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Posts posted by DiamondKing

  1. There are many fine graphic designers in Chiang Mai, and I suspect you'll be getting PM's from some of them.

    I think DK's opinions are rigid, strident, and he's probably dealing with low-quality design needs that can be done "one-off," using templates, for rather standard looking websites, or whatever, on the cheap. These posts of his are consistent with what I perceive as the main purpose of his being on this forum is to promote himself.

    If you can find a person here you "resonate" with, that you can have good face-to-face communication with, particularly if this site-to-be has a unique aesthetic quality you wish it to express, you'll be better served locally.

    Please do perform a search on this forum on: "graphic design."

    PM me if you wish some further advice.

    good luck, ~o:37;

    My whole online business is a multi million baht a year business and the graphics that are created for me by my team are TOP KNOTCH and the best money can buy, now if you feel that the local market offers better value knock yourself out.

    The reality is that I used a service that when you post your job and have around 50 or more graphic designers fighting for your business and you have the opportunity to choose the best applicant after looking through their portfolios browsing the feedback from past customers etc its is way easier better quality and WAAAAAAAAAAAAY cheaper than a local option.

    I built a team of top knotch graphic designers although I will admit it took a few tries to find the real gems who I now employ full time


    PS although I have been contacted by multiple persons, I DO NOT OFFER GRAPHIC SERVICES NOR AM I LOOKING FOR ANY BUSINESS DOING GRAPHICS, I will leave that for Orang37 and others who are fighting for the scraps, I will merely direct you to the service I use and offer some advice on using the service the best way.

    I have looked all over Chiang Mai years ago, and the prices are STUPID, and just take advantage of the ILL informed, not to mention the language issue, why go through all that shit when its real easy to find 5 STAR GRAPHICS at 1 star prices by outsourcing your job and having TOP QUALITY GRAPHIC DESIGNERS FIGHTING OVER YOUR JOB.

  2. Ok for those thinking this was something dodgy SORRY it is true

    I really am looking for anyone with a large Pet snake preferably a Python in the 10-15 ft range although smaller sizes will be be considered :)


  3. I'm looking to buy a wireless mic (good quality HD)for my video making and have no idea where to find one in Chiang Mai any videographers/ studio owners out there that could direct me if not I am also maybe looking for someone that has a green screen studio that i could use for a whole bunch of videos I need to shoot.

    Any direction would be appreciated on both of those points



  4. It's called Palaad Tawanron. You go up Suthep rd to the end then turn right into the back entrance of the zoo. from there its well signed. Location as you say is fabulous, service excellent food....OKish! Enjoy

    this sounds to me more likely than Galare which if I recall doesn't have a waterfall that close. could be wrong though

    Yes its Palaad Tawanron I just looked at some pictures on Google and that is the one


    Big Thanks


  5. Why are you limiting yourself to Chiang Mai ??

    Because I live in Chiang Mai and it is easier to follow up on the work if I can meet the designer in person as the work progresses.

    Well Ok I was just trying to help you out wai.gif and I live in Chiang Mai also but would not waste my time when there is a perfectly easier way than looking for a needle in a haystack (AS YOU ARE FINDING OUT) and then when you do find someone you have to go and meet them and realize the communication thing is a real issue and you find yourself starting all over again.

    Good luck with that, and while you are looking for worker in Chiang Mai, you could have 50 SUPERB graphic designers fighting over your job and the the work could of already been completed communicating using Skype, email, etc you certainly don't have to meet anyone in person.

    But hey good luck with your search, like i was saying just trying to help


  6. 6 years ago when I first arrived in Chiang Mai I hooked up with this Chick and she took me to a nice restaurant here in Chiang Mai a few times in her car and I really did not have my bearings back then but the restaurant was real good and I would like to find it again

    So this is what i remember

    You Drive UP to it, turn off the main road and the drive up a hill and the restaurant is the top of the hill

    its has a WATERFALL right at the entrance with a very small kids play things

    When you sit in the restaurant you overlook a lake and can often see the fish surfacing.

    That is about all I can remember

    Does it ring any bells for anyone



  7. Why are you limiting yourself to Chiang Mai ?? I have teams of Graphics designers, Writers, Web designers and not one of them is in Chiang Mai

    There are many places to find these with people who speak english as a frist language and can do the work for a fraction of anything you can find here in Chiang Mai.

    Send me a Pm and I can give you contact (not allowed to post links in threads)


  8. Visahka Bucha day, a very important day on the Buddhist calendar. This day commemorates the birth, enlightenment and the entry into nirvana of Buddha.


    Roll on to midnight when we can get back to reality biggrin.png


  9. The yellow shirts are fascists not more or less. They deserve a life firing zone. There is no bigger crime in a democracy than blocking the work of a parliament. The ultra rightist Nation should make that very clear to the three readers that they still have. Interesting enough PAD is led by a man who is waiting a lengthy jail sentence for corruption and defrauding creditors and investors. The police com missionary and his fine officers who allowed the blocking of parliament should be immediately be put out of their misery and send home.

