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Posts posted by DiamondKing

  1. Hopefully he has learned his Lesson just as I did

    DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE Only Idiots do it and deserve everything they get when they have a crash as in this case and in mine

    Dont sugar coat it and make it private tell it like it is I WAS AN IDIOT AND SO WAS MARCO

    Hopefully we both will be reminded every time we hobble around that its real dumb to drink and drive

    There may not be cops chasing down drink drivers or penalty fro driving drunk but you Pay one way or the other just be thankful like me that you did not Kill anyone Marco and only Hurt yourself.

    Good luck with your recovery


  2. This follows hard on the heels of the new "Miracle Thailand " campaign NOT !!

    The Miracle will be if he survives. so last week the top cop had a meeting with these thugs telling them no more tourist beatings and VOILA the next week a guys is beaten unconcious

    Whats it going to take before this stuff stops ? EVEN A TOURIST DEATH wont stop it I predict.

    Phuket is a place to avoid like the plague a den of thugs what with the Jet Skis and the Tuk Tuk drivers and regular tourist beatings


  3. A little common sense goes a long way, late at night.

    Those with any common sense know not to go out late at night :P Of course, I never heed my own advice :rolleyes:

    There are so many better places to go late night in CM, I just don't get the attraction of Spicy/Spice to so many farangs.

    Hoping to get a cut price hooker, I would imagine.

    I went the other night and the bits that U could remember :blink: its a lot brighter than the old spicey and don't smell like puke, I did not realize it had an upstairs :whistling: until my friend told me this morning just goes to show the condition I was in.


  4. I hope this thread will be a warning to any farang who want to marry a BG. B)

    Seeing as OP is a TV member, it is in all probability that he is married to a HiSo who has muliple degree's with at least 1 doctorate and whose family is well connected in Army/Goverment/Police/Immigration (tick the appropriate)..:whistling:

    Exactly what I was thinking


  5. Why dont you get her to agree to put the Pattaya house in your daughters name

    Not an option until the daughter can sign her own name.


    He can put his house in his Kids name I have a friend who did this with 3 homes each one in one of his kids names and they could not read or write and he eventually split and she was NOT HAPPY that she could no touch the homes although he was nice enough to let her live in one :)

    Anyway the quicker thailand enforce FRAUD laws the better, i remember seeing a US crime show of a casanova travelling across the states having wealthy women fall in love with him he lived off their money and eventually ended up in jail for 5 years for way less than what happens here


  6. Right now your in the driving seat and she will say anything, once you get to Thailand things will switch and she will be the one in the driving seat. She cannot legally sign anything over to you where land is concerned If I were you I would put the house and stuff up for sale while in the UK and have the papers signed by her via courier and do it from there.

    If you return to Thailand on her word she will do it all while here you are up S$#%T creek without a Paddle and while you are still entitled to 50% it will be a long slug getting it.

    The one positive thing is you are in the UK that is your only saving grace.


    P.S the car should be easy she just has to sign the book and a few papers from the transport place to anyone you know or trust or even to you although that might cause more problems if she acuses you when here or forcing her to sign it.

    I was thinking that as well. Back on her own turf things may change.

    Ideally she deserves some security too though.

    Well the security she has a nice new house in Issan :)


  7. "she will sign papers for me to give me the pattaya house and my car back."

    You can get the cars, but the land is not available for you to own legally, unless you form a Thai company to own it, which to me is just asking for troubles later on.

    If you don't have a home in LOS you might as well sell the vehicles, because you'll have nowhere to park them.

    i do not want the car i want the money for house and car i dont want anything only the money i have lost over the last while, if need be i will get her to sign some kind of document to enable me to live in the house in pattaya if i cannot own it r sell it. she is not getting 50-50 as it was all my money that bought everything.

    ive lost too much !!!

