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Posts posted by DiamondKing

  1. I am dam_n well positive the guy did not wake up that morning thinking he was going to kill her that day, it was not premeditated by the looks of it and could easily go down as a a crime of passion or manslaugter


    Agree that given the facts as we know them it doesn't sound like premeditation would be easy to prove but it certainly isn't manslaughter (or Thai equivalent) as he clearly intended to kill her. You don't stab somebody 17 times, including 6 times in the face and head unless you have an intent to kill. Manslaughter is a charged used when you didn't intend to kill somebody but should have known your actions could result in death. And again, depending on Thai law, he could be charged with premeditated murder as there typically is not a specific time frame needed to plan out the crime .. it could be months in planning the murder or seconds. Not to mention he went there carrying a knife, which I believe in itself is illegal in Thailand. Bottom line is this "appears" to be a clear cut murder by somebody who clearly intended to murder the victim. Truly is a shame that somebody could throw away their life like this and over this while more sad his actions took the life of somebody else.

    Do you know how long someone is likely to serve in prison for murder in Thailand ?

    2 Years based on cases I have seen


  2. I am dam_n well positive the guy did not wake up that morning thinking he was going to kill her that day, it was not premeditated by the looks of it and could easily go down as a a crime of passion or manslaugter


    Agree that given the facts as we know them it doesn't sound like premeditation would be easy to prove but it certainly isn't manslaughter (or Thai equivalent) as he clearly intended to kill her. You don't stab somebody 17 times, including 6 times in the face and head unless you have an intent to kill. Manslaughter is a charged used when you didn't intend to kill somebody but should have known your actions could result in death. And again, depending on Thai law, he could be charged with premeditated murder as there typically is not a specific time frame needed to plan out the crime .. it could be months in planning the murder or seconds. Not to mention he went there carrying a knife, which I believe in itself is illegal in Thailand. Bottom line is this "appears" to be a clear cut murder by somebody who clearly intended to murder the victim. Truly is a shame that somebody could throw away their life like this and over this while more sad his actions took the life of somebody else.

    He could also plead temporary insanity in a fit of passionate rage he lost control and killed her.

    As we know here in Thailand plead guilty have an excuse and you get off with a 2 year prison sentence like the Aussie guy who premeditated murdered the American guy in a restaurant here in Chiang mai after going out getting his gun and returning to the restaurant and delivering one shot to the chest one to the head and he is now out and a free man after serving 2 years.


  3. I am one of, I suspect many thousands, who have found the wife/girlfriend cheating in this way. I walked away purely because I see no reason to impose a severe penalty (certainly not capital punishment) for what is a "normal cultural practice"

    I think what you're advocating is a mature approach, if your hurt and lost all trust in a relationship.

    What amazes me about this case is that, according to the article, this guy killed his gf of 3 months, because she was chatting on facebook with a French geezer. I might be old-fashioned but I'm not sure that really counts as cheating ! and I hope that if this happened to me, that I would at least try and work something out with my significant other / partner of the time.

    I read that she dumped him for the french guy and when the french guy left they got back together and worked things out, and then he caught her chatting on facebook with him when she was supposed to be back with him.

    People handle emotions in different ways some people can handle it while others like this chap just SNAP and I am dam_n well positive the guy did not wake up that morning thinking he was going to kill her that day, it was not premeditated by the looks of it and could easily go down as a a crime of passion or manslaugter


    Why was he carrying a knife then ?

    Many people carry Knives daily especially here in Thailand, does not mean they intend to murder someone that day


  4. I am one of, I suspect many thousands, who have found the wife/girlfriend cheating in this way. I walked away purely because I see no reason to impose a severe penalty (certainly not capital punishment) for what is a "normal cultural practice"

    I think what you're advocating is a mature approach, if your hurt and lost all trust in a relationship.

    What amazes me about this case is that, according to the article, this guy killed his gf of 3 months, because she was chatting on facebook with a French geezer. I might be old-fashioned but I'm not sure that really counts as cheating ! and I hope that if this happened to me, that I would at least try and work something out with my significant other / partner of the time.

