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Posts posted by DiamondKing

  1. Kampangdin Road and Santitam have far worse reputations for Thais. Those areas have changed a lot over recent years but their previous reputations are still widely known.

    Loy Kroh isn't too bad for Thais. However, sitting in a bar with a prostitute on your knee in public is something Thais don't do. It's a massive loss of face. Thais do this in private. The farangs who sit in slapper bars at the edge of the road leering over prostitutes and spilling beer over their beer guts and vests have little face to lose though.

    Or maybe those guys dont give a S@#!T about the thai face bullshit biggrin.png

    Of course they don't. They are completely ignorant of the culture of the country they are in.

    No not at all,

    Just because we live here does not mean we have to accept every part of the culture especially when some is total bullshit like the face thing, I can quite happily live here and work with the face thing when in the right situation, but if I am sitting in a bar then why the hell would I give a rats arse about some thai walking by looking at me thinking I am losing face, I don't know them so really don't give a hoot and I guess since you are so into thai culture i would not give a hoot either if you walked by and thought I was losing face biggrin.png


    PS Disclaimer

    1.) I don't have a Beer Belly (well ok I am lying just a small one)

    2.) I dont wear vests (its true I really dont)

    3.) I have been known to leer at the girls on occasion :)

    4.) and most important I NEVER SPILL MY BEER biggrin.png

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  2. I had the argument with my Thai wife about how Thais just leave people for dead when they hit them and nearly always do a runner and I said I would want to stop and help and she said DO NOT STOP, EVER they will kill you, she then proceeded to reel off multiple accidents where the person who hit the person was ultimately beaten to death, or savagely beaten even though they stopped and tried to help the victim.

    So the advice of my wife is RUN DON'T STOP then go to the Police once you are safe, to me that is fuc_ked up but if that is the reason why they run then I'm all for it, and accident is an accident and you should not be killed if you have an accident even if you were drinking.


  3. Kampangdin Road and Santitam have far worse reputations for Thais. Those areas have changed a lot over recent years but their previous reputations are still widely known.

    Loy Kroh isn't too bad for Thais. However, sitting in a bar with a prostitute on your knee in public is something Thais don't do. It's a massive loss of face. Thais do this in private. The farangs who sit in slapper bars at the edge of the road leering over prostitutes and spilling beer over their beer guts and vests have little face to lose though.

    Or maybe those guys dont give a S@#!T about the thai face bullshit biggrin.png

    • Like 2
  4. if i will see a thai lady in Loi kroh road,should i assume she is a hooker?

    You could, but you would be wrong more often than not.

    Ulysses speaks the truth.

    I enjoy Loi Kroh, but call me a hooker and I'll deck you with a mean right hook. That is the biggest problem with foreigners visiting Thailand for the first time... they jump to conclusions that are totally false. The same could be said even for places like Pattaya. There is an infrastructure of honest, hard working people to support the small red light district.

    Whats wrong with Hookers blink.png

  5. Great. Many thanks. Wasn't expecting so many clear replies so quickly.

    I see the Aya Travel Service is minibus. Much prefer the "VIP bus" option if possible as mentioned by "Masuk". Anyone put a name to a service that uses a tour bus not minivans?

    Thx again!!

    Not sure why you would prefer that since its just a regular coach which takes way longer drops you out of town so you have to take a motorbike taxi to the border and then you have to wait for the next bus back to CM getting back 7.30 or so

    The Mini bus is way more VIP way faster and convenient than that bus but if you still want to take that bus then just go the bus station and buy a ticket.


    Is the mini bus as comfortable as the VIP bus.

    Did they stop using the songhtals in Mai Sia?

    Songhtals ???? never used one the Mini Bus drops you right at the Border control and then meets you at the hotel there in a hour and brings you back and to me yes its was more comfortable and convenient but always get a seat at the front half of the bus smile.png a little less bumpy

    In answer to the other guy I did the 15 day run more than 10 times at one point no issues at all with having all those stamps in the passport of course its much better with a proper visa but for those that don't have one you can do the 15 day run without limits at this time even though supposedly it is supposed to be limited to 3 times but that is not enforced.


  6. Different Strokes for different folks I guess but I did the green bus once and never again

    If I need to do a visa run I want to be their and back as fast as possible and after doing that every 15 days for months (until I got a proper visa) on end I would never take the Green bus too slow and inconvenient but I guess if you need to save 200 baht its a decent way to do it for me 3 hours time saving is worth the $6 extra


  7. Great. Many thanks. Wasn't expecting so many clear replies so quickly.

    I see the Aya Travel Service is minibus. Much prefer the "VIP bus" option if possible as mentioned by "Masuk". Anyone put a name to a service that uses a tour bus not minivans?