    Right now your in the driving seat and she will say anything, once you get to Thailand things will switch and she will be the one in the driving seat. She cannot legally sign anything over to you where land is concerned If I were you I would put the house and stuff up for sale while in the UK and have the papers signed by her via courier and do it from there.

    If you return to Thailand on her word she will do it all while here you are up S$#%T creek without a Paddle and while you are still entitled to 50% it will be a long slug getting it.

    The one positive thing is you are in the UK that is your only saving grace.


    P.S the car should be easy she just has to sign the book and a few papers from the transport place to anyone you know or trust or even to you although that might cause more problems if she acuses you when here or forcing her to sign it.

  8. The fight broke out in the early hours of August 1 allegedly after the two tourists refused to pay 1,000 baht in damages after one of them walked into a parked tuk-tuk.

    is it actually possible to do 1000 baht's worth of damage by walking into a tuk tuk? Somehow this seems to defy the laws of physics everywhere except Phuket.

    In the initial report it said it was Mini Buse drivers not Tuk Tuks

    Guess its changed now


  9. What's stopping the police arresting this guy under suspicion of murder just like they did with the farang guest house owner?

    I agree, but this is LOS so this professer have high placed friends whereas nobody care about the farang, sad but true.

    I hope they get his DNA one way or another so the poor girl's famlie can get some piece.

    They could easily get it if they wanted, the family could even hire a thai PI and get it very easily just to find out once and for all I dont think there is much chance that the Thai Police will push this too much its been 11 years already and if this guy was involved at that time all suspects should of been tested just like the farang owner whom i am sure willingly volunteered his DNA knowing he was innocent.

    I hope also the family get some sort of peace its been way too long already

  10. Hmmm, 'Respected member of the community' refuses DNA test. I think many will be tempted to draw their own conclusions, all that remains to be answered is how they decide to bury this case again, this time forever.

    Whats to stop someone following this guy and if he smokes and throws away a cigarette nub then just bag it and send it to the UK or a can of coke soda if he blows his nose there are many ways to get his DNA without him actually giving it as once he abandons these things ie empty glass, cigarette etc it anyone for the taking.

    Many cases have been solved that way.

    Might not be completely legal to prosecute but will certainly give the family some sort of relief showing if he is or is not the killer before having to wait another 11 years just to get the court order.

    Either way its by not voluntarily taking a DNA test it implies rightly or wrongly that he has something to hide by refusing a DNA test as any innocent person would be willing to freely give it knowing it would come back negative.

    Is this guy Thai or a Foreigner ???


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  11. i don't think the figures for other western Nationalities would be that much different. In an age of mass travel, there are still some people that really shouldn't!

    I guess Mr Asif Ahmad is going to come in for grief every time his name is mentioned for the foreseeable future, but for the record and having met him, he is a a former businessman who was a late entrant to the diplomatic service and was based at the FCO in London advising embassies throughout SEA. He earned his spurs in the field during the monk riots in Burma last year when Britain ended up without an ambassador when we really needed one and Mr. Ahmad was sent to fulfil the role.

    He is a typical diplomat - says nice things without ever promising anything. He is intelligent and articulate. As a Moslem Briton of I believe, Bangladeshi origin, he doesn't drink, though he seems to have no problem being in the company of those of us that do! He is a decent representative of modern Briton. Unlike our former ambassador, the hugely likeable, Mr Quentin Quayle, I would guess he is unlikely to quit and join Beer Chang!!!

    He's got a difficult job to do representing Britain - and especially Britons in Thailand and the sooner we can quit the 'Paki Bashing' stage and get on with supporting him the better for all of us!

    I have been informed that ""Mr. Ahmad and his wife have imposed a strict Muslim regime within the Embassy compound in Bangkok and British Breakfasts are served to guests with no pork products. When I challenged him about this, saying it was hardly British and why should he impose his strict Muslim minority values on us Brits he simply said "you better get used to it, nothing will change whilst I'm here" He's simply a career diplomat. Spent 14 years as a banker then joined the FCO, hopping up the career ladder at every available opportunity. He also knows how to ride the extreme political correctness wave to his every advantage"". That simply is not cricket old boy!

