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Everything posted by sikishrory

  1. Whaddaya mean? Bars in patong have been open for weeks. Is this the Twilight zone?
  2. So it's basically just the usual rip off the farang guys only this time they might have to actually do something as it might affect the Thais and their hotels. That must suck for them.
  3. I'm so tired of reading about this rubbish. If this is the less dangerous but more transmissive variant isn't it a good opportunity to let it loose and let people get some real antibodies. At 1% death rate or something covid is already low death rate so this must be less than 1%. It's been 2 years of lockdowns, dead businesses, suicides, travel bans unemployment and there is still covid in the world. Time to live with it. Look at any aussie news website like abc or nine and most of the stories on the home pages are covid. Stop jamming it down our throats and let's get on with life.
  4. I heard someone taking on the radio years ago about shooting them into space
  5. Different logic i guess. Any "man" who needs to run off and grab a 2 foot machete to take on an unarmed guy relaxing having a beer is clearly a coward. I just find it frustrating that this seems to be a common trait amongst the local men. But different cultures I guess
  6. Ok. I thought quarantine was not required anymore if you're vaxxed. Travelling anywhere is to complicated these days.
  7. What if you stay in your own rented condo as opposed to hotel?
  8. This is Thailand - Lots of stations actually have a functioning Facebook page but you would have to search in Thai to find them.
  9. Last i saw was girls still working in the bars but behind the shutters doing livestreams of nothing at all so guys can buy them drinks from behind a computer. Really weird. After a walk around Pattaya last week I'm not sure that is even still happening. Place is a wasteland. Nothing much happening at all.
  10. Everyone's tastes are quite different. I remember the bellas that closed down. I used to prefer it to grottino but would still go to grottinos. Now i find myself going to grottinos. It ain't perfect but it's not bad and the service is good. I find it hard to find a good pizza in Pattaya. My top pick is IO Italian osteria in terminal 21 but they are not thin. Pizza big - the pizzas are indeed thin but i stopped going after being served brown pesto. Bellas other restaurant is nothing compared to the soi 33 one imo. I had one there the other night where the base was cooked but the toppings weren't and cheese was barely melted. As if a precooked base was stuck under a grill for a minute to melt the cheese and appear cooked. I threw half away. There is fusillos in naklua 18 which is very thin and pretty decent but i find too expensive (eg, extra salami 120฿). Doms pizza is ok. Grab deliver it but it's a bit further away so i don't order it too much. There's others but yea not much that stands out as being good enough to definitively recommend. IO is the best taste but it's Roman style similar to the asok bts shop and definitely not thin.
  11. Can't share a beer with couple of mates - but standing shoulder to shoulder in a packed market buying flyblown meat sitting in the sun Okkkkkk
  12. "fears" from who exactly. Everyone i talk to is fed up with it all.
  13. you scan the QR with your mobile banking app. Sometimes the QR will automatically set the price in the app for you and sometimes you need to key in the amount yourself. Sometimes the sellers machine will notify them the transaction went through and sometimes you need to let them see on your phone and they often take a photo. Also you may need to select where the funds come from account or your card.
  14. Electronic payment in Thailand is improving but still annoys the <deleted> out of me they don't know how to tap cards. For example in Australia you can just tap and go for most small purchases or if a bit bigger you need to key in the PIN. I have the latest debit cards from scb and kasikorn both of which you are supposed to be able to tap on the machine and walk away. However for whatever reason only 1 girl ever did it this way. Normally if I give card they will swipe it then I have to key in the pin and sign. They even do this on tap compatible machines. I told one girl to just tap it and she said "wifi cannot" whatever that means. The fact some places need to have like 5 machines sitting around is also weird. As for QR I use it often only because paying with the card is more of a pain than it needs to be. This seems to have become a preferred method in Thailand for some reason. Again it seems a little sketchy. Needing to show your phone where they often take a picture. It's not really a seamless system. I have seen on a few occasions people getting annoyed being asked to show their phones after they already quit the payment app. I don't know why they just can't use a simple tap and go system or a system that actually verifies the transaction for them rather than "hey mister you show me phone". As for makro they only accept cash or mobile payment in my experience which is another pain in the butt I just needed to get that all off my chest. Thanks
  15. Thai basil/horapa Or one of the dry or saucy packet mixes.
  16. I feel like Thais just can't grasp the basics of using a roundabout. Every time I see one in Thailand it's chaos. Sometimes blocked from going around with a barricade. It's such a simple thing. Never seen any other country make it so complicated.
  17. What annoys me from a motorcyclist perspective Pulling out onto the road ignoring oncoming traffic. Cars driving 20km/h in the far left motorbike lane. Cars using up 2 or 3 lanes to go around a corner. Road lanes that suddenly turn into U-turn lanes out of nowhere forcing you to change
  18. Oh cool another document to say i've had a vaccine. It's almost as if proving you've had a vaccine is more important than the vaccine itself
  19. I remember a number of years ago i went to take back the router as requested. Had me sitting like 20 mins in a not very busy shop. I ended up leaving it in the waiting area and walking out. The called me a few days later saying i needed to return it. I said i did. He seemed like he wanted to question about it but didn't have the confidence in speaking so gave up and i never heard anything about it again. It's not only true but the amount of process and papers and talking rubbish to do quick simple tasks is crazy. Even buying a coffee in their coffee shops is painful. Make invoice, lut in little folder with pen. Sign etc. For a simple tap and go card that is not even a credit card
  20. I had to dig up an old login code to get all the old info back. Not the pin but there is another number. I find it weird that to pay through a card it has to go through some middleman service for an extra fee with unknown security and data policy. Seems like every time you want to pay online here there's systems in place for everyone to get a few extra baht out of you for no reason whatsoever.
  21. Fennel leaf as we know them in the West are not used in Thai food. The original untranslated text on the website is bai yeerah ใบยี่หร่า. They actually spelt it wrong with ห after the ใบ. This is actually Ocimum gratissimum leaf. For some reason it is commonly translated as cumin leaf on menus in Thailand. A spicy leaf often used in southern curries. It's really delicious used in this way and transforms the flavour of the curry. I had a gaeng dai pla แกงไตปลา awhile ago with cumin leaf and it's probably the best curry I have had. I assume the Thai "yeerah" word comes from the Indian "jeera" for cumin. Cumin is closely related with fennel which is why it is often confused I think. It's all a bit confusing but that's what it is anyway https://medthai.com/ยี่หร่า/
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