    Thx again!!

    Not sure why you would prefer that since its just a regular coach which takes way longer drops you out of town so you have to take a motorbike taxi to the border and then you have to wait for the next bus back to CM getting back 7.30 or so

    The Mini bus is way more VIP way faster and convenient than that bus but if you still want to take that bus then just go the bus station and buy a ticket.


  8. Mai Sai 3.5 hours drive then 10 minutes out of thailand and back in

    500 baht bus private bus service AYA MINI BUS down by the train station you need to book leaves 8am returns about 5pm

    1 hour drive then the mini bus stops for a 15 minute stop at the hot springs

    then 2.5 hours more to Mai Sai where you have 1 hour to do your visa before heading back to Chiang Mai

    Done it MANY MANY TIMES and its a good fast service and the mini bus is comfortable and the regular driver is a good one.


  9. Chiang mai is generally a very safe place, especially for tourist. but as you said, common sense. Walking down a Loy Kroh soi at 4am, completely drunk is not a good place to be (physically or metaphysically). Other than times of complete lack of common sense, you and your daughter should be fine.

    At least there is no moat along Loi Kroh. Use to be that all the bars catering to ex-pats were along the eastern moat.

    I don't know why people defend Loy Kroh, it's full of prostitutes, dangerous lady boys and degenerates in general and that's long before 4:00 am

    LOL laugh.png I bet Pedr from the Old Bell is Happy to hear that LOL

    For those reading this that dont know the poster above is a little off when the reality is there is a VERY SMALL splash of bars at the top of Loi Kroh that cater to the degenrates as he calls them however Loi Kroh also has some very decent business's which are well recommended to check out one is the Old Bell and another I can think of is the French restaurant Chez Marco

    The poster is probably a real boring guy and probably only been down Loi Kroh one time and was shocked at what he saw with his blinkers on rolleyes.gif


  10. Have to give Rob at Sausage king a shout out here because his breakfasts at the Sausage King Garden Restaurant ARE MASSIVE the full dogs <deleted> including Black pudding if you like it beans back bacon sausage eggs (cooked to perfection) hash browns, tomatoes toast, coffee or tea for

    99 Baht w00t.gif

    ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT DOUBT the best value and best breakfast in Chiang Mai and the price is just unbeatable.

    I travel on a regualr basis to Robs because you just cant beat the value since he also offers all his other meals at 99 -120 baht as well as fresh curries with Pila rice for 99 baht and his Thai food is cheaper than the roadside stalls

    I am trying to convince Rob to do a Sunday Carvery cos i am sure he would make a KILLING offering a choice of Roast Beef, Roast Chicken,Roast Lamb, Roast Pork and all the trimmings i for one would be a regular sunday visitor

    Wish I lived in San Sai I would eat there every day.sometimes you have to hunt for space to sit, since the word is out and he needs to expand already smile.png

    Keep up the good work Rob the value and portion sizes are amazing don't know how you do it, just don't stop clap2.gif


    Another plug for his best mate 41.gif

    Rob is not my best mate not by far but you cannot deny the value and quality of food he provides if you don't like it don't read it but wasting your time posting a totally stupid and pointless response shows just what a sad case you are


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  11. Have to give Rob at Sausage king a shout out here because his breakfasts at the Sausage King Garden Restaurant ARE MASSIVE the full dogs <deleted> including Black pudding if you like it beans back bacon sausage eggs (cooked to perfection) hash browns, tomatoes toast, coffee or tea for

    99 Baht w00t.gif

    ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT DOUBT the best value and best breakfast in Chiang Mai and the price is just unbeatable.

    I travel on a regualr basis to Robs because you just cant beat the value since he also offers all his other meals at 99 -120 baht as well as fresh curries with Pila rice for 99 baht and his Thai food is cheaper than the roadside stalls

    I am trying to convince Rob to do a Sunday Carvery cos i am sure he would make a KILLING offering a choice of Roast Beef, Roast Chicken,Roast Lamb, Roast Pork and all the trimmings i for one would be a regular sunday visitor

    Wish I lived in San Sai I would eat there every day.sometimes you have to hunt for space to sit, since the word is out and he needs to expand already :)

    Keep up the good work Rob the value and portion sizes are amazing don't know how you do it, just don't stop clap2.gif


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  12. Personally, I don't know if this little boy lived in the area or not. However, one has to ask why the army were in the area. Was it for ceremonial duties? Was it to help flooding as happened in 2011? Were they training for some future event? Such as crowd control? Surely that would be a police function. It sure is in my country.