    Rubbish post,

    YEAH complete rubbish you cant call it an English Breakfast if it aint got Pork in it :lol:

    Thats a bit of Brit humor to those that are too uptight to read into it te real intent which is humor :D

  12. i don't think the figures for other western Nationalities would be that much different. In an age of mass travel, there are still some people that really shouldn't!

    I guess Mr Asif Ahmad is going to come in for grief every time his name is mentioned for the foreseeable future, but for the record and having met him, he is a a former businessman who was a late entrant to the diplomatic service and was based at the FCO in London advising embassies throughout SEA. He earned his spurs in the field during the monk riots in Burma last year when Britain ended up without an ambassador when we really needed one and Mr. Ahmad was sent to fulfil the role.

    He is a typical diplomat - says nice things without ever promising anything. He is intelligent and articulate. As a Moslem Briton of I believe, Bangladeshi origin, he doesn't drink, though he seems to have no problem being in the company of those of us that do! He is a decent representative of modern Briton. Unlike our former ambassador, the hugely likeable, Mr Quentin Quayle, I would guess he is unlikely to quit and join Beer Chang!!!

    He's got a difficult job to do representing Britain - and especially Britons in Thailand and the sooner we can quit the 'Paki Bashing' stage and get on with supporting him the better for all of us!

    To right! It's not the likes of Mr. Ahmad who make me ashamed to be British it's the racist slurs and digs that i regularly see on TV aimed at the poor man based solely on his origins and not his performance. Why these racist fools move to South East Asia to be surrounded by Asians is beyond me. Mind you they tend to be the same types who are constantly moaning about Thailand. All I can say is that this country has always treated me well.

    Sheesh Loosen up a bit its just alaff and I sure Mr Asif is a stand up chap but the truth is to many Brits its kinda strange having the head of a UK entitie named Asif Ahmed .

    You will never see it in a Muslim country so why so susprised people find it strange in the UK

    Anyway loosen up it was more of a laugh than a racist comment :blink: hell my wife is black LOL I cant be racist


  13. i don't think the figures for other western Nationalities would be that much different. In an age of mass travel, there are still some people that really shouldn't!

    I guess Mr Asif Ahmad is going to come in for grief every time his name is mentioned for the foreseeable future, but for the record and having met him, he is a a former businessman who was a late entrant to the diplomatic service and was based at the FCO in London advising embassies throughout SEA. He earned his spurs in the field during the monk riots in Burma last year when Britain ended up without an ambassador when we really needed one and Mr. Ahmad was sent to fulfil the role.

    He is a typical diplomat - says nice things without ever promising anything. He is intelligent and articulate. As a Moslem Briton of I believe, Bangladeshi origin, he doesn't drink, though he seems to have no problem being in the company of those of us that do! He is a decent representative of modern Briton. Unlike our former ambassador, the hugely likeable, Mr Quentin Quayle, I would guess he is unlikely to quit and join Beer Chang!!!

    He's got a difficult job to do representing Britain - and especially Britons in Thailand and the sooner we can quit the 'Paki Bashing' stage and get on with supporting him the better for all of us!

    I thought he was from Bangladesh :D

    Guess we will soon have a PM called Abdul Mohhamed Singh :blink:


    i thought he was from "Bradistan" !

    Or Birmengistan :D


  14. i don't think the figures for other western Nationalities would be that much different. In an age of mass travel, there are still some people that really shouldn't!

    I guess Mr Asif Ahmad is going to come in for grief every time his name is mentioned for the foreseeable future, but for the record and having met him, he is a a former businessman who was a late entrant to the diplomatic service and was based at the FCO in London advising embassies throughout SEA. He earned his spurs in the field during the monk riots in Burma last year when Britain ended up without an ambassador when we really needed one and Mr. Ahmad was sent to fulfil the role.