    I read that she dumped him for the french guy and when the french guy left they got back together and worked things out, and then he caught her chatting on facebook with him when she was supposed to be back with him.

    People handle emotions in different ways some people can handle it while others like this chap just SNAP and I am dam_n well positive the guy did not wake up that morning thinking he was going to kill her that day, it was not premeditated by the looks of it and could easily go down as a a crime of passion or manslaugter


  5. For all the posters that are posting she deserved being killed are at best callous and bitter. To imply that because she was conversing on face book with another guy that she was cheating on this German boy friend of 3 months, who invested 60,000 baht to get her out of debt. He is a psycho murderer plain and simple. No one deserves to be killed for chatting on a social network. What happen to you DiamondKing and cmone123 to be so callous? That girl is someones daughter you so easily spew your callous statement about. Your are lucky that the chances of any of her relatives seeing your post are slim to none. If that was my sister that was killed and I read your post, I would be extremely passional if I ever ran into you.

    Do people deserve to be killed or dealt with 'passionately' for having an opinion different to yours. You think the poster deserves rough treatment for having an opinion yet it would be ok for him to be 'dealt with' for having an opinion, can't you see the hypocrisy in your post?

    Of course she didn't deserve to be murdered but the poster is well within his rights to have this opinion.

    Yes he has the right. Does my post imply that i would (cause him harm) to you? It has nothing to do with having a difference of opinion. They have a right to say whatever they want just as the girl had the right to chat on face book.

    Extremely passionate?? were you planning to kiss him and have sex with him?

    w00t.gif I certainly hope not

  6. It's clear from reading some posts that some of you have been cheated on and are still all bitter and twisted.

    People cheat, men women you think farangs never lie to bar girls... blink.png

    It's never pleasant but not a crime, part of life, you just move on.

    The Human race is not meant to be monogamous and anyone that thinks that it is, is setting themselves up for a fall expect to be cheated on and you have no problem and as many above say just walk away if you cant handle it.



  7. For all the posters that are posting she deserved being killed are at best callous and bitter. To imply that because she was conversing on face book with another guy that she was cheating on this German boy friend of 3 months, who invested 60,000 baht to get her out of debt. He is a psycho murderer plain and simple. No one deserves to be killed for chatting on a social network. What happen to you DiamondKing and cmone123 to be so callous? That girl is someones daughter you so easily spew your callous statement about. Your are lucky that the chances of any of her relatives seeing your post are slim to none. If that was my sister that was killed and I read your post, I would be extremely passional if I ever ran into you.

    Do people deserve to be killed or dealt with 'passionately' for having an opinion different to yours. You think the poster deserves rough treatment for having an opinion yet it would be ok for him to be 'dealt with' for having an opinion, can't you see the hypocrisy in your post?

    Of course she didn't deserve to be murdered but the poster is well within his rights to have this opinion.

    Yes he has the right. Does my post imply that i would (cause him harm) to you? It has nothing to do with having a difference of opinion. They have a right to say whatever they want just as the girl had the right to chat on face book.

    Yes your post implied that you would do harm to me although when you saw me you might think twice about that LOL


  8. For all the posters that are posting she deserved being killed are at best callous and bitter. To imply that because she was conversing on face book with another guy that she was cheating on this German boy friend of 3 months, who invested 60,000 baht to get her out of debt. He is a psycho murderer plain and simple. No one deserves to be killed for chatting on a social network. What happen to you DiamondKing and cmone123 to be so callous? That girl is someones daughter you so easily spew your callous statement about. Your are lucky that the chances of any of her relatives seeing your post are slim to none. If that was my sister that was killed and I read your post, I would be extremely passional if I ever ran into you.