    Or were they there to move a rabble from the streets, a gang of armed idiots who had already cause deaths, destruction and fear? And who were intent on going much further in their efforts to achieve their aims. Aims which originally included a demand for new elections, to which Abhisit said OK. Flushed with success, they decided that this wasn't enough, and set about the dismantling of any vestige of normality in Bangkok.

    Getting back to the little boy. If he lived in the area, then the red shirts brought their plague to his location and are thus responsible. If he came with the red shirts, they are equally responsible for his death. Let us look for the root causes of his untimely, sad demise, not only at the unhappy ending

    Absolute, shameless nonsense.

    The people who shot him are entirely responsible for their actions and ALL ( all the way up through the chain of command ) should be brought to court and have their day.

    It is nonsense to imply it's his fault for being there, in the same way that it is equally stupid for our dutch uncle to assert that the kid died because of lack of some sort parental control....

    He was shot by soldiers who were, or were not,under the full control of their officers, and if they were under the full control of their officers, then the officers too are accountable.

    A full enquiry is needed and it looks like it is going to happen.

    A first for Thailand that should be celebrated.

    A troll can be regarded by some as a thorn in the flesh, or maybe just a little prick. I know where I think you belong

    Sounds Like it is where you belong

  13. Its all BS and both sides as bad as the other but when innocent people are killed people have to be held responsible and in this case AV has to be bought to trial and be judged by his peers just as Thaksin was and YES i would be scared Mr AV

    I called it a crime at the time it was happening finally he is being bought to justice.


  14. where was the boy from and did he receive 500 baht to attend the rally?

    who funded the rally? who fueled the rally? who spawned the terror and

    threatened to burn down the city including Siriraj hospital?

    which soldier fired the shot and how can they prove it?

    how can someone that has no respect for Thai law or it's courts be using

    them for his own personal gain at again the expense of the Kingdom?

    disgusting what this government will allow in the name of personal gain and profit. bah.gif

    rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif Some people just cannot read the thread can they whistling.gif and if they could they would know the story of the boy who was an orphan with learning disabilites and had NOTHING TO DO WITH THE PROTESTS just an inncent bystander GUNNED down by the Militarys barrage of fire at a Van and stray bullets killed the poor kid

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  15. Growing up as a kid my Dad would always take time in October to make a New Christmas Pudding with all of us kids (4 of us) and it was from his great grans recipe (so very old) and he had a BIG BOWL and we mixed all the ingrediants in it and then we all had a go at strirring it 4 times for luck and then threw in a sixpence into the mixture.

    It was then packed into smaller bowls and covered in cheesecloth and then stored for a couple of years, we always had a couple of years of aged Christmas Puddings in storage and one of those old aged ones were picked for the coming Christmas.

    Mold was scraped from the top of the Christmas pudding and then it was Steamed for quite a few hours ready for dinner

    Best Christmas Pudding I ever ate, so RICH and moist you could only eat a very small portion but really delicious

    Sadly a custom that is now no longer continued within out family


  16. 1.5million is your budget?...... you will get nothing but a basic lump of concrete on a tiny plot of land in a noisy unpleasant Hood.

    Good Luck.....

    Total rubbish.

    For example, in certain parts of Hang Dong, near the police station, it is possible to buy a nice plot of land almost half a rai in size for about 400 to 500 thousand baht and have a fair sized home built that you can design yourself for approx 700 to 800 thousand baht, maybe cheaper depending on the quality of building materials used. That’s exactly what my wife’s cousin done who is married to an Irish guy, only 8 months ago and I very much don`t that the prices have increased since then.

    Avoid the rip-off farang priced real estate agents and those advertised in the classifieds, as most of them are well over priced.

    Once you find a desirable plot of land, it is always easy to find the local builders.

    Would love to find 1/2 rai for that amount even a Rai Cash sitting in the Bank smile.png I will have to take a drive around see if I can fine some land like that I am being quoted 4 Million for a Rai in Hang Dong and between 7-12000 baht per square Wah, this is calling the numbers on the for sale signs

    So anyone out there that has something like Beetle is on about PM me


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