    There will be no coup, the military know that the outside world would spit on them and that the voters will be unstoppable and will really come out with a million people to tach the elite a lesson.


    They did not block the work of Parliament, they blocked the roads. Esteemed members of the Parliament could always walk instead of being driven in, or air liftedthumbsup.gif

    Demonstrations which gather a large number of people usually do happen to block roads as people can not climb trees, and last time i checked demonstrations were perfectly legal and does fall into democracy, to which you refer.

    here is a clue JIM HENDERSON rolleyes.gif

    i am sorry i do not speak the teenage codes, so when you grow up and start to speak the grown up language, feel free to join in the conversationthumbsup.gif

    Yep let me spell it out for you as it applies directly to you M-U-P-P-E-T-T biggrin.png

  10. I still don't understand why the keep referring to TS as being in "self-exile". Isn't he on the run.

    No he is not on the run if he were on the run and had actually committed Terrorist acts like the yellows accused him of then the good Ol USA would of hunted him down themselves but the fact is the guys is living it up all over the world having a grand old time and so he should as the coup should never of happened anyway and was proven yet again in the last election the MAJORITY of thais want thaksin why else would they vote in someone with NO POLITICAL EXPERIENCE at all, I tell you why, Because her name is Thaksin and the people love him

    Civil War could be on the cards as we are back to square 1


    You must be new to this. 52% of the people voted against Thaksin. Because you are new I will explain it to you. Thailand is not a Democracy. They use the Parliamentary system where they don't need the majority as you would in a Democracy.

    With the Parliamentary system each area gets to elect one minister When the election is over the minister's get together and then elect the Prime minister.

    Under this system if one district has 20,000 out of 39,000 for one party and another district has 35,000 out of 39,000 for another party and a third district had another 20,000 out of 39,000 for the same candidate as the first party you would have three people voting for the prime minister with one vote each. Even though there was 73,000 who wanted one candidate and only 44,000 who wanted the other candidate.

    So with a total of 117,000 votes for the two parties One party would receive 73,000 votes and the other party 44,000 votes. Yet the party with 44,000 would get two votes for who the Prime Minister will be compared the the party with 73,000 votes who only get one vote.

    Hardly a democracy.


    I think that should cover my reaction

    Sometimes i really think you guys are dumb as me biggrin.png

  11. The yellow shirts are fascists not more or less. They deserve a life firing zone. There is no bigger crime in a democracy than blocking the work of a parliament. The ultra rightist Nation should make that very clear to the three readers that they still have. Interesting enough PAD is led by a man who is waiting a lengthy jail sentence for corruption and defrauding creditors and investors. The police com missionary and his fine officers who allowed the blocking of parliament should be immediately be put out of their misery and send home.

    There will be no coup, the military know that the outside world would spit on them and that the voters will be unstoppable and will really come out with a million people to tach the elite a lesson.


    They did not block the work of Parliament, they blocked the roads. Esteemed members of the Parliament could always walk instead of being driven in, or air liftedthumbsup.gif

    Demonstrations which gather a large number of people usually do happen to block roads as people can not climb trees, and last time i checked demonstrations were perfectly legal and does fall into democracy, to which you refer.

    here is a clue JIM HENDERSON rolleyes.gif

  12. There is a lot to learn about democraty here. People need to understand that being democratically elected does not give anybody the right to put themselves above the law. Changing law is not an option either on a long term.

    Street protests are a legitimate tool, if lawfully conducted. Blocking PM's from entering their place of work is surely not lawful. Neither is blocking parts of the city and hindering ordinary businesses from doing their work.

    Being in charge of running a country means also to respect the political minority as well as all groups in society. If a bill causes or is likely to cause a bigger rift in society, it should not be considered. Even though the majority could pass the bill.

    Finally to TS, I believe he was convicted because he did something dishonest. He was not convicted because of his political agenda, believes and ideas. Really don't understand why an option for amnesty is even considered.

    Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect App

    TS did nothing more than many many Thai Politician are doing and have done, the only difference was he was singled out because he had too much power and was overthrown, but it all came around and the people voted him back in (via his sister)

    Talk about a smack in the face LOL

    POWER TO THE PEOPLE clap2.gif

  13. However the disruption that was done today would not of been allowed in a normal country and as soon as they blocked roads etc crowd control would of been put into effect and the police would clear the roads to allow access for MP's to get to work, not only that when was the last time you heard of a real government parliament cancelling meetings, because of protests.

    In a "normal country" they have trained and professional riot police that have the skills to break up protests using the minimum amount of force necessary.