    Well if you actually read my post, you would see that at no time did I say she deserved to be killed, I just made it clear I have no empathy for her


  9. Ok in the last month or so we have

    1.) Chalerm accused on being pissed during a Thai parliament session

    2.) Member caught on Camera looking at Porn on his phone

    3.) member accused of casting votes for absent members

    4.) A Member screaming out Heil hitler while Nazi saluting

    5.) Naked Pron picture flashed on big screen in parliament

    Have I missed anything

    I think the above speaks for itself.as to how the Thai Parliment represents itself


  10. ermm... not sure

    but for the limited stock that they do have... better than driving into town.

    I understand that Kad F arang is undergoing a major revamp and Rimping will go.

    Err I live in the moo ban in Kad Farang and I don't see any major revamp what I do see is a developer that is cash strapped and going under there is definatley no money anymore and as for Rimping I use it often and have also noticed a drop in restocking and wondered myself if they were going to close.

    I hope not


  11. a friend of mine purchased a dumpy house similar to this for 595,000 baht near the night market, that leaves him 7 Million to do it up

    For 8 Million Baht here you get a Massive home with a Pool lots of land and more but AAA+ for presentation pictures website and workmanship only thing that way out there is the price.

    But Kudos to the Kwai for giving the guy some well needed free advertising to his target marketclap2.gif


  12. Too low 60,000 is not enough cover an accident unless its scrapes and road rash

    My bill was 380,000 baht although my leg was broken in 5 places and I was hospitalized for 3 weeks while I was in my friend had an accident also and his Bill was over 1 Million baht he had a head injury

    I would want at least min 500,000 just in case


  13. Hey Rob

    Gotta say those spicy kebab sausages were great tastes just like Shami Kebabs can you do them in patties instead of sausages then I just need some mint yoghurt with onions and I'm set


    Hi Diamondking and yes i can make shami kebabs and will be doing a range of Lamb products soon we got the Lamb sausage now but not in supermarkets yet.Can buy direct tho.Aussie Lamb burger are in the Rimpings Supermarkets now if not sold out yet ? We are open to the public over songkran so don't be hungry. We will be making Indian seekh lamb kebabs soon. Rob.

    Rob I want the shami kebab patties burger style not the ones that look like a big turd biggrin.png

  14. This stuff would not have happened if the man hadn't been drinking alcohol. I know its an assumption; but, after looking at the video, it appears the guy is loaded and in typical alcoholic form.

    I wonder how this gentleman will get through Swampy immigration. They should open up a bar so people can pass the time while standing in line at immigration. Then we could see more of this type of behaviour on youtube.

    DUDE he was just hit over the head with a baton I think anyone might be staggering after that happening to them, drinking has nothing to do with it


  15. I am in PP now and seem some changes have happened and when I spoke with an agent first they said I CANNOT get an O visa here, I explained I have everything I needed for it so they said OH OK it was going to take a WEEK to get an O VISA based on marriage and then reiterated they could not guarantee that it would be issued even though I have the right papers.

    I confirmed with them I have everything I needed including marriage cert, wifes id card etc and she indicated that it did not matter and she told me last week a guy in the same situation was refused an O even though he also had the right paperwork.

    I basically said well I am here I have to try so gave her all my documents and the only thing she could do for me was try and get it faster than the week (if I paid more of course)

    So submitted the documents now I am waiting.

    I think the latest changes are quite recent and they don't seem to be good.

    On the other hand, How welcoming Cambodia is, upon entry they asked, would you like a tourist visa or would you like to do business here ? if business you have to pay $5 more, HOW REFRESHING is that, seems like they genuinely welcome foreigners.

    Beer is crazy cheap at 15 baht a small beer and food cheap too. I think I am going to head off to the beach for a few days and see what its like there


    PS of course I lost my flight back since it was booked and non changeable non refundable and they only deliver visas at 7pm ohmy.png I mean 7pm why is that I ask, don't all government places close at like 3-4pm, yet here Visas can be picked up in the evening time so even though I had a flight at 5.30pm no chance of catching it even if they had not changed the rules.

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