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Posts posted by DiamondKing

  1. I am heading to PP this week and I just got an email from Mr Keo who said it now takes 4 days to get a visa issued instead of the usual 2 and that has now messed up my travel plans as by the time I get him my paperwork he wont be able to get it till MONDAY next week.

    So instead of being in PP for 4 days I will now have to be there for a week. and lose a flight as well as Air Asia no refund no change of ticket poss on the return leg.

    Ya gotta love thai BS


  2. Hey Guys

    I am booked to PP for a marriage visa and have a few questions

    1.) What EXACTLY do I need to take for a NON O based on Marriage and can I get a Multiple O visa or will it be a single

    2.) Any suggestions as to which hotel to stay preferably in the lively area close to everything ie food bars pool table

    3.) Getting from the Airport to the area whats the best most inexpensive way ??

    thank in advance


  3. If it were me and the noise was an issue then its simple


    I am sure Spicy is not going anywhere so best start addressing the issues best way you can and Double Glazing would take care of the noise issue.


    If they are literally next door to a nightclub, adjoining walls, I doubt double glazing will keep the thumping bass out.

    You're not an ex double glazing salesperson are you? Cold calling around dinner time on the off chance the recipient of call was desperate to to discuss their glazing requirements with a complete stranger while trying to feed their family mad.gif

    They are not next door they are several doors down plenty far away for DB to be effective.

    As to your other question nope biggrin.png

  4. If it were me and the noise was an issue then its simple


    I am sure Spicy is not going anywhere so best start addressing the issues best way you can and Double Glazing would take care of the noise issue.


  5. Pardon me for being ignorant, but should the goal not be returning them to the wild. This sounds more like a zoo where people with a guilt complex come to work.

    maybe you not too smart but if you read the thread it clearly states that animals have been abused attacked by dogs had limbs amputated how on earth are you going to return then to the wild.

    Additionally Gall Bladder bears that have been caged all their life and had their gall bladders drained for years on end stuck in a cage and then rescues how do you think that animal could be set free IMPOSSIBLE

    Many of these animals are destined to be caged the rest of there lives at least there they are loved and taken care of or were.


  6. Affirmation to Marry from the Consulate in CM, this needs to be translated into Thai (checking spelling of your names), then taken to the MFA for certification, (I think the MFA is also in CM, if not then BKK), then you can get legally married.

    Her ID card and Tambien baan

    What is the MFA and is there one in Chiang Mai and if so where is it located


  7. NEW DELHI was my old haunt the problem was Ravi was always off travelling and when he was away the place went to S#@T when he came back was back to being good but you never knew when he was going to be there so just went to somewhere else.

    If Ravi was there all the time the choice would be clear its all freshly cooked and tastes great but as with any other business when the boss it away for long periods of time his business suffers.


  8. Bollywood is the best in my opinion after eating at most of them in Chiang Mai, I used to like Royal India but filthy people, dirty place with stains on the tablecloth and it STINKS to high heaven and put you off your food before it even gets there, in fact I had to leave one time as the friend I took there started feeling ill because of the horrific smell .

    God knows that the kitchen looks like and food hygiene

    If they were cleaner and did something with the smell (I told the guy straight up its stinks and he should change his tablecloths to plastic covers which would be easier to keep clean but nothing changed except I never went back.

    So Spicy Bollywood is the place for me very tasty decent portions and friday nights is a good deal all you can eat buffet for 200 baht. Its located just past the old Spicey behind where the Jack Daniels Van is near the living room bar.


  9. 7. Last point (really). You will find it difficult now to get a multi entry 1 year non O visa from anywhere, including Hull. If you are married to a Thai and can provide the required documents...possibly...but not likely.

    Usually now, all they will give you is a 90 day single entry Non O visa at best...you can then exiend that at your local immigration office in Thailand.


    If you are married to a Thai you can DEFINITELY get a multi non imm O in Hull or KL as long as you have the correct documents and show 100k in a Thai bank in the case of KL.

    100K of Thai Baht ? isn't the requirement 400K ?

    Its only 400K for a year extension but 100K to get the O Visa based on Marriage to a thai

  10. But there is no need for prior visa or going to KL as you can convert to non immigrant visa entry within Thailand now at the normal 2,000 baht cost. But a throw away ticket, or a vacation trip within 30 days, may be required to make airline happy.

    What are you saying here ?

    Am I understanding that if I am here on 30 days entry I can get married then convert to a NON O visa while here in Thailand without having to leave ???


  11. Ok here goes

    Which one do I need to get

    O visa

    Marriage Visa

    Child support Visa

    Currently don't have a visa and an scheduled to go to Cambodia in 30 days time

    I have a 4 year old and live with my Thai family and am on the birth certificate but am not married but don't mind getting married

    I want to get a NON O (i guess) so if I get married this month can I get one of these in Cambodia and also it is possible to get a marriage visa on the same trip ??

    I hear somewhere that you need 100,000 in the bank to get the visa then 400,000 for an extension at years end is that correct.