    He is a typical diplomat - says nice things without ever promising anything. He is intelligent and articulate. As a Moslem Briton of I believe, Bangladeshi origin, he doesn't drink, though he seems to have no problem being in the company of those of us that do! He is a decent representative of modern Briton. Unlike our former ambassador, the hugely likeable, Mr Quentin Quayle, I would guess he is unlikely to quit and join Beer Chang!!!

    He's got a difficult job to do representing Britain - and especially Britons in Thailand and the sooner we can quit the 'Paki Bashing' stage and get on with supporting him the better for all of us!

    I thought he was from Bangladesh :D

    Guess we will soon have a PM called Abdul Mohhamed Singh :blink:


  15. More funds for Brits in trouble abroad ! I wouldn't give those lovesick gullible Pom anything or atleast red flag their passport on returning home to the UK. Charge them interest on any rescue funds received as well.

    Well aint you a Jai dee kinda guy, lets hope you never need any help cause with an attitude like that you will get none.

    He happened to be suffering from mental illness and when treated properly, fed and bathed like any CIVILIZED country would of done , then treated for his Illness they would of found out as in this case, he was not vagrant and happened to be LOADED and had tons of money so was not a lovesick gullible Pom as you call him, and as for charging anyone, then the pictures posted here show very clearly who should really be charged for treating a sick person like an animal with no respect or dignity.


    Makes me sick

    rant over.


  16. Well that seems rather cheap and the next time I have an accident I will request to go the Rajivet instead of Ram where the cost of repairing my broken Leg (5 places) cracked hip cost me 380,000 baht so I would love to of only paid 150,000.

    one thing I will say this lady at her age has some serious rehab ahead of her I'm 18 months in and still aint right.

    I wish her the best


  17. i always carry a pocket knife on me. carrying one isn't premeditation of anything except having a handy tool in your pocket.

    But remembering you have a "handy tool" in your pocket when you leave your car to argue with someone, getting it out, opening it and then stabbing the victim multiple times isn't the action of a reasonable, level headed person.

    lol ya some guy actually sucker punched me in a nightclub a few months ago. i pinned him against the wall and started pounding his face. it didn't trigger in my mind that i should pull my knife. the police that responded probably wouldn't have been laughing about the farang that kicked the drunk dude's ass.

    The Florida anecdote is incomplete therefore useless.

    There are rules of engagement for citizens and law enforcement officers alike in North America that can be summarized to say that you may be in legal trouble trying to justify why you shot a person that was trying to get away, as in shot in the back, lying on the floor, or going out a door or window. Use of deadly force is reserved as a last resort in self-defense situations under the law. When it's necessary to apply deadly force, it is advisable as outlined in law enforcement training to release two rounds in quick succession since the target experiences physiological shock about 1.5 seconds after the first round impact, desensitizing the anatomy to subsequent rounds. Unless of course the wise decision has been made to use .45 caliber equipment that rarely leaves a target standing even when hit in an extremity. TMI, sorry.

    good infos. i remember a movie last year about a guy who shot a thief in the back on the way out of the house. he did time.

    After reading your posts you seem like a class act :huh:

  18. I have had two Thai female body guards. They were very observant. For the same reason females don't make good race car drivers they make great body guards. They observe everything all the time instead on focusing on one small area. My body guards could pick out any threat and steer me clear of the area even in a crowded mall or at a concert. And they never forget a face or a voice. Years later I would be reminded of this or that. I had completely forgotten. Not the ladies, minds of steel never erased. If the ladies run out of bullets they can throw a shoe with deadly accuracy. Since women who work together eventually get on the same monthly cycle (maybe this is an old wives tale) there might be a couple of days a month when it would be advisable to stay away from the PM and her staff at the risk of getting shot.

