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Everything posted by sikishrory

  1. I used to just give her the wallet. Saved me pulling it out all the time or feeling like an ATM on legs. Also solves your problem. Don't try to understand it because there is no logic to be found.
  2. Yeh it's easy to sort out but the fact you even need to get a visa has always been the biggest turn off for me. The place is just as cool as Thailand of not better.
  3. Yeh and that's exactly what I have done. I've included a very similar reference to your point 3. Basically the same except missing the address. For example soi, street, mooban, province etc. This is the same "payment instruction message" as requested by the developer and is written in the contract that i need to include that same message. Which I've done. However my lawyer has contacted scb to enquire about what's needed to get this letter as he says it varies bank to bank which i can understand. However he's got back to me saying they want the complete residential address included which my overseas bank can't do and it doesn't fit in the reference field. Also it would be deviating from the message the contract says i need to follow exactly. So at the moment: My lawyer just refers me to my overseas bank. The developer - not really in their job description to sort out people's individual issues. Scb - i want to go and talk to them myself but can't get to the branch for a week due to work. This is probably the logical next step. I may get a different answer from them to the lawyer I'm hoping but if they really insist on a full address then I have no idea what the next step would be. I could try to "escalate" as you suggest which sounds nice in theory but that just means calling the manager over and talking to them instead. I'm not sure how i could escalate any higher than that.
  4. I forgot to mention I transferred from my overseas bank into my Thai account then to the developer account.
  5. I'm going out of my mind. I've transferred the first payment to the developer for the purchase of a condo. I included the exact payment instruction message that was requested in the contract. Meaning in the reference feild I have included "for the purchase of condo xxxx in xxxxx condominium project". After this my lawyer has gone to the bank to ask about getting the required Letter from the bank. Then he has come back to me saying the bank wants the full address somehow attached to the transaction (it doesn't fit in the reference field obviously). I contacted my overseas bank they are confused about this and never heard of anyone attaching a whole paragraph description to a transaction. When i mention this to lawyer he just says they (overseas bank) need to do it even though i clearly tell him that's not an option. So now I have already paid quote alot and have more payments due soon. In my brain worst case scenario is I lose all the money I've paid already because the developer has it and i can't get the required Letter. Really concerned but anytime i talk to lawyer or developer everyone seems pretty chilled like there's not even an issue. Starting to lose my patience a bit. So looking for any solution or someone familiar with this issue
  6. I had a driver with a tablet strapped to his sunshade. Doing about 130 from pattaya to bkk and he is buying line stickers through the shop. Really important stuff.
  7. I think scb will do the same soon. I logged into their crappy excuse for a website the other night and noticed it now suggests using the app
  8. I got nothing since 4th Feb. No response to this thread? Strange
  9. I always notice a place on the left in the alley before bkk hospital because it's a large area at up for testing with cones and stuff. I looked on maps. The place is called advance driving school Pattaya. They do cars and bikes. That's all i know.
  10. Thanks for the replies. So I simply transfer the funds from foreign currency into the receiving account where it will be converted to baht. Then I need to visit the bank only after the funds have arrived and request an FET form and that's it. Done? That's how I am understanding it? There was another thing called credit advice that was mentioned. What is it? Do I need it? I also thought it best to transfer the funds to my own account then disperse them as needed as it is a number of different payments. Yet my legal advisor said in this case it would be better to deposit directly. I feel like then I will be unable to get the FET which is needed. Also i'm not sure I will be able to see the converted figure anywhere as it's not my account. I will ask the bank tomorrow.
  11. I'm having trouble understanding the steps involved. Particularly in regards to the documents and who gets them and when and what they are. I've heard of FET and "credit advice". At the moment I know I need to transfer the cash to a developers local account. But I don't know if I need to contact the local bank first or get any documents prior or what the process is to get those documents after. I have heard that should I want to move these funds back out of Thailand in the future then I would need to produce some kind of document from when they were originally transferred into Thailand. I believe the developer may also require some of these documents for their records. I asked the developer and my legal advisor but everyone is pretty chill about it and not really giving me the answers i'm looking for, which is basically the process step by step. It seems important and I don't want to screw it up.
  12. Apparently if u honk your horn to let others know your running the red it is ok
  13. Yeh they basically do nothing and expect 1 months rent as payment for bringing a generic contract to a signing and not much else
  14. I recently paid a reservation fee for an off plan condo. The due diligence report came back stating there was a risk due to low company capital of just 6 million thai baht. There was also an issue of the last financial report not being lodged apparently due to waiting for some transactions to finalise first. They have since pointed out that they have a much larger company with 100 million capital, which seems to be correct and they reference it as related across their marketing however on paper it is actually not the actual development company in charge of the project. Despite them saying the smaller company is "under" the much larger company I don't think it makes any legal difference. Can anyone share some figures of what the development companies capital was in projects that they have been a part of. Thanks
  15. This is why I think it's important to change or add an extra door lock. The question is this may not be allowed in every condominium. Most buildings I have stayed the office also keep a set of keys. Given how miserable and difficult some of the staff are i'm not entirely comfortable with it. If you add for example a yale elctronic lock that adds another layer of security that should keep condo staff out. They use an extra keycard and also a pin code. I also bought a camera to switch on while i'm not home. I think most cases nobody going to go through your room but if they get a dislike for you then maybe. There was a case of this happening a few years ago in Pattaya except police were involved.
  16. My understanding is legal if the building has a hotel license. I've stayed in a number of different condos. Some operating without hotel licenses that still very obviously had daily rentals walking in and out past huge signs saying "THIS IS NOT A HOTEL" and what they're doing is illegal. However they walk right past reception who couldn't care less. Then I have stayed in condos that also have a hotel license and rooms are rented out daily or long term with no issues. There tends to be more tourists in these condos and they care less about making noise or showing respect. There's a number of property management companies that can manage the cleaning and daily rentals of rooms.
  17. I guess people use them so they don't have to do it themselves. I think the term "agents" is a bit loose. To me an agent should have an office with email etc. However I noticed it's normally just some Thai Jo Blow with no office or business. So if there are any problems yo're normally stuck chatting in Line hoping they will reply because you wouldn't even know really who they are or where to find them. I met some chick on Tinder about a year ago. She was something like 21 and living in Issan with no job and not much education. I saw she moved to Phuket and was into the Party scene. Then I was surpised to see her listing 2 properties on Facebook groups for rent as an agent. I think agents are ok as long as they have a shopfront and some kind of business
  18. These teachers and school staff seem to have no fear of retribution from parents. If anyone did that too my kid it would be strike first ask questions later. Not being a hero but I would've thought that a natural reaction from any parent when anyone physically harms your child?
  19. Yeh forget about going to the mall. Lazada little china scanner a couple hundred baht and then fobs n cards cost nothing. Some people need a lot of copies because they lose them a lot.
  20. This bed stuff is all overly complicated in Thailand. Even buying doonas and stuff. Whatever happened to just king queen single double etc? Why are they selling bedding in feet when the only country hanging on to this old system is America? English schools more often than not teach USA English rather than proper English. Really weird. I should know better by now than trying to understand the logic.
  21. Oh forgot to mention ais doesn't require the purchase of roaming packages to recieve the sms. But it may take a small fee, I've never checked. That's why i keep the credit there and also to extend validity of the sim.
  22. Never had an issue. I try to do deny location permission to the apps. When i leave Thailand i apparatus keep 1000 baht credit on my phone. On occasion they require sms authorisation. I just turn on the thai sim. Using ais the sms always comes through. That's using scb and kasikorn. Bkk app i didn't use for a long time and can't remember. Because bkk bank sucks.
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