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Posts posted by DiamondKing

  1. "The father was possibly furious due to a misunderstanding. He went on to say that the authorities would try to help the girl's father understand the situation in order to "rebuild the country's image"

    Tourism Minister Chumphol Silapa-archa had said earlier that the incident could not be considered rape...

    No comment necessary.

    A lot of politician types say stupid stuff all over but all that matters is what the legal system says. I honestly don't know the facts of the case but assumed she was raped but what I am also guessing is she had been drinking and possibly invited/allowed the guy back to her place. Cases like this in the west are not always easy to prosecute and would be based a lot on credibility which means both his and her past being looked at. I have no idea what the injuries were in terms of her going to the hospital but obviously if we are talking injuries of struggle or being overpowered then the case should become much much easier but she may very well have gone to the hospital after sobering up worry she may have got some STD or impregnated. Any links to the actual crime and arrest being reported?

    Nisa I'm not sure what you are getting at in your post - first you admit you know little about the case then suggest that she may have been drunk and invited/allowed the guy back to her place - does this somehow mean that he was justified in raping her (if he did), the assault alone is easy enough to investigate and prove, DNA may complete the picture - I'm not having a dig here but I don't see the worth in your above post.

    The worrying fact is that this guy is out and about like a free man

    Guys you need to look at the facts of the case she did not invite him back to her room he gave her a lift back to her hotel (where her boyfirend was) earlier he her boyfriend and her had dinner the boyfriend felt comfortable enough to go home early.

    The accused offered a lift to her hotel close by

    and when he started going the wrong way she protested and got off the bike, he beat the shit out of her and dragged her off the road and beat and raped her

    He did a runner and was caught one month later where he was identified by the girl he confessed and DNA was matched so he was locked up after being locked up he retracted his confession and was released on bail pending trial.

    NO doubt this scumbag raped and beat this poor girl


  2. My missus just said that she saw on thai tv that they are going to arrest this guy again and put him back in Jail apparently (third hand info) he is well to do and was educated abroad which the big cop said gave him no excuse as he was educated and not from the poor thai countryside

    We will see how true this is as it was over by the time she got to me to change the channel

    Lets hope so and the smartest move to nip this thing in the bud


  3. The guy is a musician and is expressing his torment in a song how can you ven question the lyric

    " Would You Feel The Pain that You Put Inside my child "

    that is a father in pain and the only thing he can do is express his feelings in song.

    I am with all the fathers here that say they would be serving time and I for one would visit that father and ensure his stay was a comfortable as possible,

    Respect to this father.


    After the police reaction and the comments by the Minister of Tourism yesterday Andrew Drummond who is speaking to the father predicts another song coming on on his website today

    Man that is unbelievable and quite shocking

    So according to the minister we can eat dinner with his daughter and then have the right to bash her face in and then rape her and according to HIS OWN STATEMENT that would be ok

    Man sometimes this place really is amazing thailand.

    If they ban that video in thailand it will give it a VIRAL BOOST like no other


  4. If it were my duagher I would just go to krabi and shoot him through the head, I wouldnt care how long i spent in jail

    No doubt you feel really macho for a few minutes until the Thai police started kicking you in the nuts but would it be a comfort to your daughter that you spend years clanking chains around death row in Thailand?

    You obviously dont have kids

    Whether you have kids or not taking the law into your own hands is not a practical solution for your family, even you are happy to throw away your own life.

    Like i said you don't have kids so cant understand the statement, many a father would be out of control if that happened to his daughter

  5. If it were my duagher I would just go to krabi and shoot him through the head, I wouldnt care how long i spent in jail

    No doubt you feel really macho for a few minutes until the Thai police started kicking you in the nuts but would it be a comfort to your daughter that you spend years clanking chains around death row in Thailand?

    You obviously dont have kids

    • Like 1
  6. If it were my duagher I would just go to krabi and shoot him through the head, I wouldnt care how long i spent in jail

    And based on the case here in Chiang Mai where the Aussie executed an American you would only be senteced to 2.5 years which the Aussie was sentenced and served his measly 2.5 years and was set free bah.gif for a execution killing

    sick sick sick SHAME ON THAILAND

  7. Good on that father cos I would hunt this scum down and take care of him myself he would be begging to to jail.

    Its great to see hundreds of comments on that video from disgruntled thais as well as falangs and I would suggest we all add it to our facebook pages and share it, maybe this might be the thing that makes the powers that be wake up and see people are tired of this bullshit.

    The thought of one of my daughters being raped enrages me and I would like a few minutes with this scum anyway lets share this video and get it out there as its time Thailand realized they have to act and act fast whenever a tourist is assaulted killed raped or robbed and push it through fast.


  8. I went to Kalare with a friend as I heard it was better than the other 2 and both my firend and I (long term residents) thought was S#$@T LAZY FIGHTERS and pretty boring actually, the best fight was the 2 girls who at least made an effort.

    Seems like all these are just tourist traps without real fights or just for show fights, I think the best is go to BKK to a real fight


  9. OOOHH!!


    Mean spirited FOX doesn't show the high point of the day, the new President coming out on stage with his family, but stays firmly on the stuffed shirt + modest miniskirt in their vulgar studio.


    Obama's making his speech and FOX is still in the studio!

    Two minutes later:


    They're ignoring the PResident's speech!

    Two more minutes later:

    They're STILL IGNORING the president's speech.

    It's unbelievable........and Fox is the main news source for 45% of America....Sad

    Three more minutes later:

    Fox news goes to a roving reporter showing how votes are counted in an election centre.

    Looks like he's suggesting there are "disturbing reports" of some people being double counted.

    Oh and some machines were broken down.

    Meanwhile the President of the USA makes his acceptance speech.....obviously not worth showing.

    Ohhh more words "potential fraud"

    Ohhh it must have been a fix

    SEEMS LIKE YOUR AN AVID VIEWER OF FOX if you dont like it you only have to move your thumb and press change channel.

    • Like 1
  10. To those who said Obama didn't accomplish anything in his first term: They Were Wrong! Solidified tonight. He is well on his way to being a president with a legacy to compare to the great ones.

    On their own, passing and implementing any of these laws would be a huge achievement for a presidency. The three of them together are a record and pace of domestic change unmatched by any recent administration. But they were an odd sort of change: Change that wouldn’t happen until — and arguably unless — Obama secured a second term. Tonight, he did that.


    YEAH RIGHT lol

  11. Anyone know where I can get hold of some Tarantulas ?? I am located in Chiang Mai but if available somewhere else that is ok too Looking for Blue Colbalt or a thailand Black or any other species especially if there are any imports of less aggressive species such as Mexican Red or Goliath Birdeater


  12. You're going to buy a Samsung? Ha, ha, ha; you've been warned, You WILL come to grief. Samsung will refuse to support the product as soon as they change the model number. Expect the touch screen to go out first.


    I bet your a Apple brainwashed user LOL

    Samsung is awesome had multiple products nothing but excellent things to say about them top quality stuff and after service here in Thailand was excellent and cost me nothing when I had a small problem


  13. Things may have changed dehwah, his personality probably hasn't.

    Expatmakmak --.

    I can assure you that Gipsy's Germanic personality has not changed.

    If anything, it appears more intense now, than in past years.

    - Oneman

    Well just read it closed so problem solved


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