    No disrepect intended but who are you that you need a bodyguard ???? or even 2

    Plus I have to smile at the whole 12 kilo backpack LOL what happens if they come up against a Special Forces of any countrie that carrys considerably more than that but Miles and Miles I got my money whoever decides to plan an assault.

    Sorry but women are not cut out for some roles and I am not being Chauvanist just realist.


  19. They may not realize it now, but they will eventually.

    It is a sad day for Thailand.

    The People have Spoken NOW HOPEFULLY the BKK elite will listen but we all know the truth this is not over yet.

    I do have to say I told you so to all the Red shirt bashers I TOLD YOU SO the people not only spoke up they did it in Massive numbers


    Now let them get to work and if the yellows and the elite accept the choice of the people then just maybe we will have democracy in Thailand but I wont hold my breathe


  20. The 30 baht scheme sounds fine until you find that you need medical services outside your own province. Then it doesn't work. Doctors and Nurses will go where the pay is better too.

    Actually, it does work. All you need is authorization from a doctor in your province. I get authorization to see a specialist out-of-province. The specialist's hospital bills back to my province.

    Can someone explain exactly how this 30 baht system works I cant seem to get a straight anwer out of the missus


  21. you could tell a farang tourist policeman but that's a little like telling the toilet cleaner at the hospital about your in-growing toenail.

    As usual Loaded the drivel coming out your mouth is exactly that utter drivel, and shows you have no idea what you are talking about where the TP is concerned.

    FYI the people you are constantly slagging off are the ones on the front line fighting this sick problem and there are a couple of TP (farangs) who work undercover looking for PERVS but is good that you constantly slag them off as they leaves the perps thinking that they cant do anythng, when in fact these guys work with the UK police directly on these child cases and are contacted directly by the authorities for following those coming to Cm for the wrong purposes in conjunction with the thai TP.

    As for who to contact if you see something,obviously the identity of these guys needs to be retained but any PM to me will put you in contact with these guys if you have something that needs attention


  22. Before you can discuss or condemn what goes on, you have to first understand the cultural context in Thailand, and view the issue from a Thai rather than western standpoint. From what I see, young people having sex post puberty is not a big cultural taboo or seen as a problem by a lot of Thais, be it having sex with their peers or with older Thais. The age of consent is generally regarded as 15 and my Thai friends tell me many amusing stories of what they got up to as young teenagers, with no shame, embarrassment or remorse.

    You also have to understand the local sex industry (Thai - Thai) is a major economic driver in Thailand (and many places elsewhere in Asia) provided it is discreet, it is again not a major Taboo. In and around Chiang Mai there are many brothels of one type or another where young people provide sexual services to Thai customers. Not all are forced into it, some may have been trafficked from outside the country (Burma, Laos, China), some may have been sold by their parents, or kidnapped, but equally some are just school kids making some extra cash (often just to pay for drugs). This is big business and is run by the usual mafias where the game keepers are also the poachers, this isn't going to change any time soon. Anyone who thinks reporting activities to the local BIB will produce results doesn't understand the situation :whistling:

    Some rural Thais (especially hill tribe) also see their kids as their providers; sending them to actively get involved in the sex industry and send money home, or worse still simply selling them like the rice crop.

    The above may come as a shock, and maybe morally abhorrent and incomprehensible to many westerners, but, TIT and just the way things are.

    The problem comes when you insert western people and thinking into the above. Firstly, you have western pedophiles coming here to get, what is not available at home, and secondly, the "do gooders" who seek to impose western values on the situation. Some of which is good, some ill advised. Some "do gooders" then become part of the problem, e.g. setting up schools etc, where child abuse becomes part of the curriculum.

    In my opinion, the only way things will change is by a gradual process of educating the people, and removing the root causes which are poverty and corruption. Not something that will happen quickly in Thailand. Those who want to have some real long term effect would be better engaged in lobbying the Thai governmental bodies and Thai people for change than some forms of direct action we see.

    WOW so you call people who want to stamp out pedeophiles do gooders

    Interesting thought prospective

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