    PS THIS IS A DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED GOVERNMENT just in case you forgot that means the Majority of people in Thailand voted them in and right now the RICH MINORITY are again trying to disrupt the will of the majority of thai people.

    P.P.S. Just because a government gets voted in, doesn't mean they get given carte blanche to do whatever they please. They have a responsibility not just to the people who voted for them, but for all Thais.

    Except in Thailand biggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png

    are you saying the previous Government did not have carte blanche come on you people Thai governments are all the same no matter what color shirts they are wearing


    • Like 1
  14. For those of you who continue to portray the PAD as a democratic movement simply (and non-violently) trying to ensure the rule of law, I suggest you read this piece from the Asian Human Rights Commission.


    These people are proto-fascists who want a largely appointed--rather than elected--parliament that would keep power in the hands of the monied elite in Bangkok. And all the time, they pretend that their only motive is to protect the royal institution while demonising the reds as anti-royalist, which is patently untrue.

    How any democratically-minded person here can support the PAD is beyond me...

    I don't support the PAD, i support the PAD's right to protest within the law, just as i support the red shirt's same right.

    When either the reds or the yellows step outside of the law, my support ceases.

    How any democratically-minded person here can support the idea of clamping down or preventing peaceful protest is beyond me...

    However the disruption that was done today would not of been allowed in a normal country and as soon as they blocked roads etc crowd control would of been put into effect and the police would clear the roads to allow access for MP's to get to work, not only that when was the last time you heard of a real government parliament cancelling meetings, because of protests.

    We all know the Yellows the Reds, the thai people, it will end in illegal activities, be in taking over the airport, violence, or both.

    Both as bad as each other and deserve themselves.


    PS THIS IS A DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED GOVERNMENT just in case you forgot that means the Majority of people in Thailand voted them in and right now the RICH MINORITY are again trying to disrupt the will of the majority of thai people.

    • Like 1
  15. HAHAHA how short peoples memories are

    The first thing the coup people did was change all the laws to suit themselves and use them to prosecute Thaksin with trumped up charges

    Amazing some people LOL


    Absolute garbage

    Well it was stolen from him in the first place he should get it back


    More garbage

    Wonder where those Billions are now LOL the people certainly have not benefited from those stolen funds but I bet the Y Shirts have


    Yet more garbage.

    All such garbage in fact I am not even going to bother engaging you. If you must comment on Thai politics can you display a little respect for all the other posters here and go and learn about the events you are claiming to have knowledge about, then by all means comment away. In the middle of yet another political crisis in Thailand off the cuff trolling comments are neither helpful nor appreciated.

    Hahahaha Im sure your yellow shirt must be blinding you in your responses LOL


  16. No. It was ill gotten and it was fair that it got confiscated.

    It's quite right - Shinawatra is on the run from a prison sentence here in Thailand. That's what this Reconciliation Bill hopes to achieve ultimately - pardons granted, against the decisions of the courts, who make rulings in the name of the King.

    That's why everyone's getting all up tight about it.

    Let's really make no mistake - Taksin is a convicted criminal, trying to fund his way into a pardon.

    Don't forget 46 billion. With the pardon, he'll get that money back as well (most probably).

    For 46 billion you can buy a lot som tam

    Well it was stolen from him in the first place he should get it back


    Wonder where those Billions are now LOL the people certainly have not benefited from those stolen funds but I bet the Y Shirts have


  17. It's quite right - Shinawatra is on the run from a prison sentence here in Thailand. That's what this Reconciliation Bill hopes to achieve ultimately - pardons granted, against the decisions of the courts, who make rulings in the name of the King.

    That's why everyone's getting all up tight about it.

    Let's really make no mistake - Taksin is a convicted criminal, trying to fund his way into a pardon.

    Don't forget 46 billion. With the pardon, he'll get that money back as well (most probably).

    For 46 billion you can buy a lot som tam

    Well it was stolen from him in the first place he should get it back


    • Like 1
  18. I still don't understand why the keep referring to TS as being in "self-exile". Isn't he on the run.

    No he is not on the run if he were on the run and had actually committed Terrorist acts like the yellows accused him of then the good Ol USA would of hunted him down themselves but the fact is the guys is living it up all over the world having a grand old time and so he should as the coup should never of happened anyway and was proven yet again in the last election the MAJORITY of thais want thaksin why else would they vote in someone with NO POLITICAL EXPERIENCE at all, I tell you why, Because her name is Thaksin and the people love him

    Civil War could be on the cards as we are back to square 1


    • Like 2
  19. Nisa

    You can keep quoting all this stuff, but until you have actually gone through the whole whacked out process like I have, you know nothing but the theory, and i can tell you that is a TOSH compared to the reality of going through it and the reality of the outcome.

    Best bet is keep ya mouth shut in Thailand even if its the truth cos this country is the TWILIGHT ZONE


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