    Just kinda need to know which is best to go for and ensure I have the right documents since I guess the wife and everyone is on a family members house book here in CM since they are originally from the south but now registered here in CM

    Any advice

    cheers in advance


  12. I'm sorry to see these type of things happening, but I have only been able to find information on one side of the story. does anyone have anything from the government's POV? Are they saying that they are taking the animals for any specific reason?

    They are saying the animals are being abused apparently which is ludicris because WFFT has a fantastic reputation for only doing good you can see just by the surroundings and the passionate people that this is ridiculous and after 12 years of taking in animals even from the DNP who sent them there animals to take care of when they confiscated them its clear they have pissed off the wrong people because this is the first time in 12 years they have had a issue.

    5 days of raids by armed masked military personal and Police

    They went away one day after a famous thai singer and actor was there and stood up for the sanctuary

    they are also raiding the ENP who jointly exposed the Elephant killings, (bit of a coincidence) for those that dont know the ENP is a Elephant rehabilitation center ran by a well known Thai lady called Nan who lives to help Elephants and works tirelessly to keep them off the streets.

    There are videos of all this on youtube and the book loads of paperwork on the animals is being ignored they don't want to look at it and are confiscating animals by the truckload without any regard for the well being of the animals.



    PS Apparently the HEAD OF THE DNP in bangkok knows nothing about the raids huh.png even when there was 60-100 Police DNP officials and Army personal

  13. A good preview of how these animals will now be cared for (or not as the case is) as this animal was confiscated it was captured with no regard for its health and as a result needed vetinary care which was DENIED by the DNP and it was taken anyway.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3NyL9hk3Fs&feature=channel (tried multiple times to embedd but not working)

    5 days of raids confiscating animals which had paperwork issued by the thai government all because the head of the WFFT exposed the killings of wild Elephants to steal there babies which are then sold to Elephant parks throughout thailand for up to 1 Million Baht so they can entertain tourists it is alleged that high ranking officials are involved and powerful thai businessmen, as a result of exposing these people the WFFT is now under attack from the DNP even though they have paperwork for all animals and even the DNP has given the WFFT animals to take care of as they do not have the facilities to do so humanely.

    Now all of a sudden they are confiscating hundreds of animals ignoring government issued paperwork licenses etc

    Just goes to show what happens when mess with there income however this has now gone VIRAL and thailand is in for some very bad press.


    PS a bit dramatic but remember these people take care of these animals daily and to have them treated like that without any regards to there current medical condition is wrong, many of these animals were taken in after being abused so many are in bad shape

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  14. I don't understand.

    Lot of hot air, but no link that works.

    You can't link directly to non-public facebook content.

    I think when the Elephant Nature Park is involved then some caution applies; they have a habit of making grandiose claims to drum up business. Doesn't mean that this event you're talking about isn't worth discussing, but you can only cry wolf so many times before people start applying grains of salt first.

    You might need to educate yourself before commenting Winnie as you are way off mark



  15. That is what you get for opening your mouth and speaking out here in Thailand unfortunatley those animals are now sentenced to death because I am sure they will not be taken care of as well as the WFFT took care of them just look at some of the videos to see they are already being abused and have not even left the facility as yet.

    If I was Mr Edwin i might have to arm myself or get some bodyguards cos he has obviously pissed off some very high up people.


  16. As I posted way back when this first went down

    He will never serve a day in a Thai Jail the UK will NEVER extradite him, all he has to do is show the picture of the Naked UK ex punk rock singer that was left to die in a Pattaya prison until Andrew Drummond reported on it and it turned out he just needed his meds but in the meanitme he was beaten and left to die chained to a Thai prison bars

    that picture alone will win the case for Aldhouse


  17. It was bound to happen sooner or later. Some people don't like being picked on by a mob and will retaliate. It's quite telling that there are four victims here and only two suspects.

    It seems to me like the usual situation where a mob attacked a couple of people but this time the mob lost the brawl.

    That's right. Blame the 'Thai mob'

    Read the story. The Irish returned to get their money back. The owner gave them their money. They weren't satisfied for some reason, caused more ruckus and assaulted two customers in the bar. Staff and motorcycle guys came to aid of bar owner. The Irish left. The bar was shut down and owner of bar takes two unidentified victims to hospital. The two farangs then returned to the bar and started the brawl with the 4 Thai guys who had probably forced them to leave after the money was refunded.

    Why don't you read the facts before posting?

    Whats wrong with you they got scammed and went back to get there money back and when they were refiused the bulleys tried to bully them and this time they picked on the wrong guys/

    If you are such a pussy that you will let them scam you then live with it thankfully these guys got the upper hand

    Nice to see it coming out the other way for a change

    Sorry they might be dealing with some bullshit


  18. Well I tell you, I have a Daughter and step daughter and NOBODY touches them not even their mother or grandmother, I dont allow any physical punishment of my kids, but it seems its a common occurance here in Thailand to beat your kids, and many a time I have had to control myself as I hear screams of the kids coming from my next door neibours, as the kids are screaming while being abused, but after my run in with the law and the WHACKED out result, I now stay well clear of any confrontation although its hard when you hear the distress a 5 year old is in and they dont stop.

    As sad as it is I have to close my doors and windows to deaden the noise of the screams and crying.


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