up. But if you have done wrong he will have no problems aiding your arrest and good on him.

    These guys have work permits if you don't believe that go to the police station and ask to see them for yourselfs.

    Also playing music is allowed if you go to the city hall and get the relevant permit 15 days a year at no charge or if you want to play music daily get a one year permit not sure of the price but i would think the satisfaction of being legal would be great peace of mind.

    Furthermore, basically no musician is going to be bothered for sitting in informally and not frequently as a guest. The 15-day permission is obtainable and would apply basically in situations of repeated instances of playing.

    There might be A LOT of muscians who have done just that and they might like to argue your statement LOL

    Many were arrested not so long ago for just having a friendly JAM session so you are mistaken


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